Well, i finally got it, and my internet wasn't working too well, so i didn't really get the chance to look at any tutorials, so this was just a test run... Looked lighter in Ps for some reason. If any one has some good starter tutorials, please link.
Son of a *****, that's cheap. Who will I fight with in GIMP now? I guess you'll have to change your name to LOCK.psd
Sometimes the internet gives away free codes. Edit: Lock's first photoshop, and it's a discussion, and not a CnC. As far as I'm concerned, this is probably one of your worst. Add more effects and shiz. Try the shiny topaz button.
Well, I know a great tutorial site that teaches all of the advanced techniques in Photoshop, but not necessarily for sig-making. All of the advanced techniques carry over though. I reccomend Free Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Fireworks, Bridge, and Golive Video Tutorials :: Welcome to Tutvid.com. It is a great website, and uses the latest Photoshop (CS4) and all the old ones back to CS1. Edit: The sig is really nice. I like the smudging, it is very well done. One thing that I notice, though, is that the area between her head and her shoulder on the left is a little blocky, possibly from resizing. I would get out the blur tool and turn the opacity down and lightly go over that area to make it smoother.
Yeah, it always does. Protip: Right click anywhere on the gray background around your canvas to change the color of the background. (I have it set so that my options are: white, black, gray. I do this so when making an image, I can quickly scroll through and see how it will look on all different types of backgrounds) About the sig: It's good for a first timer. I suggest you make some custom preset smudge brushes (I made and used one on my current signature) and use those to make some cool smudge effects.
um... Not exactly sure how to do that, could you link me to something, or just point me in the right direction. I didn't buy it Well, how can it be my worst, if it is my first... Im not done with gimp, i'm still going to be using it for SOTW and what not. Well, at least until i become more familiar with Ps.
Well, don't you understand that i am working with a totally new software, obviously its going to be worse than some of my most recent works from Gimp.
This tutorial is for PS 7.0, but I think all the steps are the same in CS3/CS4 (dunno which you have). If you run into a problem, message me. http://www.idigitalemotion.com/tutorials/guest/custombrush/custombrush.html
thats hard to do without doing something...... Anyway, are Frag man and I the only regulars here using gimp? Wait, I left people out, but you get my point right?
I glimpsed at your avatar for just a second and had to do a double take. I thought it was a ***** at first.