Sandbox Ameliorate

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Brodellsky, May 17, 2009.

  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I actually did not Budget Glitch the map, however I did hit the OLN. And about the cover, the map is made more for vehicles than Infantry, and if I added more cover, the vehicles would have a very hard time maneuvering and the map would be simply, cluttered.

    Word of advice, do not play on BR start. There are 8 BRs on the map as it is, which is plenty. Playing on AR start is playing on the way the map was intended to be played, and is thereby much more fun. And honestly, with the Flag Spawn at Red, chances are the Sniper won't even be there, so it's not that big of a deal.

    And with the "stray fins", they were actually placed strategically, look at the overview once more, and you may see it, you may not. And please, don't contradict yourself saying the map is so great, and then telling me why you hate it at the same time. That bothered me just a bit.
  2. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i really like all the asthetic pleasing stucture,but how much does the hornet effect gameplay if one team take all the power weapons that destoy the hornet?
  3. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Its pretty much domination, in that case. But it's for that reason that this map ends up becoming extremely competitive.
  4. JIF or PNUT

    JIF or PNUT Ancient
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    Feature? This map is incredible! I love the different but balanced bases the most, It will definitely be one of the ones I play when hosting some Custom Games. Keep up the great work.
  5. Chicago Jagwire

    Chicago Jagwire Ancient
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    Great map, I got the chance to DL last night and I really liked the set up. Only suggestion I would make is to put the Spartan Laser where the Trip mine is right now. Since the Spartan Laser is such a significant weapon in the map when dealing with the various vehicles putting it down low would make for more intense battles to control it.
  6. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    I like this map a lot, but it feels like it could use a little more work. The weapon list is a little heavy handed on power weapons, with it being so open it feels like the sniper gets a lot of kills. Also the forging is a little sloppy in parts (in the blue base the quarter walls merged with the upright ramps to make doors etc.) over all i like the idea, but i think it could use some tweeks.
  7. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    So because I merged Quarter walls to make doors the Forging is sloppy? That makes no sense at all.
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No... just no. You obviously did not play the map so you have no idea how gameplay goes. The heavy weapon set plays very nicely... especially with a lot of people in the game (6v6 - 8v8). There are a lot of vehicles on the map so you need a heavy weapon set to balance it out... otherwise it would be a ginormous vehicle battle and that's never fun.

    And what you said about the forging being sloppy makes no sense whatsoever.

    Oh and @ Jagwire: The Spartan Laser works very nicely where it because it is a little bit harder to get to than if you had it where the trip mine is. And the trip mine is already an anti-vehicular piece of equipment so...
    #28 AceOfSpades, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  9. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    HaloMike: ChAoTiC has made a very good map here, which I have purposely played many times, and I don't agree with you about his forging being sloppy. His interlocking is very good, and some of those curves can be very difficult to pull off successfully. If you've ever played any of the (Map) Heavies in MM, you'll realise what this map was geared towards. Sniper does not rack up insane amounts of kills, as many players use vehicles, and it is difficult to consistently snipe players out of them. As far as I know, the quarter walls are there to better control Line-of-Sight into and out of the base.
  10. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Thank you, at least someone understands. At least I know you have actually played the map. I'm getting kinda tired of people judging maps before they even play them.

    I'm debating whether or not I should make a v1.1. Reason being, I don't want to lose all the downloads I have for the map. However, there are a few small changes I want to make, so I'm not entirely sure what I should do. The question is will the updates outweigh the loss of all the downloads this map has gotten?
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I remember playing this a few weeks back. **** was pretty fun.
  12. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Hey this is a good map, the trip mine is the middle is not needed by any means though, also this isn't budget glitched is it? **edit, you say you didn't budget glitch this, but I did notice certain parts of the map being laggy, most budget glitched maps are laggy as hell.

    But for a review, you had some very awesome ideas for this map, and the interlocking is very detailed very smooth. What I love about maps like this is, they play great which is a must, but it is also really smooth and give you a feeling that your not just playing a map variant from Sandbox.

    When it comes to user created maps I'm very cynical but yours is one I'm keeping on my HD to get some real 6v6 testing done.

    By the way the person taking about cover, if you felt bad about BRing someone the teams are obviously not even close to being even. They are called Killzones and most good maps have them, Ex. Standoff, Valhalla, Last Resort, Rats Nest, see what I'm saying. You dont need COVER everywhere like most people think, and thats why there are some many "ClutterFucked" maps that suck, see what I'm saying, this map shouldn't and isn't like that.
    #32 luckeas, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  13. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Just as a little update, I have just about finished a v1.1 for this map. I should have it up later tonight with all of the changes listed.
  14. Whero Michael

    Whero Michael Ancient
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    Alright after this comment, I've played a few more games...and the lag has shown up less and been less of an annoyance so I believe you about the budget glitching thing. The Fins I've seen actually ARE well placed in accordance to th lines of sight, ive found that when on foot, but driving around they just seem kinda thrown there, lol but its no problem.

    I think your solution to the flag/sniper thing is pretty lazy though. "the sniper probably wont be there" is dumb, i mean in general I dont think a gun should be on top of an objective. I mean the Maulers not humping the bomb on The Pit right so that wole Flag area is pretty narrow, to walk there chances are that you could fall off in the hecticness of being shot at, and thatp pannening is never good wit the flag. A flags location should be open, defendable etc. An easy open place to walk around you know. the place you have is more narrow and cant be defended from as many areas compared with if it was moved to a nice open area of the base, like the lower middle, a little in front of the grav lift. (i really like the subtle geomerging by the way too, in most of the places i have seen on th map)its just something with me you know, about those flag locations....not a real issue I guess but in the games I play I have moved it, myabe in your games it works well in the other location

    By the way, I wasnt contradicting myself....its called a review
    I never used the word hate either, idk where you got that from hehe

    anyway BR games are still pretty great cuz this map is REALLY open, do you still do ar start games? its just for me as soon as the game starts theres so much openness you know, and you can see someone across the map in just a few seconds its like there screaming to be shot lol but you cant do that with an AR, and with like 3 brs to a base....its not enough

    Although I played a Rockets game on this which was pretty amazing, like you said ffa is great, overall great map that you just have to know how to work with
    #34 Whero Michael, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I'm just finishing up a v1.1 and I addressed a few of the problems that people were having. However, send me a message on Live if you want to help me out and go through through it and give me your feedback and I will gladly change what needs to be changed.

    And about the Flag Spawn, I checked it out and there was enough distance between the Sniper and The Flag Spawn. I will move the Spawn if enough people have a problem with it though.
  16. Whero Michael

    Whero Michael Ancient
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    Yea I saw that, I'm still waiting for the list of the v1.1 changed. have you put this through Atlas yet?
  17. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I am still not entirely finished with the v1.1 yet, but its on my fileshare just so people can check it out and provide feedback. And no, I want to perfect it before even thinking about Atlas.
  18. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Looks great. Seems smooth. I just don't like how there are soo many power weapons. Other than that nice job.
  19. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    theres not that many power weps......what r u smokin lol...

    ANyway yea I saw this map on Bnet, then I watched the video for it on youtube, great map this MOOSE KACA (lol youll get it if u watch the vid) is great

    even though it is pretty open

    the tunnel/mountain idea is great and the killball is great for idiot Hornet drivers LOL
  20. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Version 1.1 has been added to the OP. Download, tell me what you think, and we'll see about a v1.2. But as of right now, I don't think a new version will be necessary. And Pictures of the changes are coming soon.

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