Tribulance (New update)tribulance is an 2-8 player ffa map on sandbox. recommended gametypes are koth, oddball, and slayer. (Update features no overshields or invisibility for less overpowered games). weapons 2x spiker 2x smg 2x pla rifle 1x brute shot 1x br 6x plasma grenades 1x shot gun no clips 1x overshield 1x sword 1x invisibility screenshotsOver view red side blue side Download - : Halo 3 File Details v1.1 made by unsighted milk tested by Dr. will smith, sham kapow, hardcorera88it, coman664, cookiemonstaman.
This looks really good artistically and i bet it plays really well. I have got it qued for download. good job
I really like how you did the smooth rounded corners of this map. This looks like it could be a decent FFA map, the only thing I dont really like about it is some of the weapon placement. For example the sword and invis are right on top of each other and the shotgun and OS are right next to each other. I think you should spread them out a little bit more. But that is just my opinion, overall it looks good.
this map looks really good indeed, I cant w8 to get on this tonight with some friends but until then, i can only comment on the looks and its aesthetic genious. It looks great 4.5/5
the rounded walls look amazing the only thing i would do is that the active camo and the sword are in the exact same spot thats pretty overpowered
The Shotgun is next to the Overshield. The Sword is next to the Active Camo. WAY too over powered mate. Get rid of Either Camo or Overshield. Then, give the sword 1 clip. The sword will then counter the shotgun, and the overshield will give one the edge, and then it's even. I will download this when i can a grab a game on it, and then i will see if I have accually spoken wrong. But the way most maps work out, is the way i've said above. Otherwise, the Map geometry is amazing, and I love it.
Wow , i love the curved walls, think you should make them smoother thou because i reckon you could easily change it love it thou.
I played on it and you can improve greatly in one area,gameplay.While I was crushing the opponents I never could easily get around.There was a wall in front of me at every turn.So in a possible v2 you could put gameplay before asethics.Overall the map is not very average and guys please play on teh amp before you comment on it.
Shotgun with OS and sword with AC i think u should change that cuz first off it would cause ppl to be in both places most of the time and its not fair cause theyre a loaded spot ppl will be there alot and when they get the weapon and powerup they will get all the kills. U should change it in a V2
Thanks, im def gonna fix that in a v2, when i get enough time to free it up. and GT: Old Rumple, ready fixed that...