You guys are posting at a good rate, just try to post ONE at a time and this is a message to everyone. Nice work on the signature, add some lighting and smudge the gun in a bit more, maybe some text?
hm...I don't mind doing more than one, just not more than like 4 or 5 in an hour, thats a little over bearing.
Yeah well the orange and red patches mess up the flow, also the black one, just saw it. Also whats up with the wierd thing that goes over his face and like horizontal from the top of his head, I want to call it smudgy, but thats not it....Anway, I would have used paler colors all round, expecialy on the text, it stands out a little to much. Another thing is how the lines abrutly stop and start. Well, I like the pop out effect, but you forgot a part of the shadow (Neddle on the nose) I like everything else tho, very unique K, well it's kinda just stuck out there, but the light patches are pretty cool. BUt the bottoms dark patchs go against the flow that the light patches show. However, the colors are very nice.
photoshop cs3 i was just messin about with some renders and i thought this looked good but id like to know what you think
V2 of my F-35 sig. I added the needle to the shadow, but I think it makes it look weird... What do you think?
Nice work on this one dude, I personally love the overall theme and the way you put it together, you might have my vote so far. Colours might need some fixing, it's really dark too, try to add more light to it and also stick with a more smooth colour scheme, instead of jumping from pink to orange. Wow! Very nice work Juggernaut, good depth good colours, seemed a little dark on the right side though, try to bring the lighting a little more to the center above the car.
Well, its a very large canvas. Large canvases don't normally turn out well when done by beginners. The c4d's stand out waaaay to much. The render doesn't match the bg, or the text. The render is just stuck on top of everthing and has no blending or depth. Well, the peace signs and music notes lines are staircasey. and the lines that are under them disrupt the flow or vise versa. now the render seems to just sig there on top. And is kinda blurry and lq. Also the text is kinda hard to read and the border is distracting.
HELLS! I MISSED YOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! Haha, I've gotten better btw! Add me on msn: Oh and I'm not breaking posting rules: I know left side is ****ed up but it creates depth. Ok that's the only defense I have for it. I'll probably make like a V5... (Yeah, there are 4 other versions ;p -- This would be V3)
Holy crap, nice work, I already gave you CnC, on MSN, and great improvement on your text. Yo ZCT, I don't want to make you feel bad, but I don't really remember you . But it's great to see you remember me lol. Oh and about your sig.. Pretty good job on the signature, the one thing I don't really think fits is the fleur de lis which kinda just stands out in the middle of the signature, if you moved it around that would be pretty sweet, maybe more into the signature or on the left side more. As for the render blending you did a great job, but the one little bit I thought was hard to take in was that the Dark Prince is in a very bright signature, nice work over all though.
Woah, no one has posted here in 2 days! Anyway, here is my latest sig... I was going to use this in the 2v2 contest, but decided against it because I am rather dissatisfied with it... What do you think? Good? Bad?
i dont know how good this is, and im not sure how well the text works im not very good at choosing text for me sigs