Here are my latest screenshots. They aren't amazing but I like 'em. =) Anyways please comment, rate, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!! Also please let me know which is your favorite so I can get a feel for which is the overall better shot. I'd like to thank Leeumm for helping me with some effects and giving me an excellent screenshot map! Enraged ^This is the effect I was talking about Leeumm!^ Devour Identity
Sorry, but the second one takes it all man. Looks very very, colorful. Almost as if you're in deep water. It's puzzling me on how you did it, great job!
Wow I think your first one is pretty awesome trailing behind is your second with that blue effect. Awesome!!
The second one is freaking epic man. I have no idea how you managed that, but I'm in love with it. The other two are good, the first especially, but the second is just phenomenal. Fantastic work, and thanks for the credit. =)
Haha so you guys like the blue one huh? It was actually an EXTREMELY hard shot to get!! Its hard to find, you have to have it paused on the perfect frame, and getting it lined up takes a little bit too. If any of you would like I could attempt to explain how to do it in a PM, however I don't think I'll be able to describe it very well. No problem Leeumm, you deserve some credit! =) Yeah I like that effect too, surprisingly this shot wasn't actually staged. This was the guest I was using to throw grenades and stuff at my guy. I think I might redo this shot while actually trying to do it so that it looks better, but I'm glad you liked it! =)
These are nice! I especially like the last one, like a Metalic Cheif. 9.5/10 for the last one, 8.7/10 for the whole set.
Agreed. My only thought is that I think it would look way cooler with a different weapon. Either the Sniper or a BR.
Enraged should be called like "Bombshell" since it looks like the spartan is being burnt while falling. And identity is an ugly effect. "Oooo it changed the visor color!!!!" not that cool. I like the second watery one, very nice job on that.