K, well me and Hells wrote and did this just for fun. Hope you like, first one is mine, second one is Hells. We alternated lines starting with me ending with him, and then a final note.
Hmmm... Idk if it's a typography but it'd make one hell of a motivational poster (The non ridiculous kind). Is it original?
Completely we too at least two hours writing the thing...I even had to redo lines because I thought they were quotes, the last one of mine still bugs me...Although it was fun seeing what both of us could bring to the table
I'm particularly fond of the My actions AFFECT every {one/thing/day line... Great job guys. Yours is a bit more difficult to read though. Hells' is easier on the eyes and the straight across is easier to make sense of. If Hells' incorporated the line I mentioned it would be the ****...
Thanks that's my fave line too, I also like Hells' better, but he likes mine better, calls it more artsy...
Oh quit trying to flatter her. There are times when you need to be honest to yourself. Anyhow, is this an actual poem, or did you guys make it up?
This ain't typography, this just a bunch of words. Typography is like using a collection of wards to form a shape, that shape being a number or a letter. But, it is rather well written, and I guess it's an art, so good job!
Seriously, I don't want to 'banter', can't I just say that I like something better? Unless you want to argue then lets debate about something else where.
I meant criticism for the poem. Seriously, I wonder why the world keeps getting dumber. Anywho, I can't exactly argue/debate about that anywhere. However, I CAN prove you wrong.
Banter means to argue as well buddy, and in your context it seemed like thats what you were saying. Anyways, prove me wrong about what?
Why would say "Ah, so you're the ones who receive the banter?" in my post, and mean it as an argument? Do you seriously have to ask that?
Not always, but usually. You can banter back and forth, but sometimes its just a friendly convo. Although Frag could have picked a better word.
Stop arguing, bantering, bickering, whatever you want to call it. Just, stop. I'm never here anymore, but when I go to the GnA section I always see this three-way argument about one topic or another that slowly winds its way in no particularly constructive direction. Really, why can't you guys drop whatever it is you have going on?
Wow, they are great. Especially since you made it all up. I still like the lines from Mass Effect "Every action sends ripples across the galaxy" and "An idea must touch another's mind for it to live" lol. I've been playing it recently.