With all the money you'll be saving by not building an ENORMOUS wall around it in the crypt, or placing a floor in the sky bubble, this could be a great remake.
I don't know if Backwash will be able to be pulled off well in forge. Forge is a great tool, but it's not that great. Good luck though, I'll be interested to see how this turns out.
The reason why backwash won't work well is because 1) there are hills in the map so those are basically impossible to work out 2) the bases aren't even with the ground, they go down into the ground at a slant so that will be hard to recreate. But good luck with it anyway. I hope you get it to play well.
It won't work... the hills acted as a form of cover in Backwash.....as well as trees and whatnot. Trees cannot be remade well either, columns just don't do it. The map as a whole is too organic to look good when Forged. Good luck, but I don't think this will work.
Trees can be remade, but they're far too intricate and cost too much money to do well. There are some pretty small objects, and interlocked arches don't look too bad, maybe small ramps as roots?
Well, see it as a non-exact remake of the map. Like Blackout and Lockout. Same lay-out, different look. What is it with people always wanting a remake to be the exact same, including looks? Not agressive, just wondering. Before this message gets misinterpreted as an attack and reported. It's happened before Think of it as Backwash far into the future: What was left has turned to stone, and people dug it up. Something simple like that.
unfortunately, like any map on the mid-level, people will just go up on the dunes and BR/snipe and ruin the entire feel of the map. no matter how accurate you make it, douchebags will ruin it. good luck though, obviously you cant do an "exact" remake, but if you can get the gameplay to feel the same, kudos.
About the trees. They can be remade, as far as how they effect the map. I guess. But the point I'm trying to say is, the whole feel of Backwash was how it was organic. If it's stone, it won't have the same feel. Keep going on it, it could be good, who knows, but it's a bit worse than lockout vs blackout. Again, keep going.