with what? how would i know if it looks good or not, what looks god to me might not look good to everyone else?
;l, everything i read, and ask about blending, they say you smudge the outside area of the render, to help blend it., then ashit load of layers and gradient **** and all that.
Well they're idiots. Because it doesn't work in an anti-smudge signature. And that barely helps anyways.
Haha... I may have something for you... I'll edit this post in a sec. Edit: Works w/ smudging and C4d's http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/31899-dragonball-z-sig-tut.html http://lordterraxxii.deviantart.com/art/Killers-Sig-tut-123581256 More advanced... Works with C4d's and filters. http://lordterraxxii.deviantart.com/art/Snow-Tutorial-123573499
Gradient maps are easier than they look. All you have to do is duplicate the current layer, adjust your gradient tool to whatever colors you want, and use the gradient map. Then take the layer you used it on, and set the layer to different settings.
The one next to the bucket fill. The gradient map is different though. Only apply it after your gradient tool is set. Colors>Map>Gradient Map