Hey Forge Hub and welcome to my second map post. I made this map a while ago (well before the Mythic map pack) and was proud of it, so after some tweaks and cleaning up, I decided to post it. Enigma is a puzzle map (with one or two agility obstacles thrown in there) . It is made on Foundry and whilst it includes both geomerging and interlocking, it is not aesthetically pleasing, I focused on the puzzle itself (and I ran out of budget)! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, I am aware of at least one spot that is breakable, but I've run out of budget and it should be obvious that it's not the right way so please employ an honor rule here! Pics! And so it begins... Damn grav-lift! Teleporters... Where now? Caged in... Another grav-lift? These aren't all of the puzzles in the map! Thanks for taking a look, I hope you enjoy it and remember - this was my first puzzle map and it was made quite a while before I even joined Forge Hub! This is intended for one player! Download MAP Download GAMETYPE
Dl'd and played as you said with one person, as you said. I do not think the pictures do it justice. Very fun, not one of those puzzles which are impossible but one which you get a sense of achievement from and you want to do again. Was failry hard but didnt take too long which is what i look for in puzzles 5/5
Looks challenging yet fun and if the comment above then very well done. I will dl and check it out for myself and edit my post later.
Thanks, I aimed to not make it so hard that the only way you could possibly find the way through is by luck, I wanted it to be, as you said, fairly hard but still very do-able. I'm glad I've achieved this.
I tested this with the OP, and trust me this map is just as one comment put it, hard but acheiveable and it is not one of those puzzles which you get bored of because its too difficult or its just too boring. The map is well made, and the puzzle ideas are great, he had me muddled and I still cant do one bit to date, but thats at the very end. 5/5 from me for the puzzle ideas and the hardwork i know you put into this one!
Judging by the comments, it sounds like a very fun map. I can't really test it until my 360 gets back from repairs, but I'm certainly planning on DLing it. =)
this map is amazing and just as the other comments have said, it is fairly hard but very achievable and very fun indeed! I think I went through it about 10 times showing my friends lol! Anyway 5/5 from me!