Ever wanted to be able to move twice as fast in forge? Apparently we could the whole time. Okay, I don't know if anybody has already said this before, but I found a way to move almost twice as fast in forge. I could get across the skybubble in about ten seconds. You have to hold RB and LT at the same time. RB propels you up, so you also need to look diagonally down so you don't hit the top of the barrier. This can be really useful to cut off a some minutes in forging.
I think some people already know this like me i already knew this but yet it may be helpful to some people.
yep knew it already, figured everyone did.. if i remember correctly you can do the same with LB and LT.
You can even go faster if you put a face the opposite way you want to go, spawn a grav lift and face it towards you, and hold LT and back on it.
Sorry, but this is pretty well-known. I put it in my first vid: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRBJk11bblY[/media]
i think that everyone on this planet who plays halo knows about this..... except for one of my friends.
just look down and press LT which is good too. Quit bashing this guy for posting a tip even if everyone knows it...
I like your idea best. But you still have to fly over there and thats were the double buttons come in. But really guys leave this poor human alone its not nice to insult others he might get upset, come to your game, delete all your spawns but one, put a kill ball on it, then kill you! < Cruel trick! NEW TOPIC: Does anyone know how to suicide bomb in forge?
OR, you could save a canvas that already has a 2 Way on it! WOAH! Lol, that's what I use. Just put a double box in the center of the Skybubble and put a tele on it. It also helps because you can be automatically centered in the Skybubble without having to redo it every time.