So I'm curious, how many custom games do we all have total? I have 4700 according to I will try to add them all up as people post. Number does not have to be exact. CURRENT TOTAL: 134,003 Dow: 4700 Bluejayfan94: 3500 Xanon: 4700 aMoeba: 3800 AmercanPsycho: 3900 Kidbomber: 4500 DMM White: 4500 x DREAM 76 x: 11,000 meltyourtv: 2800 alienman911: 1200 4v3ry: 4500 What's A Scope?: 6500 moltenslowa: 5800 Nicksternator: 1700 Speed-e-cake: 6100 Something.: 8700 Seaboro Kibbles: 8600 ScarecrowXavier: 3 HC DeathRoll43: 8300 Kronos001: 8200 Insane54: 9800 The Official Y35: 2900 FireFox 919: 1000 Undead Fanatic: 5700 eguitarplaya33: 2900 HaterSkater15: 1600 Spartan7371: 4700 TheDom: 1100 Flying Dice: 1300 EDIT: I AM NO LONGER KEEPING UP WITH THIS. I HAVE 3 PERM INFRACTIONS SO I COULD BE BANNED AT ANY TIME.
Recorded online games: 4500. I usually forge and test my maps offline but if you do exclude the ones which aren't actual games, just forge or me messing around on my own (in Halo 3, for those of you with dirty minds) then its probably at least 4000. ...thats a lot.
Is this according to Halo 3 or My in-game record says something like 2200. On it says I have 6531.
I have 6131 Customs on, but like 2200 on Halo 3, so does that mean Bungie counts Forge games as Customs, but only on If so, that's a lot of Save and Quits!
I have 8299 total custom games. But on Halo 3 I have around 5700 customs. (That's on my service record on Halo)