Ok, so I've been making T-shirts for a while now and this company is now buying my designs and selling them in their store and I'm making some money. Good for me, since I'm a tad too lazy to open up a company myself. And I be poor haha. Here's quite a few of them. Just give me some comments, critiques, whatever floats your boats, on them. I'd just like to know what you think. I'm considering helping the company go online too. Anyways: Some of the current favorites are the baby blue robot one and the skull with red background. Whatcha think? UPDATE:
I really like the city with the roots and the lady liberty one... Kinda abstract but u make it work. Great job!
If you could design some metal head stuff I might go ahead and buy some shirts lmao . Great work dude, simply outstanding.
I like them all except for the Vector rainbow ones. It seems they were done on paint. Try duplicating the layers and blurr the 2nd duplicate. Anything to give it more depth.
Dude! those are uber amazing awesomeness.......I love the skul with orange background Edit- could you send my the render you use for the t-shirts like the white outline
I like the black one with the circle rainbow things...there should be different color schemes for that one though. What company is this? I want to buy one of your shirts and take a picture of me wearing one with skinny jeans and crocs!
WOW. Good for you. My fav's the 2nd last one with white vine. I wanna buy some of these, can you link my to company site please?
Well, like I said. The company isn't online yet, but I'm going to see what I can do for ya'll. Glad ya'll like them. I'll keep you updated on whether the site goes online and shipping, etc. I'll probably keep this thread updated with new designs too. Thanks for all the support!
Can you post a visitor message for me when that happens? I garuntee I will forget about this thread if you don't. Thanks!
Threadless? And I was joking about requests. I might do request if they are more general, but I can't really do specific one.
You ought to do a tiger one to match the panda. Or maybe other animals. Zebras, lions, etc. I really love the panda one. =D
Is that enjoi panda on the first one? im skater so i like that one and i would also wear that tree one too. btw skulls are getting kind of boring with almost every store having a skull t-shirt. I wear skulls i got like 3 of them but thats all im gonna get. lol im wearing ben fraklin with half faced skull right now