Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    It actually does make sense, you're indirectly describing Pascal's Wager.
  2. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I recently learned that our brains are hard wired to want to believe in something that we can't explain and don't have proof for. It is part of our evolution and brain development. It has been passed down to us from evolution. That is why we feel a need to believe in, let's say, god.. Learning this has only reinforced my belief that the whole thing is a lie and most people are just along for the ride because they know no other way.
  3. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Even a process as simple and powerful as evolution has it's quirks.

    Richard Dawkin's elaborates...

    As Richard Dawkin's has already spoken of the past, i'll speak of the future. As a species, throughout time we have been getting smarter. Natural selection has been weeding out the humans too impulsive to resist the red berries, so to speak, and overall i'd say our genetics are favorable to those of the past. Atheism is on the rise, and with the absence of the "tribal elder" children will either grow up in homes of Atheists/ Agnostics or reach the conclusion of Atheism/ Agnosticism themselves due to the lessened presence of the church, or their increased brain function.
  4. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    That's not what i'm saying, and instead of being an elitist tool and saying "Re-read my post", or insulting you, i'll explain why.

    In this day and age we don't live with a "tribal elder", belief isn't forced down children's throats (In a typical environment, I feel for the children who are essentially brainwashed). Because we live much more safely now, belief in the unproven as a by-product of not being able to separate good advice from bad advice is less common. I did say that increased intelligence may lead to increased odds of someone rejecting religion. It follows that as someone becomes more intelligent they begin to accept science more, as science is founded on knowledge and logic, and of course, the ratio of Scientists that deny the existence of god is much greater than that of an average sample of people. This is mostly because of the scientific theories of evolution and the big-bang which are a HUGE part of Atheism.

    I'm not saying that theists are less evolved, but I do believe Atheism tends to attract intelligent people. If there was any way I could say that without it sounding rude, I would. You obviously think i'm an idiot for being an Atheist, but only because my views oppose yours, and for that I am not sorry.
  5. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    They kind of do. Evolution explains how humans got here, the big-bang explains how matter got here. Both things that the bible claims god did. Not only is that a huge hole in the bible, but there is really nothing left unexplained by science that the bible claims to know.

    Please act civil, i'm not antagonizing or insulting you, please refrain from doing so to me.
  6. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    So where did the first piece of matter come from?
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Just curious but does EVERYTHING other than god need a beginning?
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    That's not the purpose of my question. I ask it because you can't explain where the first piece of matter came from, yet he just said that's what the Big Bang does.
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    At the beginning of the big bang, the universe was compact with energy of an incomprehensibly high temperature. Eventually it got cool enough for matter to form due to the decay of photons into particles an antiparticles (which for the most part eliminated one another, but some particles survived due to particle-antiparticle asymmetry). E=mc^2 shows us how Energy can become matter, and seeing as how the big bang had an insanely large amount of energy, it was enough to make even bigger particles, such as protons (which are at the heart of every atom). Hence, matter.

    In a theist's eyes, that's a yes. They were never going to answer that. I may as well.
    #1609 Transhuman Plus, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    So where did this immense amount of energy come from?

    God is the only thing that has no beginning and no end. In heaven there is no time. Imagine a world where what you do is now. You may not even have a memory or what we humans know about "memories". You do realize that everything that's to our knowledge is because we live and are accustomed to it. As children we learn to talk, walk and even act. We adjust ourselves to the Earthly manor and it's laws. Did you ever think that I might be something totally different than you? I might have 5 arms and I might see the world in all green, and maybe my dog is actually a talking penguin. My brain could be making false images of everything I "see". The truth is we don't know what's outside our realms of our small and somewhat insignificant lives. Do you think cavemen really believed that there was such thing as zero gravity. That you could actually float in mid-air?

    You're following everything by the rules and laws of our lives. Nobody knows what's really out there.

    So, to conclude, you don't really know Julius Caesar existed (as I've been saying). I tried relating something that's "believable" to you guys, saying a crazy communist could have ruined history. Julius Caesar is just as "existent" as God is to you guys. So saying humanity made the story of the Bible up could be true, but it all comes down to faith. So do you believe Adam, Eve, Abel, Cain, Noah, Lot, Melchizekek, Moses Ishmael, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Esau, Rachel, Laban, Joseph, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Mathew, Zechariah, Elizabeth, John the Babtist, Mary, Martha, Peter, James, John, Thomas, Judas Iscariot, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus Caiaphas, Mark, Lude, John or Paul? Not even mentioning the billions of Christians who have passed the word from these people?

    You decide.
  11. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I do believe in both views, one from a scientific standpoint and that there is a higher being. I don't want to call him god but I do believe that, in some sense, there's a plan for our past, present, and future and everything is pre-determined and it's in the vision of something with a higher power (cause it makes the most sense to me personally). I don't know what to call this thing but I cant call him god because I do not believe what the christians do (as well as the jews, the muslims, the catholics....ect...).
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Who's to say it came from anywhere? Could it have always existed?
  13. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    That's what I'm asking you. We can't really explain God because he's not matter or energy, but we can use logic to say he doesn't have a beginning because he's God and what proof we have (the Bible) says he's eternal.

    However its different for matter because its something that exists in our uni/multiverse so there must be a reasoning for it. We can't explain the inexplicable, but we can clearly explain what we see and notice.
  14. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    The bible is not proof of god. Not until you prove that god influenced the authors can it carry any weight in our debates.
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    And yet you still miss the point. I NEVER stated God existed by using proof from the Bible, I used the Bible as proof to say one of God's attributes. You're a fool to think the Bible isn't proof of anything.

    Darwin wasn't influenced by macro evolution - therefore its false.
    You can't prove Darwin was influenced by any type of evolution. He could have just been told by someone else who knew about mutations.

    Point being, what you're saying is an absolutely horrid argument. You can apply the same thing to almost every book in history, and saying the book that invented a religion can't be used to define that religion's attributes is absolutely ludicrous and foolish of you.
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    ...And now everybody seemed to just ignore my post...

  17. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You can't prove anything.
    For all you know, you could wake up within an hour and this could all have been a really long dream.
  18. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    It's possible that the energy came from the power of the last big crunch (assuming the cyclic model of the universe is correct).

    God existing as neither matter or energy ISN'T LOGICAL. Your proof is essentially "He's god, he doesn't need proof".
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    This is really what I've been saying all along:

    Do you have proof that Julius Caesar lived? If you don't believe in God, then you don't believe Julius Caesar lived because there isn't enough information to support his existence. Sure he has textbooks, but so does God...

    He's God, he DOES NOT need proof... and neither does Julius Caesar, in your case.
    #1619 Monolith, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  20. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'm not saying "because he's God, he needs no proof."

    If you read what I had said, you would have noticed I said "because he's not matter/time/energy and the only book in the universe that talks about him says he's eternal we can give him that attribute."

    Now can you please care to explain where in there I said God exists?
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