A lot of people have dreams of going pro, and there are infinite gamers who aspire to reach the next level, and put in countless hours of playing time to do so. This however will only get you so far. With so many people trying to be the best, what can you do to get above the rest of the pack? If you play against someone who is as equally talented as you, what will happen? What determines who will be able to take their game to the next level? What can you do that will give you the edge to overcome any opponent? Here are 5 things you can do to make yourself a better player, without even touching your controller. 1) Get enough sleep It doesn't matter how good you played yesterday, or how high you placed at Meadows in 08, if you are tired you will not be able to play up to your full potential. Getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night (going to sleep as close to 12 Midnight as possible) will ensure you're as rested as possible and allow you to perform up to your full potential. Being as aware as possible is key to playing on top of your game, and if you are tired and groggy you will not be able to do this. While energy drinks may give you a small kick, getting enough sleep is ultimately what will give you the energy you need. 2) Stay in shape What happens when you're 25 minutes into a Pit Flag game, and your neck starts getting sore? Your fingers moisten with sweat, and feel your controller slowly slipping out of your grasp? Your knees begin to buckle under the weight of your elbows, and an ache creeps up your back. If you're concentrating more on how tired you feel, you'll spend less time focusing on the game which will cause you to do worse. Simple exercises such as walking your dog, going to the store to pick up some groceries, or playing basketball for an hour or so with your friends are all great ways to increase your endurance and ensure you will be able to game comfortably. Staying in shape keeps your brain sharp as well, so being active is a great way to improve your game. 3) Eat healthy Eating Sour Patch Kids and energy drinks only works for a short burst of energy, and will eventually bring you down near the end of a tournament. Eating healthy both during tournaments and while not even thinking about playing Halo is not only good for you, but will also help you play better. The healthier your brain is, the better decisions you will make which can easily determine the outcome of a game. Eat vegetables and fruits as much as possible, as they are good for your body and will help you play better. 4) Wash your hands This might seem weird, but I've found it helps me play a lot better. This gets all the junk off your hands, and helps keep your controller clean which can help you save money because it lasts longer. It's important to find out if you play better using hot, warm, or cold water because it makes a difference. Washing your hands not only cleans them off, but also gets blood pumping through them which helps you warm up so you can reach your pinnacle performance as soon as possible. 5) Take breaks from Halo While you might want to play Halo whenever you can, don't. Playing 10-12 hours a day not only isn't good for your health, but also will cause you to play sloppy. The longer you game for, the less aware you become and you'll notice you begin to make small mistakes that get worse as you play. Sometimes I'll take a quick 10 minute break and get something to eat, but occasionally I won't play for a few days which is good as well. It completely gets your mind off Halo and helps get rid of bad habits you might have recently picked up on while you were playing. In conclusion, keep in mind these 5 tips and you will notice yourself playing better without even playing. Get enough sleep and stay in shape. Eat healthy, wash your hands, and don't play Halo too much and you will notice a significant difference in how well you play.
You seem to have spent alot of time waffling on about how clean hands and a healthy diet help you with halo. I can understand that this will affect halo slightly if you play seriously but for people like me who spend most of their time on halo doing infection and forging, nothing on here really seems relevent, sorry but to alot of people you've probably just wasted time.
You can also do what myself and others I've seen do and use fingerless (or full fingered) gloves, so the controller doesn't slip out of your hands, or you feel slippery.
6. Finger exercises. Twiddle your thumbs for about two hours/day. 7. Improve reaction time. Stand in a field of floating items (leaves, insects, dust, feathers, etc.) and grab them all. Persistence is clutch. The quicker the better. 8. Eye-training. Move your eyes left-right for a minute and then up-down for a minute. Spin them in circles. Go cross-eyed. Don't blink one full day. 9. Change team call-outs to single syllables. Bagh! Blarg! Blech! Dour! DONG! ****! Dool! You can increase team awareness quicker. MUN-DA-TRI-POO is two enemies, the one on the right one-shot, bottom-middle, both with one gernade left and one with a half clip br loaded and the other with 2x shots left on his snipe clip for my team's call-outs, for example. 10. Practice superstitions. Sleep with your controller under your pillow. Remove the rumble pack. Ogre spin at each spawn. Drive yourself crazy during every game with neurotic twitches.
The scary thing is... it actually works! And I posted this in the MLG Discussion forum, not the Forge Discussion forum, so people who are into MLG and are looking for ways to get better benefit. If I ever find ways to get better at Forging, I'll be sure to post it in the Forge Discussion forums. I also submitted this article to be posted at MLGinsider.com, where literally everyone enjoys MLG and will be glad to read it. It wasn't in anyway a waste of time.
No ****. Don't post remarks about it not helping you while your in an MLG discussion and don't even play MLG.
Let's all put down our controllers and do some aerobics! These are all things that will make you happier, granted, but I doubt it will actually improve your playing ability. ASlthough I'll definitely wash my hands more often. You know that crack that runs down either side of your controller? Put your fingernail in there and push the dirst out. It's disgusting isn't it? It could be **** or blood or stuff like that down there...
If you're taking Halo very seriously, looking to practice set amounts and put time in to getting better, then I would say that this stuff helps. The MLG pros are always binding on about how much aspects outside of Halo (health, sleep patterns, diet etc.) will affect your game. But if you're not taking it in that direction in the first place, then this stuff probably won't be that useful, since it's a step above putting in the time in the first place. Basically, I see your point dude, and for most people I'd agree wholeheartedly, but if you're taking it quite seriously and putting in the time and dedication to pursue Halo as a sport, then this stuff can be the difference that will make or break an important game or series.
you could also add that you shouldn't play in a bad mood. Anyways, GET THE ROCKY MUSIC ON FOR MY GAMING PREPARATION!!!
What the hell? I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure there's no way **** or blood got in my controller. I usually do that stuff before playing Xbox.
You should rename this the guide to being pro at life . But in all seriousness, it makes sense, even though it is common sense