Thanks, heat. The reasons rockets are where they are is to promote movement to and around the claw. We didn't want people to be able to get on top of it because it would dominate, and that would've been one of the major draws for it. So we decided to put the only really effective anti-vehicle weapon there to promote movement. Personally, I wanted to expand on the claw, but what we have now should be alright, unless tests prove otherwise.
Sweet, as long as the mongooses' spawn rates are at 3/4 of the rockets spawn then it should be fine. On another note; Does one team have an advantage to getting ghost?
In asymmetric gametypes, blue team definitely gets to ghost much faster. It practically spawns in blue base. In symmetric gametypes, based on starting zones, it should be a very intense fight for the ghost, but it shouldn't be happening that one team gets ghost every time. This is what the tests are meant to determine. Note: I haven't run any tests yet as I have been busy with homework and practicing for a massive hike that will span over 10 days. I will run when I have a chance, just remember to add Cerberus Beast as a friend if you want to test.
it looks great! pm me when you need it tested! my gt is ewren3 if you ever wanna invite me to some customs
Cool, just from what I can tell from the pictures either it will take longer for blue to get there or they'll have a lot more cover for the fight over it. I'll be sure to add you
Do you have yours posted yet? If anyone wants to test, we will most likely be holding final testing over the weekend and either Cerberus or I will create a official testing thread to have everyone sign up. We have both run a couple of tests and will be tweaking some things that have been brought up from those tests. Look out for the testing thread sometime this week.