From the Bungie Weekly Update: 05/22/09 June is just around the corner and that of course means we've got a matchmaking update in the works. So you'll know exactly what you can expect once June's update rolls out sometime next month, we've brought Shishka online and asked him to deliver all the juicy details. He obliged. Read on to learn about the June update in our matchmaking maestro's own words. "Oh god, it's back." For those of you that missed out on the Halo 2 version, Action Sack is a social playlist that explores the darker recesses of the Halo Sandbox. You will find little in the ways of parity between Action Sack and the current full time playlists. Action Sack is a unique beast designed with the social gamer in mind. If you come to Action Sack expecting serious business, you'll probably leave a frustrated mess of a human being. To drive the point home, the playlist is social (so you will not see a TrueSkill™ rating), and worth zero EXP. There is no such thing as a General in Action Sack, so you can put those spare controllers away. Or better yet, maybe have some friends sit down in front of them. Action Sack is a 4v4 playlist that you can join with friends and guests. The gametypes are...not normal. Some of them approach normalcy, but many are like walking into Crazy Town at crazy hour. What kind of gametypes are in Action Sack? Well, let's take a look at a few of the gametypes you will find... Halo 3 Gametypes You've Probably Played Before Team Rockets Team Slayer. Players spawn with Rocket Launchers. First team to 50 points wins. 10 minute match time limit. Team Fiesta Team Slayer. Players spawn with random primary and secondary weapons. Ammo is finite (as opposed to the FFA version). First team to 50 points wins. 10 minute match time limit. Stab-Out Team Slayer. Players spawn with Energy Swords. Highest score after four rounds wins. Players have three lives each. Three minutes per round. Halo 2 Action Sack Classics Ninja Assault 1 Bomb Assault. Bomb Carrier active camo and moves quickly, but is weak. Highest score after four rounds wins. 3 minute round time limit. 2 Flag Shottys Capture the Flag. Players spawn with Shotguns, but no energy shields. First team to three flag captures wins. 12 minute match time limit. Pit of Joy Team King of the Hill. Players spawn with Energy Swords and 4x Overshields. Static Hill. First team to 150 points wins. 10 minute match time limit. New Contenders for The Clowntown Crown Pit of Lies Team King of the Hill. Players lose one point per second while standing in the hill, but gain two points for killing a player while in the hill. Outside of the hill, players do 0% damage. Inside the hill, players do 200% damage and have 50% damage resistance. Hill moves once every minute. First team to 10 points wins. 10 minute match time limit. Tug of War Team Slayer. Players spawn with Battle Rifles. Points are gained by killing opponents, but lost by dying. Bonus points are awarded for killing sprees or eliminations. First team to 25 points wins. 10 minute match time limit. Run for Cover One Sided VIP Escort on a specialized Sandbox map. The VIP team spawns on the ground level with plasma pistols, and cannot damage their opponents. Points are awarded every time the VIP reaches an escort point, but are docked every time the VIP dies. Next VIP is chosen at random. Anti-VIP team spawns in the sky bubble with Sniper Rifles and Spartan Lasers, and are attempting to stop the VIP and lower the VIP team's score as much as possible. When the VIPs escorts are nearby, they take on his color (gold) and their move speed increases. Team Sumo Territories. Players spawn with gravity hammers and are invincible. Teams ride into the single territory on warthogs and must knock their opponents out of the ring. Highest score after 7 rounds wins.
Run for Cover sounds like a more organsied, upside down version of Hobo Heights. Sounds like a great playlist, missing a few gametypes though: Golden Showers Phantum Pistols on Waterworks
Hmm looks like someone is on their period Its been so long since I played Halo 2 I remember seeing this playlist but I dont remember ANY of the gametypes haha
*sigh* Would someone else care to explain? I really can't be bothered. Put simply: Phantom Pistols on Waterworks - everyone is invisible, has a weak weapon and its a huge map. A terrible gametype. Golden Showers - really high shields with sentinal beams and plasma pistols. Another bad gametype, nobody really gets any kills. Yes, its a joke. I implied that these bad gametypes should be in matchmaking. Perhaps this joke will be more appealing to those of you who listen to the Bungie Podcast but has been ruined by this post having to explain it. Unfortunatly, some people don't realise jokes don't have to be followed by "lol", "j/k" or :haha:
This is for the june update. Thank god bungie didnt make snipers mythic like they did team slayer. And SADFACE objective is getting retired!!
Aww I loved getting rampages on objective. Koth on pit or odd ball on gaurdian = +40 K2D Anyway the new maps look fun and now you won't get as many obnoxious people getting all their controllers on to boost since theirs no exp only people who really want to play will join unless they have no idea and think they do. I looked at all the gametypes and they all look quite fun.
I think its good with no exp. you will be playing with people who want to play a good game and not just players who want to boost and screw everything up. I think itll keep alot of unwanted players out of it and good fun people playing
Well said, it's not the mini-game playlist that I wanted, but still, it'll be fun playing not-so-serious games. Just in time for summer
nothing will beat storm on collosus (needlers and sentinal beams) or sun king on midship( hill was bottom middle and you had rockets and no shields).
I never played this in halo 2 but it looks absolutely EPIC. i am really looking forward to actionsack in june except my xbox is broken :C
Phantom Pistols on Waterworks was unbeatable. I still play a variant of that on Sandtrap and it is soooooo fun.
Does anyone know how long this will go for. Ive had redring for about two weeks now so im just wanderin if ill be able to play these.