Necrubis- City of the Dead

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mander, May 23, 2009.

  1. Mander

    Senior Member

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    This Thread has been updated with the Final Version of Necrubis as of May 25/ 09

    Download Necrubis Here

    Download Pandemic Gametype Here

    Gametype is not necessary. This map will work well with all infection gametypes.
    Necrubis - City of the Dead

    Necr comes from the Greek word "Necro" which means dead.

    Ubis is derived from the latin word "Urbis" meaning city.

    The City of the Dead- Necrubis was once a thriving, well-liked underground city known for its beautiful architecture and rich structures of gold and stone. Complete with a mall, tower, gas station, weapons shop, convience store, warehouse, and residential area, Necrubis was fastly becoming popular. The city was built underground to protect it's inhabitants from the dual suns that scorch the planet's surface above, but it's location led to it's downfall as the local water supply became contaminated with an infectuos virus which rendered it's victims with insanity and bloodlust. Quickly the city became abandoned as the outbreak of the the virus overan the citizens with fear. You are part of the group that got left behind- will you beable to survive until evac arrives for you, will you beable to kill off all the infected completely, or will you perish in the effort?

    Horror flick fans, your ultimate map has arrived. Much of my inspiration for this urban-themed map came from the greatest zombie movies out there- "Dawn of the Dead" (2004 version), and "28 Days Later". I recreated the mall where they take refuge in "Dawn of the Dead" and also recreated the tower from 28 Days Later where the survivors meet the father and daughter and there's a barricade of shopping carts at the bottom of the staircase.

    Another great and unique feature about this map is that almost all the weapons are located in the weapons shop.
    Now before you think "Oh great this map is just going to be a major campfest with everbody in the armory", this layout actually prevents camping. How? Well, first off, the weapons shop is a horrible place to camp- the zombies can easily enter it through multiple ways. The best places to make your stand will probably be in the mall or the tower. So what does this mean? It means that you and your friends will have to go on "Ammo Runs" where a group or you will have to run down the street, covering eachother's backs to get to the weapons shop and grab some quality weapons.
    The "Ammo Run"

    The only other weapons on the map are an assualt rifle and a magnum located in the mall's security room, and those won't help much. There is some useful equipment in the mall and tower such as radar jammers, flares, and deployable covers but they can only delay your doom.

    There are two ways you can win as a human- you can try and wait out the time limit or you can commit a zombie genocide by killing as many zombies as you can possibly handle.

    In the "Pandemic" gametype the zombies have a limited amount of lives (8) but the amount is relatively high, so you'll have to kill a LOT of zombies to win. Your best bet would be to try and kill of the infection before it spreads too much, but that's hard to do, and with each human the zombies infect, you'll have to kill 7 more... Also there is no waypoint over the last man's head but instead the alpha zombies have an enhanced 10m radar, so they'll have to work together and scour the map, and when they get close they'll beable to "sniff" him out. The zombies aren't pushovers either, they may not have shields, but they have a decent damage resistance so it'll take multiple body shots to take them down, but true to the movies, a well-placed headshot, even with the magnum, will stop them in their tracks. Remember though, this gametype is not necessary, so feel free to play this map with any infection variant you like.

    A special thanks goes out to all those who helped me playtest the map and gametype (way too many names to mention). Thanks to you guys we managed to hone the gameplay to perfection. The gameplay is very fair for both sides, and games usually end up being extremely exciting where it gets down to the last man within the final 30 seconds of the game. Both the humans and the zombies have an equal chance of winning.

    I also used many of the default Sandbox items to forge this map, and while it was much more work for me to interlock them, the result is that I finished the map a good ways under the object limit and so games with large amounts of people don't have problems with lag (for those that don't know the default items take up much less memory than those spawned).

    In the final playtest I had a full party of 16 people play this map for 2 hours straight, and after every game people were still asking to play it again.

    I also went through the trouble of preparing this map for EVERY gametype! The only problem is that all the weapons will still spawn in the armory so you may prefer to change the gametype so that no weapons spawn on the map. But I will say that we played some epic games of multiflag, king of the hill, and oddball on this map.

    There are tons of cool and interesting places so the gameplay is a unique experience every time.

    Forging 101:
    >Spawn timed events

    Alright, enough babble, here are the pictures:

    Overview of the city (Church is blocked from view by Tower)

    A Second Look

    The 28 Days Later Tower

    The Dawn of The Dead Mall (After 60 seconds the front windows and entrance get boarded up and the only way in is through the roof)

    The Zombie House (after 30 seconds a block will spawn and the teleporters will block allowing the zombies to escape)

    The Gas Station (After 3 minutes a warthog will spawn in the garage)

    The front counter and toilet stalls inside the Gas Station

    The Convience Store located at the street intersection

    Red Street

    Blue Street

    Action Pictures

    The Warthog may allow you to survive for a decent amount of time, but only if you have a gunner...

    The indoor balcony of the Gold Complex

    Rooftop Confrontation

    It is possible to get onto every single rooftop by more ways than one

    The zombies have infiltrated the tower!

    Changes made to Final Version

    >Made another way onto Zombie House Roof to prevent camping

    >Tweaked Zombie House Spawn Area

    >Made Blue Building into a Church

    >Added a completely new building "The Warehouse" to where the empty corner used to be.

    >Added some more ammo to the weapons shop (an extra BR, and Spikers, plus an extra clip for the maulers)

    >Added some more equipment to the other buildings.

    >Tweaked and re-editied some forging for better gameplay and asthetics.

    >Nothing was removed or deleted to make the above changes

    Enjoy as this is as good as this map is going to get!

    Download Necrubis Here

    Download Pandemic Gametype Here
    #1 Mander, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  2. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Wow please do not spam. That is one of the worst posts I've ever seen.

    Anyways.... I spotted one thing wrong with the post. That is the screenshots are way too small to get a good feel of the map. The map looks brilliantly made (from what I can see) on the other hand, and it'll probably play well too.
    Please enlarge the pictures though. I'll have to download this.
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    This is a cool looking city. I like how there is timed events, especilly the mall windows. If you had enogh money left, it would be cool if you made the buildings a little bit more building-like. 9/10 awesome
  4. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    cool, i will download, actully resembles a city quite well, 4.5/5 only becuase i dont streets are really map. btw nice interlocks
  5. Dark Brier

    Dark Brier Ancient
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    Yes! I knew you were gong to post this soon! I helped playtest it and I must say that this is EASILY the best infection map made so far on Sandbox. You really did hone the gameplay to perfection! And your attention to detail is insane! The stores in the mall, and the layout of the Weapons Shop are just so fantastic to look at. No flaws= 1000/10.

    This is a beast of a map! (I can't believe you prepared it for all gametypes too- that's great!)
  6. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    I like this a lot. It's rare to find an infection map that actually challenges the humans, and isn't a couple halls with turrets and shotties. It is also rare to see such a well forged infection map, kudos to that. The accessibility of the buildings for the zombies is awesome, there is really no complaints here. My only concerns are the balcony for the humans as well as the warthog. The balcony is due to have lots of camping, and the humans could all camp out in a corner with the warthog, but I may be wrong. Seeing as it is a city map the zombies probably have a lot of ways to deal with campers. Good job.
  7. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    WOw, you did very well on this. DOnt have much to say, but here it is.

    You interlocked almost everything up i could see up close, but the gas station roof appears to be crooked in the first action shot. I cant tell where you geomerged, but that must have been hard, seeing as this is Sandbox.

    I believe that It should be titled "Necropolis" because that is literally city of the dead, but I have never heard of "Necrubis" ... interesting.

    Great job, this map looks quite amazing... Feature???
  8. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Wow, thanks for the good feedback everyone. I'll address your concerns:

    Camping: The balcony is not a great place to camp because the zombies can get too it without much trouble, through the ceiling. But it is a fairly decent enough place to make a stand.

    I was very careful with the warthog on this map. The warthog spawns after 3 min so by then there are a decent amount of zombies, and trust me- to be completely honest - You probably won't survive too long in the warthog. My friends and I have tried it numerous times, and while it's a great way to rack up some kills, the zombies always get us before long.

    The gas station roof is not crooked- I took the time to make it as straight as possible. It must just be the angle that the picture was taken from...

    As for the geomerging- the red and blue lights for the streets are completely geomerged into the walls of the crypt, the entire one side of the weapons shop is geomerged (you can tell in the picture)the toilets in the gas station are geomerged, along with a ton of other structures such as the floorboards in the house across from the zombie spawn (that was a HARD one!)

    Oh, and on a side note, did I mention that the mall has a food court?
    #8 Mander, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    This maps seems to be very solid. I really like the diversification of gameplay, from the unique buildings to hold up in, to the alternative ways of killing such as the warthog. The quick wait time allows people to set up a strategy, but not long enough to piss off the kids with ADHD =p. The fact that you made the "armoury" not campable is a very good idea too.

    I do have some concerns over the dawn of the dead mall, however. Do the bords appear after 60 second into the ROUND, or 60 seconds after the zombies get OUT?
    And, I hope you have not simply made it a single hole from the roof; that woudl create an unbalanced building. I also see one empty corner: a possible unbalanced camping spot for the 'hog.

    Overall, this gets a DL from me and a kudos for executing a city map well ( which not many do).
  10. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback.

    Here's an important to note everyone who has concerns about camping: Every building has been playtested like crazy to make sure that it is not too cheap to camp in, and nobody lasts long in the empty corner because the zombies can easliy get to you from nearby building rooftops.

    There IS only one way into the mall through the roof, but it is easy to get in and leads into a store where there is plenty of cover for the zombies. There has never been a problem with unbalanced gameplay in the mall. Also the boards appear 60 seconds after the round starts, meaning that you'll have to defend the massive front entrance to the mall for 30 seconds before you're safe from it.

    Also, don't forget that there is hardly any ammo in the mall, and none in the other buildings save the weapons shop, so campers won't even beable to camp long before they'll have to go on another ammo run where they are much more vulnerable...
    #10 Mander, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  11. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I was one of the guys that played this game/map with you last night.

    Originality - Oh God. Not another city map. Not original at all. Weapon caches? COME ON!!!

    Aesthetics - There was a lot of interlocking. Didn't see any geomerging. Did a decent job on layouts and various buildings.

    Game play - I applaud you for making it more challenging for humans. I applaud you for making it limited ammo... but seriously. I played last night and humans need SOME chance. Two examples.
    1.) I was in a bathroom at the gas station. Room is literally a little smaller than one full square block. I was standing on a column on its side in there, which I guess was the toilet. The zombie had to crouch under a quarter wall, so I was looking down on him. Fired a magnum and mauler at his head and the zombie didn't die. It was point blank range practically. Couldn't really miss since I was almost standing on top of his head.
    2.) I was in a hidden basement of another building. Zombie had to drop into the room. There was a column on it's side at the bottom or a tall block that the zombie would drop down onto. I was standing next to that block and it took 6 mauler shots to take him down from below him. Seriously... 6 mauler shots up the arse to kill him.

    I don't know the actual physics of the game and what a weapons power is actually at, but a mauler looks like it should be the equivalent of a shotgun at point blank range and should take down just about anything. Even if a mauler is slightly weaker, a mauler and a magnum should definitely take down anything at point blank range whether it was a headshot or not.
    3.) I unloaded half a SMG clip into a zombie and I got killed.

    Considering that very few people got the power weapons, those that did... survived the longest. While you claim you had full parties most of last night, what you failed to mention was that many people quit last night because of those settings. We lost 4-5 people just about every round. It soon became apparent where the ideal camping spot was since there was only one way to get on top of that building and I'm pretty sure that's where most people ended up by the end of the night.

    Improvements - Given the fact that majority of people will get stuck with weaker weapons. You may want to double check the settings. Humans need a chance to survive. Most fights took place within bulltrue distance and humans lost 99% of the time.

    Get rid of that damn camping spot on top of the zombie spawn building. People sitting up there with a BR or better were owning for long periods of time. I despise maps that pull that crap.

    Get rid of that weapon store/cache. People that were grabbing the power weapons usually grabbed a lot of the ammo from similar items next to it. Place weapons in each building instead. That way others have a chance at getting them and players that get there first don't ***** the best weapons.

    I like the layouts of some building, but interlocking and merging could be a little cleaner. Decent enough job on the map itself.
  12. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Shroomz, I can guarantee that one of two things happened with the mauler/pistol incident:

    1: Xbox live made you its *****.
    2: When dual wielding the power of each weapon is reduced by 20-30%. So a dual wielded mauler not killing at a semi close range really isn't a surprise, not even when adding in the pistol damage.
  13. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    I too playtested the map last night, and I remember you being one of the more complainy people Shroomz. The map is excellent in my opinion and very fair gameplay. You must have wretched aim or major lag because I was taking out zombies with a single magnum shot to the head. And yeah some people did quit during the playtest but more always joined and a full party of 16 was kept for the majority of the time whcih is a huge accomplishment if you asked me. The people playing were more than entertained, and it was only the whiners like you who quit.
    The camping spot you're talking about was nearly as bad as you make it sound. I killed the guy up there without too much trouble, and I only remember one or two times that people even went up there for the entire two hours. So no, most people where not there at the end of the night...
    I personally like the idea of all the weapons being in the weapons shop as it's what's really unique about this city map. If he put weapons in all different buildings you'd have much more troubles with camping. I'd like to see you put out a map half as decent as this one, there's no way you could keep a full party of 16 like he did for so long.

    Anyways enough ranting- sorry, I just hate it when people playtest and whine that things could be better when infact if they had it their way, the map would be much worse.

    As for the map, the gameplay was great, good job on preparing it for all gametypes, and all the interlocking ad geomerging I noticed was very clean and smooth. Kudos. As for constructive criticism, maybe there could be more ammo in the weapons shop, but then again it still worked out pretty great the way it is. I just like to have a fully supplied BR lol.

    #13 MlgObiWan, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  14. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    love the idea of the ammo run! and i also hate infection when it is just camp, camp, camp great idea to do that, everything looks smooth and balanced and overall a very good fun map
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Thanks for the explanation, Something. That would explain some things.

    Nice to know I was remembered among the many that were complaining about the same thing last night.

    The map itself is decent. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's excellent. It's definitely one of the better city maps, but then again... I'm not a fan of them.

    I admittedly am not the best aim, but like I said... there is no missing at point blank range. At least Something's explanation helped a bit.

    The fact that it was a full party has more to do with lack of options than because of the map. It was the only infection game that was going on amongst my friends and recent games lists... I had a good number of people from those lists join that game and leave during that time... all of which complained about how difficult it was to kill zombies in small quarters. Also, I played the full game and quit after we got back to the game lobby... so stop talking out of your arse.

    Get enough people up there at one time, and it will be a problem. The reason why there weren't people there all the time was because of the turnover after each round. We kept losing people and gaining people.

    Wtf is so unique about a weapon cache on a city map?

    You obviously have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You put them in different areas, it divides the people up and leaves them more vulnerable to attack. I believe that 25% were zombies, so in a full game that makes it 4 on 1... actually 3 on 1 since the 4th zombie can't get out of the zombie spawn until the block to jump on appears after 30 or so seconds. Mindless posting like yours is the problem with this forum.

    Lack of infection games because of the holiday weekend is what kept the party full. I think the fact that so many people quit says more about the map than anything. According to, 6 of the 16 people listed DNF. Considering that they only show the last 16 people, that would mean more people quit to make room for those people. Since at least 4 of those DNF were friends of mine that were in a party with me and joined after space opened up, that would mean at least 10 people quit during the game. To me, that says a lot more about the game than anything.

    Do your lips hurt from kissing so much ass? Considering you joined the forum just to reply in this thread makes me believe that you're either the OP... or a friend of the OP, which makes your opinion biased and invalid.

    Here's some facts based on stats from that game I was in.

    Breakdown on kills by weapon... 244 Total kills
    Energy Sword - 97 ( 40% )
    Battle Rifle - 50 ( 20% )
    Magnum - 34 ( 14% )
    Rocket Launcher - 19 ( 8% )
    Sniper Rifle - 12 ( 5% )
    Melee - 9 ( 4% )
    Shotgun - 6 ( 2% )
    Sub Machine Gun - 5 ( 2% )
    Assault Rifle - 4 ( 2% )
    Spike Grenade - 2 ( 1% )
    Flame Grenade - 2 ( 1% )
    Mauler - 2 ( 1% )
    Trip Mine - 1
    Guardians - 1

    The people that got the power weapons got the most kills. Number of magnum kills being so high makes sense since most people were stuck with that weapon or held it as one of their dual weapons. Guy with 2nd highest score had Energy Sword kills as his highest, which means he had most of his kills as a zombie.

    Mander obviously came in first, but here was his breakdown...

    Battle Rifle - 21
    Energy Sword - 10
    Sniper Rifle - 9
    Shotgun - 6
    Spike Grenade - 2
    SMG - 1

    He's only got 1 kill with something that wasn't a power weapon. He should try playing his map without a power weapon and see how fair he thinks it is.

    If I remember correctly, there were only 2-3 BRs, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 shotgun, and 1 Sniper Rifle. Usually the people that got there first took two power weapons, so most people got stuck with the dual weapons or just their starting magnum. This is why I suggest putting weapons in different buildings instead of all in one.
  16. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    hey dude its not a good idea to overrate a map like that but anyways this is a good city map except ever since "new toujane" there has been more city maps than usual also just a suggestion try adding some scenery to the streets like flipped over cars, a couple of fountains here and there but its just a suggestion you don't have to do it. i'll give it a 4/5
  17. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Hey Shroomz, thanks for the constructive criticism. Your giving some really intense feedback. And yes, Mlg ObiWan is a friend of mine so his opinion is slightly biased, but I'd say yours is too. You're definatley exaggerrating the amount of people that quit, saying stuff like "I think that the amount of people that quit really speaks the truth about this map"- a little unnessecary don't you think? There was a full party of 16 for the majority of the time, and not that many people quit. Besides, it was an open party, and I have yet to see a full game be played with that many people and not have anybody quit.

    I also would like to note that I hardly remember anybody complaining, I don't even realy remember you saying much. The only complaints I heard where about the gametype, not the map, and that's because some people only like instant kill zombies. But I think the gametype works great because as I mentioned before- the gameplay is fair for both the zombies and humans. The humans and zombies were winning pretty equally in those playtests.

    And yeah, I'm aware that a city infection map is not the most original idea out there, but hey-I really wanted to make a city the way I wanted it to be, and what I thought would be the best, so I did.

    But I have taken your criticism seriously and I just finished a v2 tweaked version of this map. I'll update the download link so I don't have to spam the forums with a new thread. Here's what I fixed:

    -I made another way onto the zombie house roof (the camping area you were complaining about.)

    - I added more ammo to the weapons shop
    >Added an extra BR
    >Added spikers
    >Gave maulers an extra clip.

    - I made the blue building into a church.

    - Nothing was taken out or deleted to make the above changes.

    - And I tweaked a few other things for more balanced gameplay.

    As far as the gametype goes, I like it the way it is, but if you have a problem with it, by all means go ahead and play whatever game you want on it instead- you can change the settings to your own preferences.

    This will be the final version of the map, as those were the only concerns I had about it. You're entitled your own opinion, so I hope you'll be satisfied with the changes I made as I think it's the best that this map can get for you.
    I do my best to please even the hardest of customers.

    Once again, thanks for the feedback (I'm impressed that you actually spent time to dig up the game stats), but please don't exxaggerate the facts. More people where definately pleased about the map than those complaining and you make it sound like way more people quit than actually did.
    #17 Mander, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  18. Dark Brier

    Dark Brier Ancient
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    Wow, Shroomz, chill out man- your killing this thread with your negativity. If this map isn't your style then don't play it! You don't need to give such negative responses to such a great map.

    You make it clear that no matter how hard one tries, you can never please everbody.

    I'm pleased thpough- this map DELIVERS!
  19. o0SuperSamuri0o

    o0SuperSamuri0o Ancient
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    Looks like an amazing map. I will play and download and get back to you with better feedback. It sounds awesome though, how you have to go on "Ammo runs", that's definately something unique about this map, and it sounds like it would prevent camping very well! Nice job!
  20. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    What are you basing your numbers on? We had 15 players listed at the end of Left 4 Dead, 1 of which was a DNF... so we had 14 players going into the start of your game when you were promoted to party leader. 6 of those 14 names were not on the list of players at the end of your game. There were also 6 players listed that DNF. That makes 12 players that quit during your game... at the least since we can only see the last 16 players of a game on the Bungie stats. Therefore I actually underestimated the numbers, not exaggerated them.

    People were complaining... even before I went into a party. It's probably pretty difficult to hear them when you were usually one of the first people to grab two power weapons, leaving everyone else to become zombies pretty quickly. You can't hear complaints after you're still alive and the others have become zombies.

    My beef is not with city/ town maps. Its originality. People want to build a city map, thats fine. With sandbox you have a higher budget and number of pieces than Foundry, a map larger than Sandtrap, and people are being as original as forging on Guardian. People are building 2-3 story building on Sandbox, when you can build 8 story buildings. 2-3 story buildings were fine on Foundry... you were limited to that. If you're gonna build a city, then build a city with tall buildings and skyscrapers or something. Stop forging like you're on Foundry and start forging like you're on Sandbox.

    That's a great addition, then.

    To be honest, that was completely unnecessary, if you ask me. A simple tweaking of the game type would have made short range weapons more playable... and like I said, spread those weapons out more so people didn't hoard all the power weapons.

    Like I said, try playing your own game without a power weapon and see how well you fare.

    Case and point...
    You spent all that time building small little hiding places and stuff to fight zombies inside the buildings, right? Your game settings seem to indicate settings for a mid-long distance game. In other words, you would stand a better chance staying in the streets than to go into a building. If you have a short ranged weapon and go in a building, you're dead.

    Now I consider magnums more of a mid range weapon due to it's accuracy, but we'll include it in this argument...

    Here are all the short range weapon stats, since majority of the players will be stuck with these weapons in a full game like we participated in...

    Energy Sword - 97 ( 40% )

    Magnum - 34 ( 14% )
    Melee - 9 ( 4% )
    Shotgun - 6 ( 2% )
    Sub Machine Gun - 5 ( 2% )
    Assault Rifle - 4 ( 2% )
    Mauler - 2 ( 1% )

    Majority of those magnum kills were headshots on the streets.This would seem to indicate that within the confines of the buildings, you're pretty much screwed with these weapons.

    I apologize if it sounds like I'm ragging on your map. I thought the map was good, not my type, but good. 95% of the jackasses in this forum are worthless. Most of these people rating your map... didn't download when posting... only forged through your map... and based everything on pictures. To them it's something like a swimsuit or popularity contest. They give ratings based on how it looks or who you are. To be honest, they're of no help at all and shouldn't even post.

    I, on the other hand, played the map with you, the way you intended it to be played... and I think the game type failed in a full party for the map. I even provided stats and numbers to back up my arguments... including my argument over number of people that quit. I suggest everyone play in a full party and not take a power weapon and see how well they do before criticizing my opinions because in a full party, chances are that 8 of the 12 humans will think it's unfair and the other 4 will have 1-2 long ranged weapons. That's why I came up with the suggestion of placing a long ranged weapon in each building so more people have a chance with at least one long ranged weapon. Whether or not you choose to take what I have said to heart is up to you. You can live in that little rose-colored glass world that everyone else is painting... or you can see the reality of things.

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