These pictures are my results of going through the Campaign level Tsavo Highway. Don't be too critical, I'm not the best screenshot artist, but light criticism is certainly appreciated. Give me some feedback, and tell me which (if any) I should feature in my fileshare. Persist Looming Murky Pollution High Pressure Golden Hills - Personal Favorite Security Lost Souls Untitled Untitled Untitled Melting Point Untitled
When you're taking pics on Tsavo you'd expect at least 1 with a vehicle, considering it's a vehicle-based level.
Why did you choose tsavo as your canvas then? The sandy effect? none of these are AMAZING, no offense, so you shoulda experimented with different levels...
I'm experimenting with a lot of levels. I chose Tsavo Highway because I wanted to see what overlooked backgrounds I could find, and I like the Plains-ey terrain.
may i suggest covenant or possibly crow's nest? those are maps where you should take pics of yourself without a car(certain parts of covenant).
I really like the first one i might wallpaper it but other than that the rest seem a little bland mzybe the first untitled one i like but thats it. Your lost souls one just sticks out its kind of bad. Pollution-Made me lol a little because its just funny for some odd reason. Persist-I just like it, The little shoulder light but the rest of him is all black with the fire in the background makes it look awesome Also dont listen to stony just because Tsavo is vehicled riented doesnt mean its mandatory for your screenshots
Ummm, actually, quite a few of those are amazing. Who gives a flying rats ass if he's got vehicles in his pics or not? He went through the level just to get pics, not to play with the vehicles. Thats like saying you shouldn't go into forge mode to take pics because forge mode is meant for building things. There are no specific levels where you can only take certain kinds of pics, or you have to take at least one pic of a certain item or feature. And if he wanted the Covenant or Crows Nest, he would have gone to the Covenant or Crows Nest and not to Tsavo Highway. And I actually have trekked most of that level without a vehicle... Oh, if I had to give feedback on how to make the pics better, the first one might look better without the lights on on Chiefy's armor. I like most of them, though some just aren't my personal flavor. The angles are great on a lot of them too, so thats a plus. And the lighting is pretty good too. I'd say job well done...
This thread is full of ignorant people. Gladiate, don't listen to them. These are amazing shots. There doesn't need to have vehicles in a screenshot taken in a "vehicle-based" map. Personally, these shots, especially Looming, Golden Hills, and Lost Souls, is better than most of the screenshots ever posted here on this website.