Sandbox Skyscrayper MT

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Drummerguy360, May 16, 2009.

  1. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    This is the Monster Trucks version of Skyscraper. The Rocket Race version is coming soon. I came up with this map before I found out about any other Mario Kart remakes, so I thought it was pretty original at first. :p

    Skyscraper is a recreation of the Mario Kart 64 Battle map. Remember that one? Way back when...
    I know I spelled it wrong, but Bungie wouldn't let me spell it right because of the "rape part"

    Map:Skyscrayper MT Download
    Gametype:Monster Trucks


    I came up with this idea two weeks ago. I spent two weekends on it. The first thing I needed to make was the octagon shape. I had to make each side exactly 45 degrees to the previous one and I figured out that I could use that right triangle to make the sides. I needed to make it PERFECT otherwise the whole octagon would off quite a bit. I got it almost perfect, but i was able to make it look like it was perfectly made by putting a wall in between one of the sides.

    Then I had to make the inside otagon, which was somewhat easy by using the exterior octagon to base it off of. The hardest part of this was the merging. The ramps on the inside may have been the hardest part to make because I wanted to make the ramp angles near perfect:

    There are also angles on the outside, as I will show later. The reason i am telling you this is because I think there are some tips in here, and it shows you how much you can do with the objects in sandbox, even if you can't figure it out at first.


    Warthog x4
    Gauss Warthog x2
    Chopper x2
    Ghost x6
    Prowler x4

    Note: Choppers can own the warthog gauss if they want. Also, you will never start with a prowler. The only way you can get on one is by jumping up on foot and getting into the turret. Sometimes when you get off you are on the roof, sometimes not, in which case you will have to jump off another vehicle to get up there. So, the Prowler is a great weapon, but it's hard to get to.


    Let's not lie, this is what you've been waiting for this whole time.
    FX-- Gloomy and Juicy

    Overview of the map

    Closer look at the Center

    Look through one of the tunnels. As you can see, the double walls are somewhat bumpy, but you won't notice it while driving. Trust me.

    A closer look at the ramps

    Action Pics

    The Chopper is the ultimate weapon. As in the original Monster Trucks, there is some luck as to which vehicle you start with. You never start with a mongoose, but you can go on them if for some reason you wish. However, the choppers are exactly opposite each other, so the usually end up killing each other first, leaving one left. Choppers are also more difficult steerers than Warthogs, so if you can get them to fall off, that's your best chance.

    Warthog flipping a ghost

    The Chopper and the Gauss Warthog battling it out with their blasts while the Warthog flew off the ramp and went over the Gauss.


    The Ghosts blow each other up. That's me in the Ghost that blew the other up. :D


    Special Thanks:
    Chemical Wasp-testing
    Super Saiyan Zo-testing
    LUCKY1834-testing me an idea that saved some time on the outer ramps.
    MoriSniper-testing and costing me a half hour after "accidentally" deleting a double wall
    wilby32-testing and making my time in forge less boring
    Note: all of these people either said my map was "awesome" or "really good"

    Edit: Sorry forgot to include the download link
    Skyscrayper MT Download
    Monster Trucks Gametype
    #1 Drummerguy360, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    wow this looks alot like the map from mario kart

    looks cool yet its kinda sloppy, im lost from the first picture i throws me off.
  3. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay I took out the first pic. That was an "in the making" pic.
    Also, like I said, you don't notice the bumps in the map, while driving at least. While walking, you will.
    #3 Drummerguy360, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  4. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    this is a very interesting map i do remember skyscraper it was good yours is partialy close i do see a resemblence but i think the scorpian is overdoing it and i think that, i see your picture with it, that someone gets on the back of one of your warthogs and then they will own the map.... but over all i give the map a 3.5 (good but not that good)
  5. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Choppers can own the warthog gauss if they want. Also, you will never start with a scorpion. The only way you can get on one is by jumping up on foot and getting into the turret. Sometimes when you get off you are on the roof, sometimes not, in which case you will have to jump off another vehicle to get up there. So, the Scorpion is a great weapon, but it's hard to get to.

    Edit: Whoops I mean Prowlers, not scorpions.
    #5 Drummerguy360, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  6. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    dude in the pictures there aren't any scorpions, those are prowlers. which suck compared to any other vehicle.
  7. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Oh, sorry looks like I screwed up what they were called.
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Don't be so sure...

    Anyways, I've seen an absolute shitload of monster jam maps like this. This has to be my favorite overall, with the exception of the vehicles you've chosen... Can you kill other people by shooting? If so, that would kind of ruin the whole monster jam theme... The overall aesthetics are really nice, you at least took the time and effort to merge stuff together, and I like the use of ramps. Good job, I will actually dl this, it'll be my first monster jam map ever downloaded, because all the other ones I've seen are mediocre compared to this.
  9. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    With the gametype, you can not kill people by shooting (mostly because you start with swords that do no damage), but you still can assassinate people, which is unpreventable, and that will not happen often.

    Also, thanks for the comments everyone. I might make a v2 if possible with any suggestions you give.
  10. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    Could you either post a map variant without filters, or atleast explain where the filters are located, i really dont want to play with filters, as i HATE with all caps Killballs on Juicy.
  11. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    you said you came up with this 2 weeks ago. i made a (admittedly worse) map exactly the same pretty much. i havet posted it on forge hub but it has been on my file share for weeks. here is the map. the map looks good and you have used a different approach to me and i like it. overall a 7/10
  12. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Haha that's coincidental. I never even knew that. well, I'll have to download it to compare the two.
  13. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    Just fix the floor a little even tho you cant feel it it will look beta. It does really remind me of mario for some reason . Good map tho
  14. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I really wish I could fix up the floors...I deleted the single boxes and the doubles are all taken up, so the infinite money glitch would prevent me. Mostly all I have are walls...single.
  15. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Sorry I took these pics in forge

    The Prowler can be your most powerful weapon in the game, but it is difficult to get to.

    This is the first way I found, when I first made the map.
    You jump up while holding RB and you'll get into the turret of the prowler, which is almost pointless because of the blasts. You can only drive the vehicle this way if you tempt a chopper or gauss warthog to knock you off of the roof.

    As you can see here, another way you can do this is by jumping off of any vehicle.
    This is usually never useful, however.

    The easiest way is one that I just figured out today. I'll let you figure out what I did from the picture:

    The prowler does have its disadvantages because it can easily push other vehicles off.
  16. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    This is definitely one of the best monster trucks maps that i have ever seen. It reminds me of a mario kart ballon battle map. The design of an outer ring was amazing and it looks like a crap load of fun. This may not be the most original map, but it is one of the best versions of it. I can tell that my friends and i are going to have a lot of fun on this map.

  17. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    ZOMFG I REMEMBER THIS! Ahh I loved that game, and you recreated it perfectly! Although you should take out all the other vehicles besides the mongooses. I think a version of battle tracks would be awsome on this. Like a slayer version.
    I love the map
    It is well forged and well interlocked.
    overall 9.5/10 (because of all the vehicles)
    This would be a 10 if there was only mongooses
  18. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Battle I've never heard of it. I've been running into problems with the rocket race version of it (indestructible vehicles don't break when they fall and don't respawn for a while), so I might need to make it Battle Tracks. I'll ask around...
  19. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
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    This game looks like alot of fun!

    Im going to give it a download and see how good it is!

    Looks like a game that would be fun with alot of people aswell
  20. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Very nice layout. I'm liking this. I see two things wrong, though. 1., can yuo get back to the outside ring? I can see people camping there a lot. 2., Won't the choppers overpower everyone else? They can just ram hogs and such and blow them up.

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