I love making websites and i love communities and being a big part in communities.. I'm thinking of starting my own Forge community site similar to and affiliated with FH. I don't know how good it'd be (Growth wise) but i know the site would be on par with the rest of them. If it were to get as big as FH is i'd be able to do more for the community because it'd be my site and i wouldnt be as restricted (I'm not power hungry and i know why these restrictions are in place so dont take offense to that or take it the wrong way ) I could also add some fun little extra features into the forums etc etc.. so on and so forth.. My question to you is, what do you think? should i do it? would you check it out?
Before you begin, you should at least get a decent sized community of friends who will help keep the site alive, and invite more people.
Alright thanks! still waiting for some more feedback before i go ahead. EDIT: here's an idea.. How about having 3 separate forge community sites.. Mine, FH, and xForgery.. All 3 are separate but combined by two factors.. The HTML Sandbox Map Database will link to map posts... such as the SMD currently links to the FH map post for that map.. Make SMD v2 hosted on my site, but allow all sites to use it. And all 3 communities are based off forge. Just a thought.
You're forgetting forge battle, which I'd say is a bit popular aswell. Unless of course you don't want to include it, but I had to mention it.
To make a successful site, you need a lot of devotion, and above all, time. I've tried starting up numerous projects on the Internet, and all of them, excluding the one I'm active in right now (halocrossing.com) have failed. You really need to plan out the structure as well, including events, member ranks, goals, etc. Making a forge site would be rough. There's simply too many great communities, Forgehub included, that have a really dominant power in competition. Your best options are: A) stick with FH B) make a unique non-forge site that would set it apart from the rest. EDIT: correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think that there's a rule where you need atleast 1000 members to affiliate with FH.
I have an idea. We plan to assassinate the admin of ForgeHub, so that we can usurp power, then we change the domain name to your choice, strip the mods of their power, then establish a fascist dictatorship in which we force everyone to use pictures of emo chicks as avatars.
It's true. I tried to make my own offshoot site, and Nitrous permanently blacklisted me from ever being a special rank.
Before you jump in the deep end, consider all the failing/failed FH-ripoff sites out there. Your SMD will have to some kinda wonderful to attract enough members to sustain it.
Me too. In a knife fight, a brought an inflatable hammer that I won in a carnival game, and painted "BAN" on the handle, in bright pink acrylic paint.
Yeah that'd be cool, but it would (as others have said) have to really have something that sets it apart, but yeah, go for it - I would check it out.
Forgehub already has great standing with a great community and excellent organization. the features pretty much kick the crap out of any other site i've come across (who usually try to steal stuff from FH). I would say nay on this because you'll try it for a week or two then realize it sucks and come back to forgehub.
And another thing, It'll take a lot of back door programming to get the site up and running but if your planning to make a site I'm sure you know how hard this will be and all the codes to do this. As for the other groups around the web some of them are pretty good and I know for a fact some members of Forgehub are members of their sites so don't look down on all of them.
Many people here, including myself are a part of many sites, but those are usually up and running strong already. Starting a new forge site is going to be hard, you should pick another topic.
I've thought about it for a while honestly and it seems when it comes to forging communities alot of the members are active on all the sites.. for example alot of the members on FH are active on xF as well.. if i can get my site on par with the two, and meet the community as a whole's needs and wants, then i'm sure i'll get good active members And i have the time to make the site and it's really not work, i love web design. and i just realized what alot of posts said about competing with FH. I'm not making it to compete with anyone, i think of it like this.. theirs a grand hierarchy of things. Halo Community > Forging Community > Forge sites (for forgers to do activities that involve what they love and that allow them to post their maps.) i wont be doing this to compete with any of the sites, but to allow the gaming community and forging community as a whole have another place to share conversation, their ideas/thoughts, good fun times, and activities of interest. I won't do this for myself or to try to overthrow FH.. as a matter of fact i love FH. i won't be leaving FH at all, it's just somthing i'd like to do that i think would allow me to give back more to a community that as far as i can see is really amazing. This is also why i figured i could affiliate with FH almost right away. I'm not trying to compete just offer some new things into the mix I don't give up on my sites besides i won't be leaving FH. just doing like i said above, giving the forging community another place to share ideas among other things. Think of it like a coffee shop.. people come their to talk chat and enjoy the same thing.. coffee.. Theirs thousands of them and their all just as good. Not the best example but i tried
You know what you could do - you could make a forge site dedicated to a specific gametype. Forgebattle pretty much is dedicated to racetracks, with other types also. If you did the same with your's, for example mini-games or MLG maps, it might get somewhere faster.
There is already plenty of forge sites. Halo Tracks, B.net, Xforgery. There is really no need for another. Also, why would you make a topic about this in a forge site that already exists? o.o Seems kind of Bawlsy