Dark Water

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by YEE MAN IZ BAK, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I can't believe this thread is rated three stars. Who in their right mind would rate this any less than five?

    This has to be my favourite puzzlemap from you Yee Man. Not only are the challenges awesome but every single room you pass through is absolutely stunning to look at.
    I'm happy to say that I beat this map without any help.
    10/10 from me.

    CHIMAIRA7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice, the map looks sick. I have managed to do quite a bit of it. This map must have taken ages to complete with all the geomerging and the detail you pay attention to, you must have forged for weeks on end to make such an awesome map.5/5
  3. DaRkM

    DaRkM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hm... I'm stuck at the "Oo a needler" I dont know what to do. Please help.
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    walkthrough as of me.

    Don't. ****ing Look.

    Spoiler P1
    Room 1:Move Barrel, Jump, Grab sword on Ceiling. Jump on Ledge, Swing Sword to Left, Hold RB. Kill self With Sniper.

    Room 2: Hump Garbage

    Room 3: Swing hammer. Kill Self with Spikes.

    Room 4: Jump in corner, where wall meets box, opposite the side of powerups.

    Room 5: Grab Needle. Shoot Needle into Shields. Fusion Blows. Jump into where needle spawns. Boom.

    Room 6: Drive Goose to Fence walls in Room 5. Jump through Gap using Goose.

    Room 7: Get in Turret Under Door past the Shield. Get out.

    Room 8: walk into the teleporter. May take some time. Try crouching, it may help.

    room 9: Throw lift under barrel. Barrel is above you. Kill self when Barrel is gone.

    Room 10: I got Across by jumping at the last second into the hole. If you miss, kill self with spikes. I ignored the pallet area.

    Room 11: Go through Teleporter by Jumping.

    Spoiler P2
    Room 12: Shoot Spiker (Found Above Mancannon) To bounce spikes under shield door that cannon is pointing at. It removes the barrels. This does something, but I have not figured it out yet. There is also a teleporter if you jump into the wall. Go to the pallet, turn around, and the wall directly in front of you has a tele if you jump into it. It is blcoked for me, but a abrrel is still half on. could be it.
    #64 Kronos, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009

    SUNWATER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this puzzle is just incredible love the unique design of this map, looks really challenging. I like how you pay attention to details on the map, with clean merging and lots of geo merging it looks like, u rarely see this in puzzles maps also I’m really looking forward to the summer release puzzle I keep herring about, which apparently is going to have all the great puzzle makers in it.. 5/5!
  6. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    From there I figured out a but more myself.

    Spoiler P3
    Room 12: Shoot Spiker (Found Above Mancannon) To bounce spikes under shield door that cannon is pointing at. It removes the barrels. Then go to ledge on right and drop down hole bloacked by a pallet (brake the pallet to get past). From there if you walk into the left wall you should see a fusion coil on the right, outside. Shoot it and blow it up. Then go on the ledge and jump into the middle of the box (the slanted part of the ceiling).

    Spoiler P4
    You sould then teleport into a room with a BR and a Custom Powerup. Get the power up and look under the double box behind the powerup. You should see a fucion coil, blow it up, I found it was easier with a spiker. Then a soccerball should fly out use it to get on the ledge at the other side of the fence walls. Pick up the sword and go through the teleporter.

    Spoiler P5
    Go down to where you shot the fusion coil and lunge with your sword to collect the grav lift. [[[[[[From here I am stuck, but i think you have to kill yourself and get the grasvlift to end up in the man cannon and then propell to the telporter. Then I think you put the grav lift into the turret?]]]]]]
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    After the soccer ball is down, you walk into it until the screen flashes red. Then you go to the turret, detach it. You die, but a clone of yourself stays. Run back to it, jump off its head to get out.

    I finished this a long time ago :D
    Just didn't want to come back to type.

    You did like....more steps than I did. Let me continue from what I did.

    Spoiler P3
    Room 12: Use Spiker to bounce under shield door. It removes barrels. Kill self.

    Room 13: You are in the room with 2 powerups on the wall again. Jump into the overshield this time, not the camo.

    Room 14: You are in the room you unblocked now. Crouch and jump along the right side of the room. (right being if you are looking from where the mancannon is.)

    Room 15: Punch turret which is in wall. Go through teleporter.

    room 16: Grab BR off the ground. Go through slit. Shoot pallet. Back up to where the receiver node is. Look up and shoot the fusion coil. Go over to the slit in the wall by the BR spawn. A soccer ball should be bouncing. Walk into it. Go to the turret now and detach it. You will die, but just run back again. Jump off the head of the CLONE that is left from the suicide. Only works if you are connection host.
    #67 Kronos, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yee man walkthrough

    by popular demand eye now give you dark water walkthrough.... The walkthrough is now up on top of the page...

    SPACEMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I might have to clear my que and download every map you come out with. The map is amazing. Somehow you combined aesthetics with a puzzle map and it comes out perfectly. The geomerging is top notch. You are on your way man. Thank god you have a walkthrough out, this looks hard.
  10. Mozzarella

    Mozzarella Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love this map Yee man!! Thank god you finally put out a walk through for the map cuz without that i don't know if i would have been able to complete this. Nice merges and geo-merges.. 10/10
  11. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Getting your friends to necrobump YEE MAN?

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey it seems like you accuse people of doing something wrong a lot on forge hub, just to set the record straight, I don’t bump or necrobump, my post nor do I in any way think I’m the best puzzle maker, sure I understand I may be in the top 3, so maybe you should reconsider flaming my maps next time, unless you have some kind of proof and give a bit of constructive criticism.

    #72 YEE MAN IZ BAK, Jul 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  13. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Could you not reply in purple? It makes it hard to read your reply. Just post in regular text font like a normal person. I did get the jist that you think I'm a flamer and don't use proof.

    If you actually did some research and read some of my other posts, you'd realize that you're statement is inaccurate. I actually provide some great and detailed feedback for the community. You might also find that in my first post on Hieroglyphics, I was actualy quite nice to you- deeming you the "best asthetical puzzle forger around". I only gave you some criticism on your forgehub post, but said that the map was the best one so far on Sandbox. The fact is that you can't take any criticism, and kept getting your friends to leave comments claiming that you're the best puzzle maker ever (which is very opinionated, and false IMO).
    So then I called out a highly suspicious account that had only left posts on your maps, all of which were extremely positive, and even wrote in colour like you do (so you can't blame me for thinking it was a second account which it still may be) and then the flame war was on. You got all your buddies, even Mander, to come and reem me out for just pointing out the obvious. Seriously, if you had given me a nice reply instead, you probably would have earned yourself a new fan. But instead you showed me what an arrogant prick you actually are, and got a hater instead.

    So learn how to take criticism, and maybe one day you might actually have a chance at being one of the best puzzle makers.
    #73 Matt666, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  14. Ponponhead

    Ponponhead Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is freakin hard, could NOT get past the room with the "A" sign.
  15. sm423

    sm423 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map yee man ill like the gravlift part on the map good job on the map..
  16. ViVo 444

    ViVo 444 Ancient
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    I have to say this is one of the best forged puzzel maps I´ve ever seen. I looks hard to.
  17. folgers

    folgers Ancient
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    This map is amazing so far,im gonna try and complete this without a guide video.4/5
  18. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    DLed, looks great, can't wait to try out!
  19. sm423

    sm423 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is sik i lik the part where u hav to use the grave lift tho i didnt get past it but i got ahold of it..... this map is reeally challenging
  20. DynamiK

    DynamiK Ancient
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    OMG i finally beat it. YEAHHHH

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