Forge The Studio

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by emilio30, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Alright, get ready for me to win the next one. Mines on Orbital and it's pimpin.
  2. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Okay, I got two studios done, one built from the ground up on foundry, and another outside avalanche, in the big blue pillars.

    Foundry Studio:
    • Has a enclosed stage with benches, a backstage, and a audience room.
    • I suggest you have the audience carry melee weapons so you can remove the ugly shield doors!
    • The 'fish tank' is inspired by the map Trioka, i don't take credit.
    • The people actually in the interview thing start in the audience room and have 20 seconds to get backstage.


    lowering, not lovering...



    Avalanche Studio:
    • Has a room with floating chairs, a floating dressing room, and default avalanche for backstage passholders to brawl it out.
    • All bungie gametypes are supported to keep your special guests entertained. Just keep the games no more that one round, and not juggernaut.
    • Supports up to 8 people if you add more chairs. (hold in position and save/quit) There are four chairs already there.
    • The teleporter to the stage is inside a hollow pillar, and cannot be seen from the outside. Watch your step onto the chairs.
    • There is a group of starting points in the dressing room, they are the only ones on the map, and they get blocked after 30 seconds. If a actor/interviewer/special guest/cameraman dies they can't get back, unless the starting points aren't blocked yet.





    Well, I hope this helps your show. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions or feedback.
    #62 Seaboro Kibbles, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    DL Map

    I have built a studio for you and from the video that I watched.. it fills all the requirements.

    It has
    • A side area for draining your swords.. but also looks good, and isn't cluttered.
    • 3 Viewing Areas-Window, Fencebox, and a Set of Bleachers
    • A tele-door to get back into the "guest area" once you guys are done talking
    • A cheat proof spawning system so that after 30 seconds.. noone can get inside the main arena.
    • Aesthetics... YAY
    Time for pictures
    1. This is the initial spawning box. You just drop in. Note- You have one gravlift that never respawns just in case someone gets outside on accident.


    2. After 30 seconds, a fence wall spawns along with a man cannon, which shoots the late joining "backstage passers" into the teleporter.. which I will show where it goes later on.


    3. This is the turrent area.. its where you drain your swords.


    4. This is just a behind the scenes on the turrent area. The gravlifts just make it less cluttered, while making it look cool :)


    5. This is just kindof an overview pic. That little structure in the middle is where you guys will sit. 4 of you hopefully. The door is a teleporter door, which leads to a floating tele in the 10th pic.


    6. The bleachers.. If you DL the one w/o shields it makes it alot better.


    7. A pretty good picture of the window.. Again, w/o shields is alot better.


    8. A picture of the ramp from the bleachers to the outside area where the back stagers can play with the soccer balls and such.


    9. Another overview shot


    10. This is a pic of the back area.. and the two teleporters. The floating one is the reciever from the initial spawn box in pic 2, and the one you get to after going through the tele door in pic 5. The other two way node you see goes to the fence box, also in pic 5.


    11. This is just a final pic, showing the soccer balls and wire spools the back stagers have to play with when they get bored.


    Overall, it fulfills all the requirements except
    • I suggest you play at max% gravity... just in case
    • Your gametype needs to have swords, cause I just straight ran out of money
    • There is one map with shield doors, and one without..if all you have are melee weapons, I think you should DL the one w/o
    Finally, I give you the DL Link Again
    Map W/O Shield Doors (Updated to provide no Escaping)
    A Video Walkthrough
    #63 Youtuber, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  4. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    There is no link for the map without shield doors.
  5. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    You could just delete them. Shield doors look really ugly, if you need a download link of my map without the shield doors just ask. How did you like my maps anyway?
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    OMG! I just watched the podcast with my map in it. You had recon guys and a Bungie Employee in it! It was well good!

    I didn't watch the whole two-hour vid though. What did the EOB have to say about the glitch I performed to get inside the rooms, or did he not mention it?
  7. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    The EOB was Marty O'Donnell and he most likely had no idea that you needed to perform a glitch to get into that room. There is a funny moment in the show where we had to show him how to turn on the flame helmet.
  8. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Wow you had marty o'donnell on? Insane. Must have been pretty kool. I really lost interest in this thread. Not sure why. Just have better things to do. but i will check up on it everynow and then.
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Well I'd like to now take this opportunity to post my next studio. Guess what map it's on?

    That's right!

    Why? Well, I was playing MM on there the other day and saw the waterfall and the sentinels and the little sentinels and the cartographer from where I spawned and I stopped dead. Eventually an enemy saw me, shouted something insulting about letting my team down and killed me. Oh well.

    So, after quitting early I had a bit more of a gawp at the awesome view and then remembered this thread:

    This is where the players spawn, at the bottom of the yellow lift. The teles lead to the lift, so no matter what, you're going up that lift.

    When you reach the top you reach the sword draining area.

    This is where the hosts and guests go. 90 seconds in, crates spawn and stop the backstage pass guys getting through:

    The backstage pass guests go right after leaving the sword draining area. There is some stuff there that blocks them from getting into the main area of the map (sorry I don't have a picture of this area), and some teleporters above some drop pods that stop the backstage guys jumping over them. These teleporters lead to the spectating area:
    Here guests will find a flamethrower (which, as shown, cannot damage the guests or hosts because of the distance). They will also realise that they can't escape their viewing platform without dying. Sux2bu, guests.

    Overview of the studio area and backstage platform. You can see the view from here, so if you didn't get why I picked this map from the text, this is why.

    This is where the main host sits. Note that in the final version I moved the rucksack so that it doesn't obscure the host's face.

    Now, unfortunately the bad stuff about this map:

    - It's not 100% unbreakable. I've tested it and found no ways to break it, but I'm sure if people stood on each others' heads they could escape into the main area of the map (and subsequently the studio)
    - Of course the hosts can go about the map, but I don't see any incentive to do so as there's nothing outside the areas I've set up.
    - Because of the movable nature of Pre-DLC objects, and the fact that I ran out of weapon holders and receiver nodes, the entire studio is immovable. The platform for the backstage guys is immovable, but that was a fluke. As long as hosts/guests don't run into any stuff, it'll all be k.

    Oh, and in case you were wondering:
    Yes, I included another shower,

    And yes, Bungie did put water at the bottom of the map, even though you'll never see it outside of theatre mode. Because they're awesome like that.

    Also, it's worth saying that my forum skin has glitched so it's half on Oldskool and half on default. That's why this post is smaller than the rest.

    EDIT: Okay, the skin issue's gone, but I forgot the DL link:

    Download Here
    #69 EpicFishFingers, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  10. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    I have just created a map ill post it tommorrow after help epicfishfingers with his map i decided to create the next 1 for sure
  11. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    So i built this map on orbital it have all the simple features and more. I used juciy effect to give more effect to the windows in the studio it self to give it that "im filming from a random ship in space factor".​

    The studio is plenty big enough the main desk area is all soild except fo chairs.​

    Anyway here are the screenshots of Space Studio

    All three angles of the studio itself:

    Spectators seats:


    Spectators pleasures:

    Finally just my solo:

    #71 i2 hardcore 4u, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    OMG the shower!

    Pretty nice map i2, but now Xylom has to upstage you if he wants to be picked (he's making a map on Orbital too).

    You even included a view!
    Congratz on realising that that map doesn't have to be made from scratch to be good.
  13. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    Hey, Any heads up on the next dating for podcast map chooses would be nice and thanks epic i just wanted a map that was inside and with sceenery
  14. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    I usually pick a winner the week before the show. The next show is June 16th so around June 9th or 10th I will select a map. I have seen all the maps submitted here and it will be a tough decision.

    Keep em coming!! I plan on making a lot more shows!
  15. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    Cool i won't be able to see the next winner because im on holiday so as if it would ever happend epicfishfinger can take the spec seat as he could make the last 1
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Thanks, but the show aired at 2am GMT last time. If I hadn't have had an exam the next day and if I'd have known Marty was going to be there, i would have probably shown up regardless.

    What day is the next one on? It's not another Tuesday is it?
  17. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    how many seats do we need in the studio? i'm almost done just adding the finishing touches
  18. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Three seats. I can usually add or subtract when needed.
  19. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    one host two guest?
  20. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Oh right that would help. Two hosts, one guest. It will always be two hosts. The amount of guests can vary up to 2 but it usually is one.

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