If you got the Legendary Edition Of Halo 3, Theres a different Manual. If you acually read the manual, you'll see a matchmaking game. (3 vs. 3) If you look down below on the left end corner. Theres a map that sorta looks like Cold Storage. However, Theres also a different gametype, Called Team Tactical. Its a slayer game. Weird! Theres Only One Answer why we didnt see this before. No One Reads the manual. This is on Page 20 of the manual. Bungie Once again hides another secret. I Would Like to ask Bungie why we didnt get this map or gametype!
hey ill brb im gonna check this out on mine. pic of mine im guessing its the same as team objective and just chnaged the name really late after the manual went to the printers srry its a little blurry
Really? I Checked Before and I Only Found it on the Legendary Manual. But you do get what i mean. Everyone Should Know This. Wow I Found a Secret and Im The Only one whom knew. Also Message Me For The New **** Zombie Map Beta Test This Saturday May 22nd 2009.
Yup sorry but I got heroic and its on mine as for expecting a super secret map appearance I really doubt it. It was probably some level that got cut but the Art team had already made sketches for and instead of just throwing it away they used it for something productive to avoid hurting the teams feelings that they didnt use their work sorta like guardian. And no I saw that when it came out since my xbox was broken I couldnt do anything but read the manual very closely. I even thought it was going to be a real map. Never thought that much about it though.
Yeah Maybe. But Bungie Sorta keeps Secrets to them selves. But I Only Go the Legendary Edition. I Has Reconz!!! Im Not Kidding I Owned Bungie In Team Doubles. 50-47 Oh Well Thats Sucks For Me. Dang it. Man I Can never claim something good. God Must Hate Me. Dude that must of sucked hardcore. Yeah Thats It. Thanks Alot Dude. People Needed to see this. People Dont Take time to read the manual. Thanks For the picture.
I just have the regular halo 3 case, and I saw it... and sorry guys but this is epitaph... I'll try to take a photo of the spot where it's at, but it's epitaph, no doubt about it... it's the spot horozontal from the grav-hammer spawn... it's both BR decks... trust me i know...
Well Team Tactical isn't new, I think it was in matchmaking when Halo 3 first came out. The problem was it required team tactics, which are rarely used when you matched up with players you don't know from around the world. The map? Its not Cold Storage. I can't work out what it is though. It could be anything, Bungie cold have changed anything right up until the last minute. Like all the screenshots, players have emblems on their back and the shoulders, like in Halo 2. Or, according to the Official Halo 3 Strategy Guide, the Pit had 2 rocket launchers, 1 in each tunnel by the needler. Edit: Chung, I sort of see it. A comparison picture would be nice.
Not really I walked over to my friends and plaid the next day and got my xbox back the day after. Even still I was dying to play. Edit: As for the pics if we have to go by the maps you posted I would say an early narrows, specifically the side base of it. but I think its probably a ripped out map that never got made. It kind of reminds me of the base you had to land on to get the skull in the covenant mission during the air battle.
Yea doesn't everyone remember, before Halo 3 was really out, the "main pictures" for the maps were different. Default pics, whatever theyre called. Like, especially in the Beta. High Ground was a lighter picture angled from the beach, Snowbound was a different angle...I think valhalla was same
It doesn't really matter what map it is. Its not clear enough for us even to be sure if its a map which has been released or not. If its a map in ODST or cut from Halo 3 altogether, then when we see it, it will probably look totally different.
There's also A high chance that they took pictures of different maps for the lobby. Maybe they changed It before Halo 3 came out. It looks like narrows mancannon, or lobby in Copnstruct.
It looks like lockout from halo2 or just gaurdian at a different angle Also team tactical is I think hardcore objective I'll look at what Maps appeared in team tactical and if there's gaurdian it's confirmed Ps. The preview of construct has a teleporter on it at the peice sticking out which just goes to prove bungie doesn't carebout the previews OK well it's says it's sniper and pistol, 3-4 ppl team and 5 kill 5 round 5 dollar foot long- perfect 4 guardian
Now that I think about it, it looks like the inside of one of the bases in Death Island from Halo 1 PC.