As i'm sure you may have noticed, this isn't the HTML version i've promised you.. which is why i call this verison 1.5. Obviously the HTML version will be v2. So why did i make this? So it's easier to maintain while im working.. i'm sure you've noticed it's been quite some time since i've added any maps.. so this way it's easier for me to add maps while i work! Also i'll implement some new features while im at it! So, enjoy! v2 is on it's way! It may take me a couple days to implement all the 1.5 features into this post but i will get it done nonetheless. Below you'll see a few new things. Links to different Listing types. Some currently work some don't (Because nothings there.. some work but aren't finished) The posting format. A brief explanation on the posting format. If your post or PM is not in that format, i will not put your map in the SMD. Not because i don't like it. Not because i'm lazy but because the format makes it faster and easier for me to post your map up so i can easily maintain this database while working on the HTML v2. Your map post must also be up to FH standards if you want your map posted on the SMD. If you don't know what FH standards is for a map post go here. Also, occasionally but rarely i will sweep through the Forge Maps boards and put up maps without having them posted here it wont be that many but maybe 10 at most.. if you want a map posted in here for sure, wether it be yours or not, then post it in the correct posting format. Want to see the recent updates to the SMD? Click Here! What do you think of this Database, What changes would you like to see? Tell me Here! Want to play Sandbox Customs with other community members? Click Here! [jumpto=Category]Category[/jumpto] Alphabetical(By Map) Alphabetical(By Forger) Rating Format for posting your map(s) into the SMD! [aname=Category]Remakes:[/aname] Spoiler Competitive: Tombstone/Hang em' High - Cameokazi (Halo 1 and 2 Remake) Foundation - Itz Srongzide (Halo 2 Remake) Excavation - OctoDeath (Foundation) Boarding Action - andrew panton (Halo 1 Remake) Pathalla - Z O IMI B I E (Valhalla look-alike, designed for banshee use) Turf 2 v2 - Grimmjob Escalation - MidgetOfDeath (Ascension) Pyla - Alex RFW (Blood Gulch/Coagulation) Ascension - saysmoo Foundation Reloaded - stickynizzle Elongation - Patt McG High Rise - Kurty66 (Ascension) Blood Gulch - Khaos139 Ascension - Cashed Hang 'Em High - xXMcNinjaXx MLG/EX MLG: Warlock/Wizard - BladedExpert (Halo 1 and 2 Remake) Warlock/Wizard - XxmrmojorisinxX Warlock/Wizard - dB0L Warlock/Wizard - LifeBurnsFaster Archmage - Dragull Longest - Pyroman (Halo 1 map) Damnation - II Synthetic II (Halo 1 map) Sanctum - vhfive (Sanctuary) Sanctuary - ThadJarvice Stieler's Sanctuary - Stieler997 Exult - Spartan343gs (Sanctuary) Rat Race - Reclaimer52 (Halo 1) Beaver Creek - Jesse Jame 13 (Halo 2 and 1) Beaver Box - Marcus Flemming (Beaver Creek) Convict - DuBbL3 (Prisoner, Halo 1) Locked Out - Gunnergrunt Blockout - MickRaider (lockout) Non- Competitive: Relic - aCannibalCorpse Non-halo Remakes: Spoiler Competitive: Facing Worlds - HawaiianPig (Unreal Remake) Sandday - DieBauhausAxt (CSS Remake) Face ][ - sgtelzilcho (Unreal Remake) Block Fort - CK CUJO (Mario Kart 64 Remake) Non-Competitive: Facility - BlackWal7z02 (007 Goldeneye Remake) Complex - Mr Meyagi (Goldeneye Remake) Race: Diddy Kong Racing - danthorpe2002 (Icicle Peaks Bonus stage Remake) Foundry Remakes: Spoiler Competitive: Highway Æ - Mini Waz KillHill v2 - WinterBurner Casual: Courtyard - animalmother671 Original: Spoiler Competitive: Spoiler Gallox - Shabutie Strikeout - RAWR Element - CreepingDeath and LIGHTSOUT Docks - Destroyer7793 Forerunner - Alec944 Fire and Ice - odmichael Imperium - Katanga Askar Depths - fracturedv2 Divum Arena - 2900d4u SH Conquest - tingtong430 Utah Mambo - Cosmic Rick Correlation - Curto21 Air Force - Destroyer7793 BattleGround - ShadowManXL Pyramid - MikeSword221 Snipestorm - InTheShadows Midkill - Gamefreak1792 Bridge of Sighs - Barc0de Ra - FreelancerSam Ancient Regime - ROC bioflame Needle Zone - Vexrog Warcloud - Crypt0117 Sanctum - Pel Sangue Nero - The_Oreo Skybridge - Halo Orlando Stepback - nbb311 BR Warmups - aK Pryor Gillocee - nbb311 Longshire - x1 caboose 1x Clarity v2 - jackwalsh20 Spire v1 - Moshin Joshin Betwissive - Moose I Infinity - Moshin Joshn Crow Zone - Rogue Shadow IV Hieroglyph - brendon 7800 Lucifugous v2 - Titmar Tunnels - JamesButlin Egyptian Attack - knightbringer Sky wars - asetic elite Air Raid - halo3rockstar Red vs Blue - spartan45kill Punishment - DEATHPIMP72 Br Warmup Stadium - N1lly The Relic - CottonJJ (Not Relic from halo 2) Platformer - JamesButlin Kilganon - XxXShabutieXxX Awakened - Moshin Joshn Mausoleum - grubish360 Focal point - DOA444 Sanctus Pugna - DisturbedShifty Sancadia - RAWR Lasting Chrono - MASTER016 Bloodsnatch - nbb311 Cenotaph - ROC Bioflame HighRise - spazmonkey92 Wrong Route - Rex Thunder Punishment - DEATHPIMP72 Sandstrocity v2 - Asthetik Dead Heat - LORDxSAINT Bridges Too Far - BlackOpsBen Anubis - SnakeEyes U74 Apex - DeadlyAssassin1 Pyramid of the Heavens - Safturento Karnak - Marcus Flemming Slither - d SKUNK b Slither (HEAVY) - d SKUNK b Forbidden Ruins - d SKUNK b Eagle's Nest - xjfisch25x Hierarchy - SN3EKY Hekcrypt - Chompa07 Inverted - IxSPAWNxKILL Border - FragdaddyXXL Arial Base RvB - Ice Wolf 212 Mytran - XxInTheShadowsX Betwissive v2 - sigifredo0926 Icarus - Darkastic Absentimental - thesilencebroken Fossil - Midst Sky Brigade - SRC48 Multi Sandbox - Cyan Laser Fisure - DFS Faust Sand of Time - spider fan2 Myjor - Mini Waz Reclaimer - Skarrow Lateralus - Arvas Sun Temple - THeKiNG1325 Hornet Nest - the steve116 Terminal Virus - Pel Tetra Junction - Canadians360 Yetiworks - RebornYeti Alamo - The Cheat MLG: Spoiler MLG Sandbox v1 - why not 117 and Cydronix MLG Solitude v1 - Unse3n MLG FlipSide v6 - On The FlipSide MLG Quadratix - Zkilla MLG Colossal - LiZoGiK Realm v1 - AoR Wildside Impossiblium v6 - Slickster MLG Cryptix - N1GHT MLG Funtimes HE - tAnK3R MLG Pressure - Karbine Kid Mini-game: Spoiler SkyBumper - LordVurtax High Rise Bumper Cars v3 - thumtac Desert Rats - LIGHTSOUT225 Death Pit - Manoukian1414 Monzter Trucks - Errorjack From Above - stevey101 Golf Course - Too Real Mike Warthog Wars - time twister500 Golf Driving Range - Too Real Mike Arson Street - BT DREAM 76 Sahara Dream - Conkerkid11 Duck Hunt - A Dark Mountain Grenade Warz - Grubish360 Sandy Pines Golf - x DREAM 76 x Pillar Pounce - thumtac Obby - rifte gifle Flight of the Piasa - gordofrog A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts - Morphine Pillar of Smear - F3AR F1SH Sandbox Golf Course - klumppy Warthog Arena - Kronos001 Ghost Wars - BLACK DEVEL Hectic Highway - TheGreatBrownie Saw Extrimity - Gamer270 Grifbox Heavy - Kronos1000 Warthog Wars - RabidZergling Sandy Lane - x1 caboose 1x Race: Spoiler Sandrace - Fallenrat Long Way Down - Pwnage 2the Max Apocalyptica - D3M0N K1lla95 Infrared Cruise - DRST13497A Leap of Faith - PheoniXaDc The Doog - Doog Nit Sky Pyramid - Masta Blastr Volcanic Ash - DRST13497A Hot Wheels - On The Flip Side DEADGOOSE - d SKUNK b Back Burner - ShaddoBlade Paramount - AnF Knight Quantum - bam3214 The Coliseum 7th Track - Vapour knuckles Dune Rider - AceOfSpades0707 Casual: Spoiler Balance - Pyroman Highwire - An Ancient Egg Armageddon - Draw the Line Jumping Map - time twister500 Leap of Faith - JamesButlin (Infection) Outpost - coyotemoon722 Last Man Standing - time twister500 Marathon - N1GHT Gbox - zat Zombie Rain - darkassailant (Infection) Gore Gulch - Captain Forge Enclose - Pheonix619 Pit of Doom - xsjados13 The Jericho - Spartan 11576 Safari Under - gordofrog (Infection) Orion - gordofrog (Infection) Flaming Ninja Challenge - petetheduck Outpost Bravo 2 Bunker - spazmonkey92 Old Man - Stuntman944 (Infection) Erebus beta - CC Pybus (Infection) Aesthetic: Spoiler UNSC Stone Fury - Weeden Project Stonehenge - Gamefreak1792 T-Rex - Shade- 743 Egyptian Sphinx - KJI Myztic and padres1944 UNSC Argon - zoo Optical Illusion - FragdaddyXXL Bay Bridge - barc0de Sandy Scarab - Ready set emo Museum - D epic failure Canvas's: (All OLN) Spoiler Crypt - Destroyer7793 Crypt - BT DREAM 76 Skybubble - Destroyer7793 Main Floor - Devinish Money Glitched - xgamer (Note: If you use this in your map, it will not be seen as acceptable to be used in any MM playlist by Bungie) Skybubble - BIGGnelson (Note: This map was designed to be used as a OLN canvas for all sections of the map and the towers are also blocked!) Blocked Towers - Daxter7 and jagdpanther001 Non-OLN Extra Space Canvas - AceOfSpades0707 (This canvas is NOT an OLN canvas but it is glitched to give extra forging space) Notes: If you would like your map in the database just let me know through PM or post and i will gladly put it up. Also sorry if the links are messed up i'm not exactly sure how to make links on here the way everyone's used to. Hope you enjoy this I take no credit in the making of any of these maps! TOTAL MAPS: 218
[aname=top]*[/aname]Maps by Alphabetical Order will go here!* Still being worked on. [jumpto=A]A[/jumpto] [jumpto=B]B[/jumpto] [jumpto=C]C[/jumpto] [jumpto=D]D[/jumpto] [jumpto=E]E[/jumpto] [jumpto=F]F[/jumpto] [jumpto=G]G[/jumpto] [jumpto=H]H[/jumpto] [jumpto=I]I[/jumpto] [jumpto=J]J[/jumpto] [jumpto=K]K[/jumpto] [jumpto=L]L[/jumpto] [jumpto=M]M[/jumpto] [jumpto=N]N[/jumpto] [jumpto=O]O[/jumpto] [jumpto=P]P[/jumpto] [jumpto=Q]Q[/jumpto] [jumpto=R]R[/jumpto] [jumpto=S]S[/jumpto] [jumpto=T]T[/jumpto] [jumpto=U]U[/jumpto] [jumpto=V]V[/jumpto] [jumpto=W]W[/jumpto] [jumpto=X]X[/jumpto] [jumpto=Y]Y[/jumpto] [jumpto=Z]Z[/jumpto] [aname=A]A[/aname] Alamo - The Cheat A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts – Morphine Absentimental - thesilencebroken Air Force - Destroyer7793 Air Raid - halo3rockstar Ancient Regime - ROC bioflame Anubis - SnakeEyes U74 Apex - DeadlyAssassin1 Apocalyptica - D3M0N K1lla95 Archmage - Dragull Arial Base RvB - Ice Wolf 212 Armageddon - Draw the Line Arson Street - BT DREAM 76 Ascension - Cashed Ascension - saysmoo Awakened - Moshin Joshn [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=B]B[/aname] Back Burner - ShaddoBlade Balance - Pyroman BattleGround - ShadowManXL Bay Bridge - barc0de Beaver Box - Marcus Flemming (Beaver Creek) Beaver Creek - Jesse Jame 13 (Halo 2 and 1) Betwissive - Moose I Betwissive v2 - sigifredo0926 Block Fort - CK CUJO (Mario Kart 64 Remake) Blocked Towers - Daxter7 and jagdpanther001 Blockout - MickRaider (lockout) Blood Gulch - Khaos139 Bloodsnatch - nbb311 Boarding Action - andrew panton (Halo 1 Remake) Border - FragdaddyXXL Br Warmup Stadium - N1lly BR Warmups - aK Pryor Bridge of Sighs - Barc0de Bridges Too Far – BlackOpsBen [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=C]C[/aname] Cenotaph - ROC Bioflame Clarity v2 - jackwalsh20 Complex - Mr Meyagi (Goldeneye Remake) Convict - DuBbL3 (Prisoner, Halo 1) Correlation - Curto21 Courtyard - animalmother671 Crow Zone - Rogue Shadow IV Crypt - BT DREAM 76 Crypt - Destroyer7793 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=D]D[/aname] Damnation - II Synthetic II (Halo 1 map) Dead Heat - LORDxSAINT DEADGOOSE - d SKUNK b Death Pit - Manoukian1414 Depths - fracturedv2 Desert Rats - LIGHTSOUT225 Diddy Kong Racing - danthorpe2002 (Icicle Peaks Bonus stage Remake) Divum Arena - 2900d4u Docks - Destroyer7793 Duck Hunt - A Dark Mountain Dune Rider - AceOfSpades0707 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=E]E[/aname] Eagle's Nest - xjfisch25x Egyptian Attack - knightbringer Egyptian Sphinx - KJI Myztic and padres1944 Element - CreepingDeath and LIGHTSOUT Elongation - Patt McG Enclose - Pheonix619Erebus beta - CC Pybus (Infection) Escalation - MidgetOfDeath (Ascension) Excavation - OctoDeath (Foundation) Exult - Spartan343gs (Sanctuary) [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=F]F[/aname] Face ][ - sgtelzilcho (Unreal Remake) Facility - BlackWal7z02 (007 Goldeneye Remake) Facing Worlds - HawaiianPig (Unreal Remake) Fire and Ice - odmichael Fisure - DFS Faust Flaming Ninja Challenge - petetheduck Flight of the Piasa - gordofrog Focal point - DOA444 Forbidden Ruins - d SKUNK b Forerunner - Alec944 Fossil - Midst Foundation - Itz Srongzide (Halo 2 Remake) Foundation Reloaded - stickynizzle From Above - stevey101 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=G]G[/aname] Gallox - Shabutie Gbox - zat Ghost Wars - BLACK DEVEL Gillocee - nbb311 Golf Course - Too Real Mike Golf Driving Range - Too Real Mike Gore Gulch - Captain Forge Grenade Warz - Grubish360 Grifbox Heavy - Kronos1000 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=H]H[/aname] Hang 'Em High - xXMcNinjaXx Hectic Highway - TheGreatBrownie Hekcrypt - Chompa07 Hierarchy - SN3EKY Hieroglyph - brendon 7800 High Rise - Kurty66 (Ascension) High Rise Bumper Cars v3 - thumtac HighRise - spazmonkey92 Highway Æ - Mini Waz Highwire - An Ancient Egg Hornet Nest - the steve116 Hot Wheels - On The Flip Side [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=I]I[/aname] Icarus - Darkastic Imperium - Katanga Askar Impossiblium v6 - Slickster Infinity - Moshin Joshn Infrared Cruise - DRST13497A Inverted – IxSPAWNxKILL [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=J]J[/aname] Jumping Map - time twister500 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=K]K[/aname] Karnak - Marcus Flemming Kilganon - XxXShabutieXxX KillHill v2 – WinterBurner [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=L]L[/aname] Last Man Standing - time twister500 Lasting Chrono - MASTER016 Lateralus - Arvas Leap of Faith - JamesButlin (Infection) Leap of Faith - PheoniXaDc Locked Out - Gunnergrunt Long Way Down - Pwnage 2the Max Longest - Pyroman (Halo 1 map) Longshire - x1 caboose 1x Lucifugous v2 – Titmar [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=M]M[/aname] Main Floor - Devinish Marathon - N1GHT Mausoleum - grubish360 Midkill - Gamefreak1792 MLG Colossal - LiZoGiK MLG Cryptix - N1GHT MLG FlipSide v6 - On The FlipSide MLG Funtimes HE - tAnK3R MLG Pressure - Karbine Kid MLG Quadratix - Zkilla MLG Sandbox v1 - why not 117 and Cydronix MLG Solitude v1 - Unse3n Money Glitched - xgamer Monzter Trucks - Errorjack Multi Sandbox - Cyan Laser Museum - D epic failure Myjor - Mini Waz Mytran – XxInTheShadowsX [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=N]N[/aname] Needle Zone - Vexrog Non-OLN Extra Space Canvas - AceOfSpades0707 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=O]O[/aname] Obby - rifte gifle Old Man - Stuntman944 (Infection) Optical Illusion - FragdaddyXXL Orion - gordofrog (Infection) Outpost - coyotemoon722 Outpost Bravo 2 Bunker - spazmonkey92 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=P]P[/aname] Paramount - AnF Knight Pathalla - Z O IMI B I E (Valhalla look-alike, designed for banshee use) Pillar of Smear - F3AR F1SH Pillar Pounce - thumtac Pit of Doom - xsjados13 Platformer - JamesButlin Punishment - DEATHPIMP72 Pyla - Alex RFW (Blood Gulch/Coagulation) Pyramid - MikeSword221 Pyramid of the Heavens – Safturento [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=Q]Q[/aname] Quantum - bam3214 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=R]R[/aname] Ra - FreelancerSam Rat Race - Reclaimer52 (Halo 1) Realm v1 - AoR Wildside Reclaimer - Skarrow Red vs Blue - spartan45kill Relic – aCannibalCorpse [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=S]S[/aname] Safari Under - gordofrog (Infection) Sahara Dream - Conkerkid11 Sancadia - RAWR Sanctuary - ThadJarvice Sanctum - Pel Sanctum - vhfive (Sanctuary) Sanctus Pugna - DisturbedShifty Sand of Time - spider fan2 Sandbox Golf Course - klumppy Sandday - DieBauhausAxt (CSS Remake) Sandrace - Fallenrat Sandstrocity v2 - Asthetik Sandy Lane - x1 caboose 1x Sandy Pines Golf - x DREAM 76 x Sandy Scarab - Ready set emo Sangue Nero - The_Oreo Saw Extrimity - Gamer270 SH Conquest - tingtong430 Sky Brigade - SRC48 Sky Pyramid - Masta Blastr Sky wars - asetic elite Skybridge - Halo Orlando Skybubble - BIGGnelson Skybubble - Destroyer7793 SkyBumper - LordVurtax Slither - d SKUNK b Slither (HEAVY) - d SKUNK b Snipestorm - InTheShadows Spire v1 - Moshin Joshin Stepback - nbb311 Stieler's Sanctuary - Stieler997 Stonehenge - Gamefreak1792 Strikeout - RAWR Sun Temple - THeKiNG1325 [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=T]T[/aname] Terminal Virus - Pel Tetra Junction - Canadians360 The Coliseum 7th Track - Vapour knuckles The Doog - Doog Nit The Jericho - Spartan 11576 The Relic - CottonJJ (Not Relic from halo 2) Tombstone/Hang em' High - Cameokazi (Halo 1 and 2 Remake) T-Rex - Shade- 743 Tunnels - JamesButlin Turf 2 v2 – Grimmjob [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=U]U[/aname] UNSC Argon - zoo UNSC Stone Fury - Weeden Project Utah Mambo - Cosmic Rick [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=V]V[/aname] Volcanic Ash - DRST13497A [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=W]W[/aname] Warcloud - Crypt0117 Warlock/Wizard - BladedExpert (Halo 1 and 2 Remake) Warlock/Wizard - dB0L Warlock/Wizard - LifeBurnsFaster Warlock/Wizard - XxmrmojorisinxX Warthog Arena - Kronos001 Warthog Wars - RabidZergling Warthog Wars - time twister500 Wrong Route - Rex Thunder [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=X]X[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=Y]Y[/aname] Yetiworks - RebornYeti [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto] [aname=Z]Z[/aname] Zombie Rain - darkassailant (Infection) [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto]
* Reserved for updates * 200TH Map Hit mark! 3/13/2009 2:54 PM EST The Coliseum 7th Track - Vapour knuckles March 17, 2009: Frontpage feature on B.Net, Couldn't have done it without you! Update 1 (3/6/2009) - Updated the organization of map lists so it is more professional and takes up less space. - Changed High Rise Bumper Cars to version 3 as requested by thumtac. Update 2 (3/13/2009) - Added spoilers so the list took up less space and added to ease-of-access. - Added link at top of SMD to the Updates post. Last Updated: 5/22/2009 1:21 PM EST Added Erebus Beta and map list to the Alphabetical List. Easier to maintain. Working on some new features as well. Started on Alphabetical list and added posting format. Will finish Alphabetical listings tommorrow afternoon! [jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto]
For those of you who don't read the first post because you think everything's the same still here's what you missed! You can now post your maps in here and i will be updating frequently again! BUT you must follow the format i have set up above in the original post! So i advise you go all the way back to the top and look at the Original post ! Thanks again, and i hope the new features that i'm adding help you all out until v2 is up and running! PM me with any questions! You can get status information on v2 in my blog!
If you could add my remake:
I'll be a bit lenient for now seeing as how i just released this update.. Next time you post a map though make sure you post it like this Archmage - Dragull Everything else you posted was fine . Thank you.
Added, thank you! Also a not to anyone else that may be looking, i realize the Alphabetical list is REALLY messy and needs some touching up, I'll be fixing it soon. As of right now i'm leaving school.
You should add my Competitive Map: Yetiworks. For some reason, the link I'm trying to post isn't working, so just click the link in my sig.
Please add blockout to the remake list Remake->Competetive-> Blockout - MickRaider (lockout) Blockout - MickRaider (lockout)
This is gonna work out great. The only problem is, that you can't really maintain every map posted by yourself. Even if it is easier to update.
I had an FML moment.. the second i posted this update.. i thought the same thing at first but i think i can do it if everyone obeys my formatting.. I did think of making another account of FH based solely on the SMD.. and give out the password to those who where trustworthy.. but idk. For now i've got it under control.
And I think the worst of the sandbox map storm is over. Or at least, of those who know about the SMD, instead of just posting their map. You probably are able to keep it under control - especially if the HTML version allows you to post your map, and it auto-enlists it. Then all you need to do is pick out the rotten apples of people who make lol-entries, and they probably get a warning or an infraction. Well, I don't know how the HTML version will work, but I've been looking forward to it for a while now Just keep us updated. (*adds extra pressure*)
Lol, yea i'm still working on it, i've also been thinking of an actual windows program version.. but i don't want to screw our Mac users over.. lol. Hopefully things will run smoothly and people will be mature enough to not post things they know shouldnt belong there lol.
Alamo - The Cheat Original Competitive Map Also: Although it would be a daunting task, would you ever considering making the V2 of this in Alphabetical Order? It would really make finding a specific map much easier.