Was posted on Bungie Blog, thought I'd post it here too. It's and amazing video and an actually fun to watch Montage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtbR...s/Blog.aspx?mode=news&feature=player_embedded Watch in HD DO IT!
I liked it, it was different from most montages. Also seemed much more like someone filming epic battles and less montagish and non of that first person view point stuff.
That was a great sensationalization of Halo battles. The musical score was great and the clips were well filmed. I'm not sure I agree about the choice to leave out the reticles on the few 1st person clips. Overalll, better than most and certainly original.
I agree with the battles. Beatifully shown and really captures the awesomenss of Halo vehicles battles. And I kinda liked the non-reticule clips, kinda different. Made the clip look more crisp and bright.
It reminds me of like SMBB, Soul Calibar, or any other Jap made game's opening sequence with the music and the epicness of the battles.
Oh yeah, this one... I loved the choice of soundtrack, it goes very well with the overall style. Then there is the fact that this is different from normal montages, it seems more like an embodiment of the spirit of Halo 3.