Sandbox Jettison

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SmartAlec13, May 21, 2009.

  1. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Created by SmartAlec13

    [SIZE=+2]Supported Gametypes:[/SIZE]
    Jettison supports most larger gametypes. It supports Flag, Assault, Slayer, Territories, and KOTH. Most of the other games like Oddball might have been a little silly. But it plays best on Slayer, Flag, and Assault.

    [SIZE=+2]Map Description[/SIZE]
    Jettison is a large map, made for 4v4 to 8v8 team battles. Its like most large maps. Its got 2 bases, and 2 "side bases". And then its got some structures around the map for cover.

    But its named Jettison for a reason. The central structure in this map, is a large "cannon" shaped tube. The base of this building is shapped like a pyramid. Inside, there is a grav lift. There is a shield door at the start of the tube that does not allow vehicles to enter the tube, just the bottom room. Apon hitting this gravlift, you fly up the tube, hitting mancannons as you go. This tube "jettisons" you high above the map. Floating here in the sky, you can grab the Sniper and land back on the tube.

    -The Arches in front of the bases have now been removed.
    -The spawnpoints and some grenades have been moved around.
    -The map is now fixed for CTF. Spawn areas to varients have been added.
    -A few more Aesthetics have been added.
    -Structures have been moved around or deleted.
    -There is a little suprise in the sky ;)

    Click the Spoiler for Weapon List

    As you see on the weapon list, the map is longer to mid range weapons, with many vehicles. And yes, my map as a ROFLBEAM(Setinal Beam).

    Here are some normal pictures. No action screenshots at the moment, or films, but those will come soon.

    Long picture of the map, from a distance. Just so you can get an idea of the heights ;)

    The Blue Base.

    The Red Base. Same as the Blue.

    One of the side bases. Its identical for the Red Side.

    The Rocket, Overshield, and the Power Drain spawns, in that order.

    Inside the center structure, at the bottom.

    One of the "Tents" on the side.

    The Sniper in its holder, high above the map

    Hope you like the map! The link to download is below.
    #1 SmartAlec13, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  2. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    I doubt the single Grav Lift is powerful enough to get you all the way up there. The map looks fairly original, and has fresh aesthetics. I'd say this ought to play fairly well, 4/5
  3. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Haha a single grav lift? Take a closer look at the pictures. There are a total of the 1 grav lift, and 8, count em, 8, mancannons. ;D
  4. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    heres what you should have done with the tube things in the middle, you should have interlocked them like that ( looks cool i have done) other then that solide map
  5. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    What do you mean exactly? The tube in the center, is actually 2 tubes interlocked together. One of the tubes is turned about 45*. So it makes the one combined tube have 8 sides instead of 4.

    Otherwise i dont really understand what you mean. But thanks :D

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    I don't think there would've been enough tubes for that. Nice map btw. 4/5
  7. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Wow I really like the blast up to sniper idea. It's a fairly well put together map, but it could be better. There's plenty of cover, but there's nothing special about the aesthetics. If you want my dl at least, there needs to be something special in the gameplay or aesthetics, preferably both.
  8. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Special Asthetics or Gameplay? Try going inside that tube. Thats not only the biggest gameplay factor on the map, but its also great for asthetics.
  9. Whero Michael

    Whero Michael Ancient
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    That massive structure is what makes the map...its pretty amazing. The rest of the map pales a little bit but I think its just cuz of how amazing the Tube thing is....I just downloaded, I'll edit this w/ feedback in a minute
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Overall, I'll say that the map does look pretty solid. I like the cannon and the sniper at the very top, but if the player going up the cannon comes back landing on the top of the cannon, couldn't he just camp there? I suggest that you have a grav lift or something at the very top to maybe eliminate the problem, and also making some of your structures a bit cleaner, but other than that, not too bad.

    Also, in the future, it's recommended that you don't take your pics in forge, and you should also try to get some action shots :).
    #10 Rifte, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  11. Pflugerchill

    Pflugerchill Ancient
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    great idea! i had an idea similar to this, but have a broken right wrist so cant go through w/ it. imo, you should delete the last tube on the top of the shaft. that way people cant grab the snipe and camp on one of the 4 ledges, or even hide a whole team of 4 up there. also, some spawns are in the open, maybe move them to a structure. the rocket area strikes me as awkward, try to minimize necessary jumps to improve game flow. but this is a great map with a unique idea. keep forging

    edit. guess i agree w/ what the guy above me said. except that i like seeing spawn points in forge mode. and while im here, sorry for bad english, typin w/ left hand isnt fun for me
    #11 Pflugerchill, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  12. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Yeah i know there are the 4 small ledges up there. And you would imagine its the most godly camping position in the world. But its actually not that usefull. The enemy has to be on the very top of the rim to be able to shoot anyone. Your team could easily then shoot them down. And accuracy up there is still pretty limited.

    As for them being able to fall back into the small ledge inside the tube. When there, they cant really do much other than sit there. And then your team can make a movement by going up the tube and gaining an ariel advantage over the enemy.

    Like i said though, it seems like the most godly camping uber 1337 sniping spot, but strangely its not. Besides, im out of money :p

    The out of money thing also explains why the rest of the map is somewhat pale. The tube took up a large portion of my money. So almost all of the other structures are created with the original sandbox items.

    Thanks for the comments/feedback. :D
  13. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Alright i edited some of the BR spawns, and some of the spawnpoints (like requested)
  14. stobb3s

    stobb3s Ancient
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    pretty legit map, the jet in the middle is of the map is fun to go up
  15. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Thanks :D

    Its even more fun if you can sneak a chopper in there ;]

    Getting a Chopper inside the center tube room is possible, by a few ways. But they can be tricky, and getting the chopper up the tube isnt very worth while. Its for the luls
  16. Whero Michael

    Whero Michael Ancient
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    Ok, well I dont think you really set this blam up for capture thee flag cuz you have your flag spawns in the wrong side, and the locations of the flags are pretty terrible too. As in, you have to do a jump that you will not always make to get to the flag, and the bases + surrounding area of the flag are really open....anyway

    For the good part, I played a Slayer game on this that was pretty fun. It was BR primary secondary Random starts so I dont know if you were going for Competetive gameplay with this map, IMO competitive doesnt really work on this map, not very fun etc but more laid back games are fun. Once people got tired of the Jettison ( I never stopped going up that mancannon lol...) people started the the actual surrounding map, which they said wasnt....very fun
    but its some peoples opinions right

    for a v2 I think you should just put more cover in the map, particularly by the bases, but the Jettison thing is pretty sweet broseph keep it up
  17. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Thanks for the input. And yeah, i tested the flag and for some reason it was messed up (it was working before). Sorry about that.

    And it is a more competitive map! Try it with BR starts AR secondary, with 6v6. Thats one of the best ways to play it.

    And there is cover around the rest of the map... :p
  18. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Alright. Sorry about that. CTF is now fixed and ready to go!
  19. HiddenOutcast

    HiddenOutcast Ancient
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    pretty cool, just try to interlock SOMETHING. Seems pretty balanced though.
  20. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Yeah i usually dont interlock things. Not that i dont want to. Sometimes i just dont feel the need.

    But, the center tube structure is interlocked. Its actually 2 tubes interlocked together, one of them rotated 45*. It gives it the look of an 8 sided tube.

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