Just guessing, did you see SAVE THE WHALE's punk sig tut, cause i can see some stuff that might have been tooken from that. Anyways good sig... God, where does everyone get these beuatiful women stocks.
OMGosh, that's beautiful! Its absolutely beautiful. My only thing is the neg space on the right side, and the fact that the effects don't quite reach her, they seem to just kinda stop. You see what I mean? But really thats your best work yet!
Thanks a lot ice, I knew it was by far my best haha. I'm just getting started. And yeah I did take a look at STW's tut on viral. Btw: Good Stocks > http://www.fringefx.net/stocks/index/
Oh, you used that cool dude's tut. I like everything but the right side. Just kinda bland you know, maybe crop it a little. I also kinda dislike the stock, she's looking down. But that's all personal preference I suppose. Good job.