my first review written in a while... hope this helps you wow. this looks fantastic. the first base tho could use a little spice.... it just seems a little too plain. anyhow i really love the cliff base, it really reminds me of something out of COD or in some intense war movie. what i think you should do is make it so the "lights" come on after a little while giving the zombies a bigger advantage and increasing the humans scaredness. i mean for the temple have the light spawn later so its more "dangerous" and then have one thats least dangerous spawn first etc etc. i honestly think tho this map is amazing great job. sept i would like to see some change in the spawn area. it seems really blan. like a few other posters have said you should make it into a small town (2 or 3 houses) then also add some stuff to your other bases. overall great job! i will be downloading this once my xbox gets back from geting fixed from the red rings AFTER PLAYING WITH 8 PEOPLE AT MY FRIENDS HOUSE: i have come to a conclusion that this map is very large. it is sorta hard for the zombies to make it to all the humans if the humans just keep moving. i think the zombies should be faster not super fast but just slightly. also i would love to see the spawn area for the humans made a bit better (as i have stated before). you should have to search a little for the mongoose to make it a little more of a challenge. i used the strategy that you suggested with the 2 mongooses and that worked. we just left the other 3 to die. we ended up just cruising in the mongooses the whole time while 2 people sniped the zombies. this wouldnt happen if the zombies were faster. back to the spawn area; make a building or 2 with the left over money you have and it would be a LOT better, i asure you. For the humans who get stranded have a little base to "feel safe in" as well as another place to chill if people needed to. the weapons were a little broken for they were in favor of head shots and once we got used to seeing the zombies with poor camo it became an easy task to pick off zombies with only 1-2 bullets wasted. id suggest not making it all headshot favoring weapons and throw in some smgs, espesically at the starting area. it seems to me that it would work a lot better for the zombies if you did this and the humans would have a harder time. suggestions: -spread out all the "good weapons" (even tho you mostly have done this except at the begining) so humans have to run around to find these valuble weaponry. -we took off the filters cuz they were just plain annoying and i suggest you leave them off due to the almost impossiblness to see the zombies. -maybe somehow make a base with a tunnel area? all my friends were saying how they wish there was a tunnel and how it would make the map a lot more fun to play on then just "overworld" exploring and killing -sometimes freshly spawned zombies would get spawn camped due to there spawn placement and next to no cover. but you balanced that out with a plethora of spawn points so it wasnt TOO bad goodthings about the gameplay: -the amount of ammo was very good. it made it a little more challenging. insted of driving everywhere all the time we actually had to stop and make sure the coast was clear run and get ammo then hop back on the cars. -with the plasma pistol as starting weapon it made everyone more frantic to get ammo and rush out of the spawn area which was pretty interesting. but you could have make them start with AR's or SMG's and make them search for the weapons -very fun overall. me and my friends must have played this map 20 times before switching to a new one. -the verity of bases. Not everyone was the same. you mixed them up so you got a new feel with every base Great job. this map will defenatly go under my "favorite maps" i look forward to the actual version
wow this looks amazing, i love the geomerging on the map and the cliff looks amazing, looks like alot of work has been put into this map. can i see a map overveiw please??
OMG I Love It Just To Say Some Things You Should Add Like More Stuff In Sand And Camp Where Infect Spawn Make Like Random Objects To Like Hide Behind I HAve Alot More To Make This A G-R-E-A-T Map If You Want To Forge With Me Message Me At I Can Haz Milk On LIVE
I must say, this map is...amazing! Actually more than amazing, but I can't pick the right word to describe this..I love the cliff side base..all of this is really original and executed perfectly. 10/10 and one of my rare DL's
I have to agree the cliff side base is amazing, but so is everything else. The map is superbly forged.
Thanks, please get back to me after playing, this is a beta and im very open to ideas and improvements. Thanks to everyone so far who has given awesome feedback
Hope to see some cooler things come out of this. It's already an amazing map and it is only the Beta, what will be added for real when the first version comes out? Just wondering.
This is one of the most phenomenal maps on sandbox that i have ever seen. It looks like a crapload of fun and has amazing merging and overall aesthetics. Im also wondering if the skull shows up in custom games. Does anyone know? Overall, 5/5-feature worthy
Wow thanks for the in depth review. One thing i'm a bit confused about is you said you took the filters off the map when there are actually no filters on the map to begin with. Anyway, the suggestions i think i will take forward are to add a base with a tunnel, it sounds interesting, i will dfefinatley make a structure in the middle it seems everyone wants one. I will try to swap some weapons for less head shot capable weapons, i will also add more zombie spawns and cover at the beginning. One thing I cannot do however is increase the zombies speed slightly, it can either be 200 which it is now or 300 which is super fast, there is no option between the two.
no problem. a good map deserves a good review. nuff said. i am pretty sure there was a filter.... haha maybe when i was going through on forge my friend added one cuz i had to go back and remove it haha okay well i think maybe then since the zombies cant get any faster without being broken you could do one of 3 things: -take away the mongooses and replace with them say 1 prowler. These are not very fast at all and only have one crappy turret. Even though it would carry more people it would still overall even out since it is so slow. For it was pretty hard for the zombies to hit the mongooses with plasma pistols to disable them -give the zombies a power drain to totally smash the vehicles and make them useless (this would work well with prowler for the zombie would have acessess to 4 people) and would discourage vehicle use (unless you wanted this to be a main vehicle level which is what it turned out to be due to the mongooses and their speedyness) -simply remove the vehicles. this way you could make the zombies slighty slower so they humans dont get insta raped. This would also force humans to stay in a group and would emthisize (woah i spelled it right) teamwork due to the lack of mobility... Although it would be hard to get anyway due to the slowness. i still really like this map. dont get me wrong, since its just a beta i thought id get back to you as much as posible once again i very much look forward to the "real" version. if you need any ideas im defenatly here to help. I wish i could make some maps of my own but i got red rings so im screwed for about 3 weeks :/
Okay I've played it, it was fun, but i have some suggestions. First off, walking into the dunes is lame, make one or two more mongeese. With the increase of mongesses, i think that the zombie's speed should be increased to %300, and their damage turned down to two hit kill. Try that out, it should speed up gameplay.
I think you meant emphasize... No matter what you do... do NOT make zombie speed 300. With the number of hills on the outskirts, zombies will run up hills and fly past their targets. They are barely controllable at 200, 300 will make zombies fly past their targets.
dam it! haha i was sorta close. and yah 300 speed is way to much. im at my friends and we just tested it and it was really annoying for the zombies
Yeah the speed of the zombies will definatley stay at 200. I like the idea of a power drain for the zombies to discourage vehicle use, i may impliment that. I also don't want this map to turn into a vehicle map so i will probably remove the second mongoose and make humans slightly faster to around 125% so walking on foot is less tedious. Thanks everyone so far for the suggestions, hopefully with your help I can make this map epic.
wow great geomerging, it fels a little empty but that works with the zombies traveling the open masses charging at you its unique well thaught out and looks fun! 4/5
Yeah it needs to be open otherwise there would be too many bases and too much ammo. I am going to add a couple more bases and some more cover or zombies, but otherwise it will still be mostly open.
wow this is just epic the interlocking and geomerging is amazing the bases r amazing everything is just amazing! the cliff and temple r incredible.... did u make this on a pc because the geomerging is that good that it doesnt seem makeable on a xbox, i dont no if u can get forge on a pc but my friend says he has it on his so idk? ill test this out tomorrow with as much people as i can get and say what i think about gameplay if u need help doing anything i can help im good with forge ive made like 400 maps on it lol, my GT is turkey bag56
No, you can't forge on a PC, because Halo 3 isn't on a PC, unless you mod your xbox into your computer, which is tough. The geomerging is good, but it isn't something that makes me go "Holy %$@#!" A good example of geomerging is Utah Mambo, however that's getting sidetracked. After playing the map some more, I've come to the realization that the map itself is lacking. I think it would be better if you built more indoor bases, and on the cliff base, another wood bridge so you don't fall through the crack would be good. For what it is, though, its okay. The zombie spawns are pretty bad though, I would highly advise giving them a safer spawn.
kk i dont no how to use geomerging but i have a pretty good idea of how to do it so there might b a easyer way than what im thinking of.... the geomerging on this map does make me go "Holy @%#$" lol