The next big thing in RPGs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aschur, May 19, 2009.

  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My band doesn't have a name right now, but we play rock and it sounds like a combo of three days grace, breaking benjamin and escape the fate.

    Yes, valve made those games.
  2. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I don't understand, if you are just learning how to program how are you going to make a game by yourself? Also do you really think that Valve would take your idea, I mean no matter how good it is, if your friend just started working there would he have a lot of influence?
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I may be just learning some of the programming, but I know a bit already. As it is I have been working on the engine for it for almost a year along with the storyline.

    I hope he has an influential role to play in valve, but even if he doesn't all I really need is to be able to show them a beta and I'm pretty sure they'll pick it up.
    I'm mainly letting things sort themselves out as things unfold, I haven't worried for two years and it has really progressed far. I mean I have a fully fledged storyline, some sketches, and am working on music for it.

    So to sum it up, even if he doesn't have a big role I'm pretty sure that somebody will eventually pick it up. Plus the longer it takes for someone to do that, the better I can make the game.
    #23 Aschur, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  4. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Can we see some of this stuff, like the sketches?
  5. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    and mabey abit of the music too, this game idea is hot, would love to give a hand if you need one.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, thanks both of you. I will try and get on an actual cpomuter to edit and put pics up (I'm using my phone right now) but I'm sorry to say I don't think ill be able to put up any music yet, seeing as its not as done.
  7. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    Have you ever done something simmilar or made any flash games or something like that and if so could you possibly show us.
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I had made an animated comic a while ago, if I can find out if I still have it saved I could put it in my main post, in fact ill edit my main post with the sketches when I get on a computer like I said earlier.
  9. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Okay, some things to think about( I didn't read every post). I'm an avid World of Warcraft player. Your concepts look pretty nice. I don't really understand the whole hovercraft thing.

    Your classes look solid. I might suggest adding a sort of thief or even a healer class.

    And on to the major point, the boss battle. When you go to fight a boss, do you take a break? (intervals) Nah, you keep fighting till you die, fight till the end. I love the whole 30 minute thing, but that might be a tad long. 15-20 minutes sounds more suitable.
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why not? The four horsemen were from medeival times so it fit that they rode horses, but this is the future so it fits to have them riding hoverbikes.

    I sincerly thank you for this comment, although I already have both of those; pirate or the ninjas second form which actually is a theif, and the hermit or the knights third form the paladin, and a few others have minor healing abilities.

    There are no "breaks" in the boss battle assure you, lazarus is a single boss fight that just goes through four stages. The only boss fight that has checkpoints is the final form of lazarus because of the legth of the battle but they are NOT breaks in the battle, simply active checkpoints.
    #30 Aschur, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  11. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    I like you picture of war, however I'm of the impression that this would make a better famine or Plague character. War would strike me as more of a large emposing war-lord figure, and would probably look the most human, still this is just an idea :)
  12. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    From your sketches i feel like the characters are a bit too generic-looking for what you have going here. If you're going to make characters we've somewhat heard of before, they'll need to look wayyyy more original than your current sketches. I'm just not seeing the huge burst of originality(imagery-wise and the whole rpg style) needed for a game made by one guy JUST jumping into the whole game developing thing to have a chance of taking off. I dig the idea, don't get me wrong but i think some crazy **** needs to be thrown into this to make people go 'wow!' I didn't go wow, my reaction was more of a 'sounds interesting.' It has to be off the wall, it's got to stand out from the crowd, and your idea currently isn't a stand out in my opinion.

    You gotta work your way up slowly for these kinds of things, and honestly 5 years is an unlikely outlook for this kind of thing. Hoping a major game company will pick up your idea isn't exactly a likely way for it to go at all and i wouldn't count on it at all, this is life. I respect your naivety toward this whole thing and you should strive to get this whole idea to take off but i felt like throwing some reality at you. Just don't be surprised or taken back if this isn't a huge game within 5 to 10 years.

    Keep with it, man. Just continue develop the idea and plan it out a **** ton. Actually, the 5 years you plan on making the entire game should be spent thinking ahead and planning EVERYTHING, not making. Also take that time to gain some experience, get some jobs for small game companies, intern, etc etc. Jumping in and developing/programming any game without much under your belt right away isn't the smart way to go at all. Things will be constantly changing with games that come out and new elements in games will be seen, your game may be a bit out-dated by the time you get it out if you just start programming ****.

    Think ahead, take you're time, and be smart. I hope to see this as a game sometime in the future.
    #32 CHUCK, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    He would be about three stories tall and you fight him in the ruins of new york, but I can see your point although I am working on a pestilence that looks like he has scales growing in patches on him and a gaunt face. Famine, will look like a very very thin person, I mean lethally thin, and hell kind of look dead. But keep in mind things can change, so ill see what I can do for a better war that gives you the impression of him being who he is.

    In response to the other guy, these are just sketches to be honest. They are not the final product.

    And also if you think my mind**** at the end of the game is generic then you will be sadly dissapointed with virtually any game that comes out nowadays. Any game with more plotline twists than this is going to look like a corkscrew.

    Plus the aspect of an open world game with the style of gameplay I want just makes me tingly inside. Then you add in the TEN races and the TWENTY classes that upgrade TWICE, plus all medeival weaponry immaginable, well to me this idea sounds surreal. And maybe if you had read what I have posted in my group dedicated to this, you wouldn't have posted something like this, but you most likely haven't read that because of the way you are condescending my game and me in general.

    So you can continue to think that it will be unfantastic and just ok, then everyone else who ACTUALLY has the right mind to think and then type.

    Additionally I have NOT been programming my game, I said my game engine. That is something completely different than the game itself.

    So I'm sorry if I'm mad at you for completely degrading my game concept, but I have been working on it for over two years and I have earned the right to be mad at people like you... I accept constuctive criticism, not deconstructive.

    Thank you and to all of the other people that read this, I'm sorry I had to dirty up my thread with this.
    #33 Aschur, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  14. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    Deconstructive criticism? Well then, that's the last thing i'll say here. Good luck to you.
  15. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    The only thing you can call "deconstructive criticism" is flaming, and I don't see that here.

    Furthermore, you've absolutely NO right to get pissed at people if they flame you, which, like I mentioned earlier, is nonexistent. Why? Because you put your work out to be judged, and since the world isn't full of loving, judicious optimists running around in fields of daisies shouting your name in praise, don't expect every comment to help or laud you.

    Now that I've said my spiel about your arbitrary picks at whats "constructive" and what doesn't fall in line with your pride, I'm going to help you some more...

    I'm a writer of sorts, and I believe myself creative, and I'm going into the game/film industry in much the same fashion you endeavor to be in as well, the "idea guy", so I'm pretty much in the same situation as you...I'm thinking of things to implement in games...the main difference between you and I is the fact that I'm not EXTREMELY naive about the game production process.

    Unless you've many millions of dollars behind you, or have a way of making that much within the next 5 years, you're not going to get this game made within the timeframe you set.

    It takes years to get to the point of being able to pitch a game idea to a company, then being the game director/design lead throughout the process. You've not only got to gain experience from working at that dev house for years, but you've got to have people willing to follow you into a potential abyss over your single idea, as any game can flop. Also, consider the fact that many of the game-director/idea guys are in their late 30s at least. You seem like a very young person, as someone in some field wouldn't drop their career to pursue another that quickly, it requires education and planning, which alone takes a few years.

    Anywho, a comment on your "plot twist bonanza":

    As I've seen many a movie, nearly watching a new one every day for the sake of enjoyment and enlightenment, and as such, I've developed I've a theory about plot twists and it falls simply under the adage "too many cooks spoil the broth" or whatever that adage is

    in layman's terms: don't use many, if at all.

    While I myself LOVE twists, as they make amazing movies all the more awesome, they are horrific if too many are thrown your way. I realize that a game, especially of the genre you endeavor to make, has a significantly longer amount of time in which the audience is actively engaged in the entertainment...but the rule still applies.

    How can you expect one to adjust constantly. You need to allow your audience a base, something to stand on and get their bearings once their world gets screwed. If you're constantly throwing twists and "OMG" moments into their view, it not only gets confusing but is detrimental to the experience itself, as there is nothing static to connect to. "Oh Mike is such an awesome character, he always saves the day, AHHHH nevermind he died...whatever, I've got Jake, he's always calm in the line of fire, OH NO, he's suffering a mental breakdown, he'll never be the same...Ah, at least I've got Bob..." etc...

    You've got to make them LOVE the slow progressive movement of the plot, connect to the characters, enjoy the scenery, before you blast it all to bits. Nobody loves a storm, but its always interesting to see the effect it has on a pituresque town.

    I hope you understand what I mean...I kind of just went all over the place trying to emphasize it all.

    And when I'm prone to writer's block I always come back to a single video that inspires my creative juices to flow, think itll do you some good.

    J.J. Abrams' mystery box | Video on
    #35 SargeantSarcasm, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm sorry, I was just defending my position, and I feel that anyone that has been working this long on something would do the same thing. I now understand that he was only suggesting that I use more ideas that are unconventional and not condescending my creativity and my concept.

    I would like to also add that, yes I may be naïve and optimistic but, this helps me go through life and just roll with whatever punches life throws at me. I don't think or plan my life out I live in the moment, but that might just be part of being a musician. So it really does help to be naïve and optimistic in tight situations.

    Now, I agree that the development process is a very crucial time for games, and many don't actually make it but I honestly don't care if it makes it bigtime or not, I just want the ability to see it as an actual game whether or not it is published is another thing.

    But enough of that, I may have given you the impression that my game is going to traumatize players from the amount of twists, but in all reality I just ment that it is going to have around four twists that are spaced well apart although the last twist is the ending.

    Thank you for your link to the video, I'm sure ill get the chance to watch it soon, and in turn when I have a writers block I listen to instrumental rock or classic rock. So I hope that this might help you out, and if you mind I would like you to read the posts in my group if you haven't already and let me know what you think.
    #36 Aschur, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009

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