That's not what port forwarding does. At...all. My suggestion? Get a download box with Linux and ClamAV to scan incoming files.
How much is that? I thought Linux was a cheap-arse OS? EDIT: Just downloaded something and I dragged and dropped it into uTorrent and it said: "invalid torrent file" "not enough storage space available" (I have 120GB free on my hard drive. The file was 100MB) "invalid" etc. This is bullshit. It's risky, it takes forever and it doesn't work. I'm going back to LimeWire. It may be rubbish but at least for me I have it safe and it's not overly complicated. I don't give a **** about legal issues anymore, if i can't get a legal-ish program to work then I won't bother.
Find viruses via LimeWire have nothing to do wth LimeWire itself. It has to do with a bad torrent file.
...It's free...a simple Google search would've confirmed that in less than 30 seconds. You realize Limewire is basically just torrenting, but more centralized? And it's poisoned so much, it's ridiculous. I once tried searching for a particular music track. The first four hits are always porn/spam/advertisements, and the next couple of tracks were viruses. There's little feedback; in torrenting, you can at least verify who actually uploaded the torrent file, so you can check their reputation.
Try typing in in your browser address bar. See if you get a router information panel. That's how it's done on mine at least.
I have two houses which I move between. At my Mum's house, I have a D-Link router of some description. My ISP is Orange Broadband At my Dad's house I have a Siemens generic router supplied by Tiscali, who are also the ISP. I'm currently at my Dad's. If I forward my ports, will I have to change them every time I move house? Also, no-one's explained to me why none of the files that I download actualy work with uTorrent. The files I last Dled were FLAC files. I don't think they work.
Actually, they have to pay a fine. But, the owners got as many people as they could to pay a small bit. Interesting things happened. What exactly are you trying to download? Just how big is it? How popular? I ask this because you're connection could take longer if it's less popular due to less people seeding and all that.
DDo$ FTW I tried to DL a 100MB file. It had about 12 seeds and 1 leecher. It took 15 minutes to DL and then uTorrent kept saying it was invalid. the parts of the file were called "FLAC"s.
Port fowarding is basicly to let others connect to you through different ports on your IP, basicly I dont bother with port fowarding and tbh you dont need to either... Keep utorrent and limewire burn it now You can carry on downloading your torrent at both your houses, it doesnt matter where you are and you can stop a download in the middle and just carry on later which is by the looks of it what you need in your situation, if you need any help, pm me
I think that's just because you don't have the software to use FLAC. Have you tried DL'ing anything else? .Mov? .mp3?
Ah from England, two router's I am unfamiliar with. But try doing a google search with the brand and model and you should pull up some things. Try this website as well, one of your AV programs might be blocking incoming requests. User Cant Connect - LimeWire
It might just be the torrent itself. Try loading up a torrent you KNOW will work (plenty of leechers and seeders).
If I were you I would just use Azureus its essentially the same thing as uTorrent but not half as lame as limewire, its what I us to download from torrents.
2 Days and 9 hours remaining. It'll just suffer the same fate of every other torrent I've DLed so far anyway: ___________ ___________ ___________ The uTorrent forums provide no help. It's full of people saying "I have the same problem plz halp?????" and no-one knows what's wrong. I tried installing an older version, I tried 5 different torrents, none of which worked, I tried setting up individual directories and nothing worked. I've been pretty patient with this program but it just doesn't work. I dunno whether it doesn't like Vista or laptops or Dells or anything like that. So I'm giving up. thanks for the help guys, but I'm going back to LimeWire. uTorrent has failed. I'd also like to thank B3NW for helping me in Visitor Messages, even though he couldn't figure it out either.
I don't think anyone has had as much trouble as you. I think you should check and make sure your ISP allows the port to be open for p2p programs, just to check that off the list of possibilities. In the US there are a few ISP's that won't allow you to such as Charter Cable.