RHENIUM Created by II ELITE BR II. RHENIUM RHENIUM is a covenant themed symmetrical map that is designed for free for all games. It is set up for slayer, oddball and king and supports 4-8players. Weapon List Weapon-No. of-Respawn time-Spare clips Carbine-6-10 seconds-2 clips Plasma rifle-4-30 seconds-N/A Needler-2-90 seconds-2 clips Plasma pistol-2-45 seconds-N/A Sentinel beam-4-45 seconds-N/A Fuel rod gun-1-180 seconds-0 clips Equipment List Equipment-No. of-Respawn time Plasma-8-10 seconds Screenshots Overview Fuel rod spawn (The FX were removed from these pictures to show the map more clearly) Action shots A big thanks to the testers: HLOMAD2 ChargingMuffin L4stM4nStanding antroz A special mention for Lemons Reloaded who was the first person to notice the link between the names of my maps, (other than EMPIRE) they are all named after lesser known elements. Thanks for taking a look at RHENIUM any constructive criticism is appreciated. RHENIUM YTTERBIUM Coming soon!
Yay first post!! happy elite? well the map when i played it was very well forged and hectic for our 6 person ffa, love how smooth it is and looking forward to your next map!
Wow you forge a lot This looks as fantastic as the rest of your maps and I will definately DL this (currently Red Faction 3 demo-ing it up ;]). I'll queue it now and have a look through and tell you what i think R
Great map well forged... I don't like the fuel rod... but thats just me... I like the high and low ground seems good for FFA, and warm up 4/5
Definately remember testing this one, it was awesome. Really fast paced FFA. Weapon layout is superb. The Fuel Rod is not overpowering because when you hardly have any time to reload. The aesthetics are beautiful aswell, really smooth, although I did find myself falling towards the Crypt a few times. Brilliant, elite. 4.5/5 I really like the look of Ytterbium. Not a big fan of the name. Periodic Table again?
your maps are pretty cool but you need more original names... even better elements if you isn't on using the periodic table, you picked like the five lamest elements out there lol
Nice Layout!! i love the covenant theme weapons. very unique idea. 1 thing you did that i noticed because i did the same thing just yesterday is the large wedges your using for ramps looks kinda sloppy. But i found a solution. use huge wedges in the same place. its much smoother and it is less steep. you should try it it works wonders. you could also like create some sort of atrium arch's over the map for a more covenantesque feel. but thats just me. until i dl 4.5 out of 5
i really do like this mapp, was going to say somthing about lack of BRs but as the post above said, (covanent theme) so. this map is really well forged and FFA on it looks fun as heck. 8/10 because of the effect
from the screenshotz it looks like you put a lot of time into this. your weapon choice is a little odd (fuel rod cannon?), but the layout looks too legit 2 quit. what i might recomend is adding some asthetic touches like merged columns or lights. one of my major complaints against sandbox maps is the lack of asthetics, because everything looks the same. keep up the good work, ur next map looks sick and ill definitely look foreward to it. if u need any help my gt is Sourdauer.
I really like your use of verticality here. I think many mapmakers overlook the tactical possibilities a map gains when it has lots of different elevations. I get the feeling FFA on this map will consistently be varied and fun. As far as weapon selection goes, I've always been a big fan of the fuel rod, and I bet it works well on this map; there's plenty of angles to make cool bounce shots. The sentinel beams I'm less sure about. They're REALLY strong weapons, almost to the point where I'd consider them power weapons. Are you sure you want two of them on a map that already has a fuel rod gun? Anyway, great job overall. The forging is beautiful and I like the layout. You've got a download from me. P.S. For your next map, Ytterbium is super awkward-sounding. You should use Yttrium instead (they're named after the same city, I believe.)