Map Theft reporting thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Glasgow, May 20, 2009.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    With all those stolen map threads going on, I decided to make a thread about it! Report your map theft here! If you see someone claiming a map is theirs, even though five seconds ago you were at the original map creator's thread on ForgeHub, report them here!

    Heres the format:

    Link to stolen map:
    Original creator:
    Link to original map:

    Make sure to send them a message or a comment stating "You stole this map" and provide a link to the creator's map thread. Also tag it as stolen or the creator's name or something, and agree on it. Also rate it the lowest low can be, and just laugh in his face for fun.

    The purpose of this thread is to make people aware of stolen maps, and together we can take the thieves down, one at a time!

    Reported maps:
    #1 Glasgow, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Well you could just go to Customer Service and report it there.

    maybe you shoud try to get this stickied there.
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Erm, you thought why dont you make this thread. No you saw my post and thought, yeah ill make it. Credit should always be given, its fairly ironic that youve just posted a thread for reporting map theft when you just stole a thread idea with no credit? Ahum..
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Assumptions are dangerous things, be wary of them. You can't know that he saw your post, and tbh this is hardly revolutionary idea of the century. Current increase in stolen map threads = one thread to cover them all, hardly takes a genius. And if you care so much about being credited for 'your' idea, why didn't you just make the thread yourself?
  5. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Your internet ***** is this long:

    | <--------------------------------------------------------------------------> |
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I lol'd. But seriously, let's get back on topic here. This is a useful thread, arguments of 'credit' for an obvious idea aside, let's catch them thar thieves eh lads?
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Anyway, I've only seen two maps 'stolen' in the last week. It's hardly an overwhelming problem.

    That's like when someone's telling someone a joke and you butt in just before the punchline and say "just to let you know, I told him this joke and I made it up, so yeah, credit to me".

    If the thief getd several downloads then we should make a fuss but it doesn't seem to be a huge problem really...
  8. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    yea most people try to steal well known maps that everyone here already knows sometimes not not very intelligent thieves
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What? I saw your post, but before that I was reading up on the two stolen map threads on the page and thought, is there a general thread for stolen maps?

    Your post kind of got me into action, because I thought it would be really useful, people wanted one, and there was none like this before, so what the heck. I'll edit my post so that I can give you credit, I'll even quote you on it, if you want. Credit for stuff like this isn't that big of a deal, but if you want, just ask.
  10. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Sorry for still being off topic, but if people start using this a lot, what if random juniors come in and say a map is theirs when it's not? What if someone gets banned on Bungie because this thread got abused?

    I still think it's better off to make one thread for each one, it'll get more attention.
  11. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    What are the qualifications of a map theft. I mean, obviously if they have just downloaded, renamed and slapped their name on it, it's a theft. But what about smaller degree's of map theft?

    (Sidenote: I think it's hilarious how people agreed with my "Mob Justice" tag on the stolen map link).
  12. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    That problem will still exist, plus, more attention = more tags as stolen, hate mail, etc. which = ban, etc. The maps that most people steal are the really good ones, so that's a hint of what to look for.

    What I wonder is why people would steal maps anyways, eventually they will be caught, flamed, and punished. Even if they just improved onto a map, put into the description "improved upon by user" so the difference between a stolen map and an improved one can be clearer to the general public.
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Well I had my map stolen a couple weeks ago from someone on

    He posted this video: An old friend Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room on MLG game room, which he just removed the lighting effects from my map and changed the name, posted it in his fileshare here: : Halo 3 File Details

    The video was then featured on top 10 videos of the week, with no recognition of me or Blockout: MLG Top 10 User Videos of the Week #88 | Major League Gaming

    Pretty bum deal but I guess it can happen. 1000 downloads to someone else I guess. If you want to rate 1 and report that would be great :)
  14. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Did you confront him about it? I went to the Bnet page and I saw that it is already tagged as stolen and rated low, plus flame comments, so I just left it alone, he learned his lesson.

    What I want to establish is a set of things people should do to help from getting their maps stolen, and things they should put in their map that are hidden from view so that it can be recognized as their map.

    I should probably put this report on the front page though...

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