Does your parents or anybody you live with always catch you using curse words over X-box live every time you die or your talking about someone's playing skill.
My parents used to care, now that I just started cursing everyday, lol, they don't care. I use so many words over Xbox Live, it's not even funny. Actually, it's quite hilarious, yeah. But yeah, cursing over xbox is quite overrated, I would have to say so, even though I do it, it's kind of weird to curse and scream on a video game (I'm such a bk, lol)
She knows I play Halo alot, but I practically never swear anyway. So it doesn't really matter, I guess.
I don't say words like **** or **** over Live much, if at all. But my parents are getting on at me about how often I play. The value of my life is opinionated, and I just don't give a **** anymore.
I don't have the luxury of playing too much Halo 3, my brother uses the internet to download Grey's Anatomy (which he obviously hasn't heard is a chick show) along with a host of other crap, and my connection sucks. Dammit EpicFishFingers, start getting opinionated about the value of thier lives, or bring up at dinner parties that your parent's feel that minority groups have a lower life value. Apathy is good, but there is no true satisfaction like revenge.
I don't really care enough. I don't care at all what they think about the things I do in my spare time. I bought the 360 and everything for it myself with my own money. They can do nothing about how often I play so they just make rogue comments about it every now and then. It's easier to not feed the trolls, as the saying goes.
I have family over right now, and whenever I play MLG everyone hears me calling out. I guess it's kind of embarassing but I don't really care, lol.
Since I don't have a 360, I played Halo when I lived at school on my roommate's console. And there it was anything goes, lots of shouting ensued, not necessarily angry either.
I don't swear over xbox live excessively, because there is no need to. If someone pisses me off, I send them a sly comment about their mom or how much of a loser they are. I swear every once and awhile, like when I make mistakes or when I get spawn-killed, but my parents are never around when I do so, hehe.
I only swear when I play soccer. I will swear occasionally when I'm playing but its not screaming it out loud, its just like "damn, oh well".
I only swear every once in a while over live, but it'll be like a quiet ****, or ****, even when my parents aren't around. Most of the time I'll be saying them to myself, and usually I'll just say something like shoot or dammit. Doesn't really make sense to me to cuss over live excessively- actually, it makes you look like a tool.
lol, my xbox vocabulary is so varied that i get away with murder in the presence of my mother nowadays. she used to care but now its whatever.
When I do play I sometimes yell aw **** when I'm about to get killed. My parents know I swear and only come down on me if I do it too much, or to them. I yell piss at the dinner table and my mom will tell me to pass the mashed potatoes. Go figure.
I usually don't swear that often when playing, and if my mom heard me swearing it wouldn't make a difference, because she could care less. My mom's room is right next to mine and we apparently have "thin" walls as my mom says, so she hears everything. Now that I'm moving into a new house, I'll be living in the basement so there is no worries of anything, when it's 1,100 square feet. Otherwise, it seems as if most of you guys are younger since that this is a topic that most of you worry about.
90% of my swearing comes from playing Super Smash Bros. ****ing Pit flying-arrowshooting/guiding ****ers. It's completely bullshit.
I think after the age of 13, swearing isn't about being cool anymore. It's just the way you talk. Anything below that though is just trying to grow a pair through bad language. It's a bad habit I know. I'm 15. I swear sometimes. Oh well. But, sometimes I forget that I can't swear some places. I said DAMMIT HANK when I teed off at the golf course yesterday and sliced it. All the golfers looked at me and shook their heads. If coach would've been there he would have had to talk with me.
i probably said **** about 100 times on xbl today in halo and cod4 ya my mom knows i play, but gets mad if i swear.
My parents aren't usually around after school (when I play halo), they don't get home for like 2 hours after I get home. So I do whatever the **** I want. When they are at home I have to consciously think about what I'm saying.
I swear all the time when I play Halo, but its in my room so my parents dont care really, or know, for that matter. And of course my mom knows I play Halo, unless she thinks it's masturbating that I do in there for hours......... :O