I was wondering where everyones get their C4Ds from. I normally look for them at PlanetRenders, but I have recently seen a lot of really good looking sigs with really cool C4Ds in them, and I can't find anything like that at PR...
Really??? I have downloaded about half of the C4D renders from PR and none of them look even remotely similar to the ones I've seen in most sigs. Is the C4D that you used in http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/69799-flow.html from PR?
I use lots of distortion filters and different layer styles. Also hue/saturation adjustments help with gettin colors to match. As you can see in my current sig it is very C4d heavy... It's only like 2 different ones that I did different things w/ though. That's how I got all the colors and waves and such.