Sandbox Leverage/Last Stand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Esorath, May 20, 2009.

  1. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    My latest map located in the crypt of Sandbox, Leverage/Last Stand.
    There are two names because Leverage is a Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Swat, and Multi-CFT map. Whereas Last Stand is the same map, but the Infection version. I've wanted to map an Infection map for sometime, and this map let me add this variant in as well.

    Weapon and Item lists
    Weapon / Respawn Time / Extra Clips

    • Battle Rifle x11 / 45 / 2
    • Mauler x2 / 90/ 1
    • Rockets x 2 / 180 / 0
    • Assault Rifle x3 / 45 / 2
    • Brute Shot x2 / 60 / 2
    • SMG x2 / 90 / 2
    • Spiker x 2 / 90 / 2
    • Active Camo x1 / 180 / --
    • OverShield x1 / 180 / --
    • Ghosts x2 / 180 / --
    • Plasma Grenades x8 / 10 / --
    • Frag Grenades x10 / 10 / --
    • Spike Grenades x4 / 10 / --
    • Bubble Shield x1 / 60 / --
    • Regenerator x1 / 60 / --
    • Power Drain x1 / 60 / --
    • On Last Stand the Overshield is replaced with Active Camo
    The main concept of this map was a lost town. A town that was run down and forgotten by society. Not quite the same as Ghost Town from the Map Pack, but something of a similar nature.

    There are four buildings located in the center of the map, each being two stories tall. All of these maps have a porch or balcony of sorts that lead outside. The outside edges of the map have less cover, but have valuable equipment hiding there. The center of the map has a limited view to the other side of the map. But just enough to have intense Battle Rifle matches.
    Swat will intensify these battles with much cover in each of the buildings and multiple levels should add to this fight.
    And finally the Pictures

    And here are some of the main differences between Last Stand and Leverage. The most obvious being the effect, Gloomy. While this effect does darken the screen, it gives the town a more haunted feeling. The walls of some of the buildings can be broken in as well as the roof in one of the buildings.
    The Zombies wander the night streets while everyone else tries to keep safe in their homes.

    Download Links here

    Last Stand: : Halo 3 File Details

    Leverage: : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Pretty nice use of the crypt.
    Nice little layout you got going there.

    Only suggestion I couldt really give is;

    With the pallets in the doorway, I would interlock them into the doorway itself.
  3. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    I think that this map has a pretty basic layout that has some pretty good gameplay. Its been a while since ive seen a ghost on a I also love how you made it into an infection map at the same time which in my perspective is pretty awesome. I am wondering if the ghost is in the infection version or not.

    Overall-4.5/5 total

    DAMMIT! you beat me to first post again Mr P1B!
    Well onto my real reason- if you interlock moveable objects, when people touch them or hit them, it usually lags the game for a little while until it is respawning. Also, when they respawn, it lags some more and it keeps happening, and thats why you don't interlock movable objects
    #3 ShortKidPena, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  4. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    The only reason I did not use interlock to set the pallets into place was the look of a rushed shut down of the town, rather than it being bricked up, the "people" there would have done their quickest job they could and gotten inside

    Nope, sorry, nothing but the Active Camo is on the map during the Infection Game Type.
    #4 Esorath, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Haha, and ahh I see.
    Maybe thats why I never really messed with them.
    I personally never tryed it, so that was a fail on my part lawl.

    So, other then that, he did make good use of the pallets.
  6. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Yea, and to be clear, the pallets are only there during the Infection map, Last Stand, otherwise, they are walls or ceilings there to cover the holes.

    Edit: Now I am not sure quite how the gameplay of this map will play out, but I was hoping for some downloads and people to get back to me about it.
  7. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    or you could float a weapon holder on each side so that they have to actually be destroyed, not just knocked over, for acces =D
  8. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback guys

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