My teacher had me write a paper on if war is inevitable or not (I actually haven't done it and have no intention of doing it now that I'm done with school...) a bit ago, and I thought it would be nice to bring up here. I can't really say I can really back up anything, just from past events it seems as though war will continue happening until the world blows up from the massive amount of growing-overpowered weapons. Anyway, thought it would be a cool conversation starter, if it hasn't been posted before (did a search, but could've missed it).
I think its a necessary evil until the weaker components of our society catch up. But even then greed can drive a man to do terrible things.
Evolution is not a process that creates anything we would consider "perfect." Unfortunately, evolution of early humans created a species with a strongly tribal psychology that consistently makes us think in an "us vs them" manner. Blacks vs whites, Americans vs Terrorists, Red vs Blue, Communists vs Free peoples, Red Sox fans vs Yankees fans(Red Sox ftw), basically we divide ourselves automatically based on allegiance to a group in all aspects of our lives. War is a natural side-effect of the tribal nature of human psychology.
Why would any country try to blow up the world? Let alone multiple countries. War, is inevitable, yes, but this war will be unlike others, because of the fancy schmancy cruise missiles, nuclear weapons, and long-range sniper rifles. This "war" will be like a game of chicken, threaten each other with weapons of mass destruction until one gives up.
The best metaphor for human existence I've ever heard is "it's like a bunch of kids fighting over a Pop Tart." Do I believe war will ever cease to exist? I hope so, but I doubt it. The Romans used bows and arrows. WWI brought chemical weapons. WWII brought aircraft-mounted weaponry. The Cuban missile crisis, more than 45 years ago, could have caused the destruction of the world. How long we'll be around to fight is a good question.
Countries was just a silly idea that was used to make certain people feel special... War will always be here as long as we are not all one big family, which we will never be unless something apocalyptic forces us all to become one and stop this apocalypse... Like a... I don't know... OH a Covenant invasion!!! oooooo!
War is evitable. If we have free will, we aren't NECESSARILY INCAPABLE of avoiding violence. If there were a meta-engineer, that controlled ALL human action AND thought, and gave us the ILLUSION of consciousness and freedom, who imposes their extra-dimensional will upon us, then it would APPEAR we are incapable of avoiding war. But there may be a way to escape the hands of the meta-engineer. If there isn't, then the meta-engineer assumes full responsibility for all killing. This doesn't address whether we can avoid war, but rather where war comes from. Your idea probably has some validity, but is this "tribal nature" such a DEEP and ARCHAIC psyche anomaly that it FORCES some of us to kill? Plenty of us don't wish harm on anyone, for any reason, nor would we intentionally inflict it, ever. MUST others, though? REALLY? Chemical warfare is well-documented before WWI. For example, poison-tipped arrows are CW, and that practice is OLD.
But the extent to which it was used in WWI was unprecedented. It was also one of the leading elements that led to trench warfare, which was a pretty unique characteristic of WWI.
Well since we are still in a war............... just write about iraqu and how it will probably lead to further conflic with foriegn powers.
there will always be war, theres always going to be a counry tha religously believes another nation should not exist or simply led by a maad man and there will always be a country to stop them and also greed greed is another large factor fo r why wars are fought
isnt that what the war in iraq is about? george bush wanted oil or something? than a huge war started? canada doesnt really teach us about american politics in intermediate grades, im just boing by the few minutes of cnn i watched when i was younger.
George Bush believed that Iraq (Saddam Hussein) had weapons of mass destruction, which would present an enormous threat to all of Iraq's enemies like the United States and Israel. Our troops went in and determined that there were no WMD's. Now the war mostly consists of belligerent insurgency and urban combat.
cant blame me for not knowing. i meen look at our politics, ****ing priministers have nothing to argue about, canada isnt in a huge war with iraq like U.S, sure were in it but not like you guys are.
Then, why sir must you debate, if you don't know what you are saying. I can only hypothesize that you just joined into this debate with your only knowledge on the situation that is over 5 years old...
I'm not talking about that. It took far over 99,000 years for humanity too develop strong explosives when in a small war. In a global war like WWII, it took less then 20 years too develop a nuclear warhead.
Evolution says that the universe has come from chaos and is going towards order then yes we will one day stop fighting. However, I don't believe that. As long as there are differences in opinion there will be war.
Wl diablo religon still causes people to support the war effort a government cant have a successful war witout the support of the people and i was by no means trying to start a religous discussion