THE LAST STAND Hey, well this is my first map. Im new to the site, and this is my first ever map post. Any criticsm is welcomed. Ad if you dont notice any merging its because i simply did not feel like doing any, but i hop you enjoy it anyways. Description: This map was made for the infection game variant "Last Stand". (you can dl everything at he bottom) Story: This old military testing ground is now being invaded, but not by aliens. Its being invaded by zombies. This testing ground specialized in biological warfare. The zombies were brought forth by body dumping in the same shaft they dumped waste. Now you are the last survivors. There is very little ammunition left on base... So will you make this your "Last Stand"?! Weapons: 4x Machine Gun Turrets 3x Plasma Rifles 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Beam Rifle 4x BRs 4x Covenent Carbines 3x Shotguns 4x SMGs 2x Maulers 1x Flamethrower Pics: Zombie Spawn: Zombie Start Overview: Main Entrence to the Human Side 2nd Entrence to the Human Side Alpha Base Overview of the Human Side Inside the Main Base Sniper Perch Teleporter to the Sniper Perch Teleporter from ALpha Base and a way o lock off Alpha Base A Turret Guarding the Safe Room The Safe Room Well there you go please i am open to critscm. Here are the Links: The Map Variant: : Halo 3 File Details The Game Variant: : Halo 3 File Details
Ok Here Is A Tip.... Love The Idea 1. I Would Play The Map If It Was Interlocked, And Had Some Other Good Techniques 2. Make It Less Spacious HAPPY FORGING
Here is a link to the Interlocking Tutorial Click Here ----->
i agree with thd spacious comment but its totally outof order to completely disregard a map because there is no merging, it may make the map look more tidy but it is not necessary. the map looks fun for a few rounds here and there but nothing spfcial. overall 7/10
This is a really great map. You must have planned it out before starting , thats how most of the good maps are started.i like the idea of humans working together to protect their base i will dowload and edit this to tell everybody how it is keep forging ^^
Thank you all for the criticsm and the tips. The map i am currently working on will be better. It is another infection map, and i will try and use some of those better techniques.