The next big thing in RPGs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aschur, May 19, 2009.

  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have added all the information I posted in pandora here now, for those of you who didnt intend to join my group

    Ok, now that you've actually clicked this thread you're probably wondering what I'm talking about... Well I have to tell you now, if you don't like role-playing games or action games then please don't reply.

    Ok down to bussiness. I am in the process of developing a myth based video game that is inspired by dnd, final fantasy, god of war, zelda, and halo (kinda)

    But I have run into some snags and would like to have some input from people that actually play these types of games. So I have a few ideas that I'm not so sure on that I want to run by you guys, but feel free to suggest any of your own ideas.

    Onward to the colorfulness!

    Weaponry (please not that only the gunslinger and his evolutions can use guns)

    I will update the weapons list every weekend with more when they have been chosen to be added

    Morning Star-
    Hand Axe-
    Battle Axe-
    Battle Hammer-


    Special weapons:
    Drake's Shamshir
    Captain Aero's Katana
    General Thorn's Claymore
    Oliver's Revolver
    Gabe's Partisan
    Freya's Gauntlets
    Dendraal's Staff of Might
    Lazarus' Battle Axe
    Eye of the Deceiver
    Dragon Claw

    The Final Fight:

    Stage 1
    Lazarus will begin as an undead pheonix and will be accompanied by a large half organic half mechanical beastlike titan called shiva, as long as lazarus remains on the field shiva will be constantly resurected. To kill lazarus, being that he is not alive you have to heal him fully so he becomes a normal pheonix then kill him and shiva for good.

    Stage 2
    Lazarus will then morph into a cloaked figure much like the grim reaper without skeletal features, just a long floating black cloak and blazing yellow eyes. He will use magic and blast you away from him so you can't actually get to him unless you use ranged attacks to stun him or prevent him from using magic (spells to do this will only work as he is casting)

    Stage 3
    Lazarus will then morph into a large reptilian beast with one large eye and and a large circular mouth, this form will specialize in melee attacks amd minor magic. To defeat him you must use stop on his eye to keep him from seeing you, go behind him to his weak spot on his back and attack it.

    Stage 4
    Lazarus will finally morph into a massive dragon deity circling the mirage citadel, to defeat lazarus you must simply survive for thirty minutes riding on his back killing ememies that appear and seal him away in pandoras box.

    Storyline Bosses:

    Asmodeus (lust true form)
    Beelzebub (gluttony true form)
    Pandoran Nightmare
    Mammon (greed true form)
    Belphagor (sloth true form)
    Demonic Zealot
    Gaap (wrath true form)
    Amon (pride true form)
    Leviathan (envy true form)
    Abbaddon Overlord
    Shiva & Lazarus
    Lazarus the Beast
    Lazarus the Stranger
    Lazarus the Dragon

    Bonus Bosses:
    Yin Dragon
    Yang Dragon
    Waste Dragon
    The Sphynx
    King of Hearts
    Black hole Knight
    Corrupt Valkyrie
    Frozen hydroid
    Blackfire weirding
    Generator III
    Omni IV
    Abbaddon motherling
    Lazarus the Horror

    Special horsemen powers

    War will have an enrage gauge that when filled will cause war to enter a 30 second berserk phase

    Death will have a punishment gauge that when filled will banish all foes with lower than half health, instantly killing them

    Pestilence will have a plague gauge that when filled will summon a swarm of locusts that will attack all foes near pestilence for 30 seconds

    Famine will have a drought gauge that when filled will half attack and defense of all surrounding foes for 30 seconds

    Total class list

    Each class evolves at level 50 to a new form, then again at level 25 of the first upgraded form.
    Ex. Knight evolves to templar at level 50, then templar evolves to paladin at level 25. (Yes with each upgrade your level resets, but stats don't)

    Dragoon - Dracomancer - Dragon Lord
    Knight - Templar - Paladin
    Necromancer - Undying - Lich
    Archmage - Sourcerer - Warlock
    Ninja - Theif - Assassin
    Bard - Explorer - Cartographer
    Technomancer - Archaeologist - Artificer
    Mime - Illusionist - Genie
    Gunslinger - Grenadier - Sniper
    Harbinger - Dark Templar - Dark Paladin
    Animist - Witch Doctor - Shaman
    Pirate - Barbarian - Air Raider
    Time Mage - Time Breaker - Chrono Knight
    Antimage - Sand Raider - Bounty Hunter
    Poacher - Lumberjack - Gaia Knight
    Demonologist - Unholy mage - Demon Lord
    Samurai - Red Samurai - Shogun
    Blood Mage - Leach - Dark Monk
    Hermit - Man-o-war - Reaver
    Hero - Champion - Warlord

    Totem spirits

    In the beginning of the game the characters will play a board game, and you will be prompted to choose a piece. This piece will be what totem spirit you will have, being as they travel through the box with you you become magically bonded with them.

    Atk: +15
    Def: +20
    Spd: +10
    Mgk: +5

    -Half human -Half dragon, the Draconians are a well weathered race that can endure many physical burdens although weaker of mind than humans.

    Atk: +15
    Def: +20
    Spd: +5
    Mgk: +10

    -A subspecies of humans that lived in mining areas, eventually evolving to become tougher and smarter but also becoming shorter and slower

    Atk: +20
    Def: +10
    Spd: +15
    Mgk: +5

    -Half human -Half bull, has a thick hide that acts as a natural armor and are known for their nature to be agrivated easily

    Atk: +5
    Def: +15
    Spd: +10
    Mgk: +20

    -Half human -Half goat, skilled at white magic. Satyr are hardy and resistant to nearly all known diseases and poisons

    Atk: +10
    Def: +5
    Spd: +15
    Mgk: +20

    -A mystical race adept at spellcasting in its many forms, are quick on their feet but fragile

    Atk: +15
    Def: +5
    Spd: +20
    Mgk: +10

    -A fragile warfaring race, quick on their feet and strong and moderate at spellcasting

    Atk: +20
    Def: +15
    Spd: +10
    Mgk: +5

    -A brutal fiendish race, these clumbsy oafs are barbaric titans in battle. Their thick hide acts as a natural armor

    Atk: +10
    Def: +20
    Spd: +5
    Mgk: +15

    -Stone reptiles that adorn castles after death, good at using magic and can hold their own ground well, but are very slow on the ground

    Atk: +10
    Def: +5
    Spd: +20
    Mgk: +15

    -Once thought to be angels, these humans with wings are agile and intelligent making them ideal for spellcasters

    Atk: +10
    Def: +20
    Spd: +5
    Mgk: +15

    -These tree-folk were not discovered until recent destruction of large forests, their thick bark acts as a natural armor and they are skilled at white magic

    Character bios

    Lazarus: a demon trapped inside pandoras box, he uses deception to bend others to his will. He deceives Layne into opening the box by telling him that it has the ability to save his wife from death. After the box is opened he possesses Layne and uses the power of the box to overthrow Lucifer from his command of hell.

    Shiva: a beastlike cyborg, it acts as Lazarus' body guard and has no known history.

    Layne: a young man whose wife is dying, he discovers pandoras box and because of lazarus' deceiving, he opens it in the hopes of using it to save his wife.

    Lucifer: a demon whose intentions are never truly understood, was overthrown by Lazarus and helps the four characters to destroy Lazarus so he can reclaim his throne.

    Lucy: the form in which lucifer apears to help the four characters, this form is a little girl.

    Captain Aero: a valkyrie air raider, after the defeat of the Pandoran Nightmare he gives the characters a key to his sky ship to enable them to travel through the skies and reach places that were inaccessible before.

    Gabe: a dwarven dragoon who is afraid of being underground. He gives the characters a key to the Dead Mines after the defeat of the Demonic Zealot.

    Oliver: a human gunslinger who encounters the four characters after the defeat of the Efreet. His precision shooting is matched only by his ambition to cleanse the world of the evil that plagues it. He give characters a Gate Key, which allows access to the Hellfire Keep.

    General Thorn: an elven knight of the rogue army with a hatred for the aliens that have come to the island. He gives the characters a thorn amulet after the killing of the abbaddon overlord.

    Drake: a draconian bandit that roams his homeland of The Badlands. With one torn wing he cannot sustain flight but can jump higher by flapping his undamaged wing. He acts as a guide for the characters when they enter the badlands.

    Joseph: a human gunslinger with an affinity for the dark arts. With his companion Freya he is a powerful foe. He carries a revolving shotgun and two revolvers with the blackfire and whitefire augmentations. The characters meet him and Freya when they arrive in Obsidian City.

    Sentinus: a small crow belonging to oliver, is very intelligent and spots enemies that are normally not yet in range or visible yet.

    Freya: a white guinea bear, in appearance resembles a guinea pig the size of a bear. But acts like a bear and is extremely aggressive.

    Ragnar: a large Desert creature resembling a red preying mantis with swords for hands instead of claws, is approximately the size of an elephant in height and length but not weight.

    The four characters: four archaeologists that discovered pandoras box and opened it, getting pulled into a time and world that had been ravaged by it already. They eventually fight the seven sins and the four horsemen of the apocalypse in an effort to find pandoras box again so they can attempt to return home.

    War: once a powerful minotaur, he was the last one to kill War and in turn he became the thing he had fought so hard.

    Pestilence: once a mighty satyr who killed Pestilence, now he bring plagues to the people he tried to protect.

    Famine: once a gargoyle that obliterated the previous Famine, now has the hunger to suck the life from all.

    Death: once a graceful valkyrie, now the ender of existence with no choice but to let time and destiny run their course.

    (Please note that the four horsemen listed are the bosses, not you when you become a horseman)

    ALL posts in my group called Pandora have more information, please read them and join my group if this idea is even remotely interesting to you.

    due to request, here are some of my sketches so far, though these are just that: sketches, they are not the final product which will be similar in style to the
    Prince of persia game out currently.

    necromancer, ninja, dragoon and knight


    war (version 2)

    death (subject to compete redesign, will update soon)

    If you have any questions, or would like more information,or would like to help me with the game, or would just like to cuss me out for my beliefs my gamertag is Reigning Chaos

    I have now made a group called Pandora
    (that's what I want to call the game) for those of you who want more information

    You can also contact me at

    Thank you and please take this post seriously.
    ps. Im sorry if the colors hurt your eyes
    #1 Aschur, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Do you have any sort of funding?
  3. EditorMax

    EditorMax Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds cool and i'd love to play it when it's done.

    And what maker are you using to make it msg me at (GT) :EditorMax96
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Any point to this? Is your world Steampunk? I would understand if it was in a steampunk world but I don't see why you'd do this in any other one.
    Anything should have multiplayer. But do you have any ideas for multiplayer? Standard deathmatch? Conquest? What?

    I'd say tone this down to 10 minutes. It'd be way too frustrating if you die on the boss and you have to start from 30 minutes or a point after you know you did a mistake.

    I don't really understand this one. Is it just a race pick or is it seperate?
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If anyone here has read stephen king's The dark Tower series, that is very similar to what I want to emulate but more fanstasy based.

    Answers to Questions
    -In a way it could be looked at as steampunk, but not traditional steampunk styling.
    -The game will be taking place in the future that the four main people caused by opening pandoras box, it sucked them in and brought them to it. The main four people are human but the box warped reality. (Pretty much your only human for cutscenes for the sake of telling who is who in the scenes)
    -I have not reached a point where I am actually programming this yet.
    -The 30 min boss fight is just surviving on the back of a massive dragon. Plus the credits will be rolling on the side during this fight, so if you die you just have to go back to a checkpoint. (There will be one every 2 min in this battle)
    -I plan on having tag, ctf, kotc, dethmatch, and survival of the fittest(ffa)

    If you have any more Q's just ask
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Only a few problems: big game companies no longer buy games from people.

    Also, this should be in Gaming Discussion. Requesting move.
  7. TheDom

    TheDom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not sure about this, I'd have to see the game and context really, but doesn't sound like an inherently bad idea.

    A little elaboration would be good, as the other poster said, what modes are you intending? Co-op? Other than that, multiplayer = good.

    30 minutes seems a bit long - checkpoints during it? It'd be pretty bloody annoying to die in the 29th minute if there are no checkpoints. A survival stage does sound good though, although maybe not 30 minutes.

    Sounds awesome, a lot of RPGs don't have the variety in classes that I like, so great idea.

    Could be good, but you'd have to be very careful with this (for political reasons obviously).

    Good, I like variety :)

    This could be good, maybe the four stages of the final boss each require a different horseman power?

    EDIT: Just read your reply to the other poster, final stage and multiplayer both sound great.
    #7 TheDom, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I can understand how this could be a big problem for many aspiring game developers, but I have my ways so it shouldn't be an issue. hopefully.

    yeah, the final boss requires strength, magic, endurance, and speed to win against.
  9. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds like fallout 3, but with multiplayer. I love multiplayer. Too bad fallout 3 doesn't have one. But this sounds like a good idea, i dont have a CLUE how to helpz u. But good luck.
  10. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    customized equipment its always a positive when you can customise yourstuff and i like the you need a different horseman power for each bosst stage so make each stage a checkpoint and maybe make each horseman maybe controll a certain region and when your in that region yo have to ddefeat the appropriate horseman
    another good idea when you defeat the first horseman you get his motorcycle to help you move once you defeat the next one you get his upgraded one ad maybe make each horseman's weakness an item you obtain in that region legend of zelda style
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    a's to q's

    It might end up being similar, but i want this to focus on the darker themes of life and the battle of good vs evil, like the elemental lady in the chronicles of riddick said, "sometimes evil is to be fought by another type of evil"

    yeah, pretty much any medeival weaponry immaginable is going to be in it, and many augmentations available via alchemy.

    that is kind of how its going to be set up, it actually will be accidental runups with all four. they dont actually intend to kill them its just that they are in their way of getting to find pandoras box again and go home.

    hoverbike, and after you kill the first one all the peoples have one because it wouldnt work out with leaving the other three people where you were to walk the way.

    actually thats a really good idea, thanks.

    As i put in my first post, i made a group for discussing this now. If you have any complaints or comments feel free to pm them to me. And in case you are wondering, yes i will continue to answer questions or comment on ideas as long as they are provided.
  12. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When do you think this will be ready and what systems? Sounds interesting.
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    most likely in about oh say 3 years minimum if i continue to do this all by my lonesome probably around 5 years though seeing as im still learning how to program. Probably on xbox (whatever one is out by then) and pc
    absolutely no wii, ps3 is a good contender though
    #13 Aschur, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  14. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The game sound really interesting thus far. I like the idea of the stages for the final boss. The only thing I really dislike is the idea of hoverbikes. It is kind of cheesey and lame.

    My idea would be that they are really cool agents withe sleek cars or motorcycles. They would be similar to the agents from the Matrix. I think that this type of thing would work well unless it doesn't fit with the overall theme.
  15. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It actually kind of fits, they wouldn't be clean and pretty ones though, they'd be rusty and brutal.

    I'm quite sorry but that would not fit into the mottif at all, its more of a brutal and dark future. Not as nice and idyllic as the matrix.

    BASED GOD Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Cyborg Animals instead of hoverbikes, not shiny clean mechs. Dingey ones with smoke coming out and lots of moving parts.

    Also add a mind**** at the end.
  17. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That was one of my preliminary ideas, but hoverbikes allow for more custimization than cyborg animals.

    I have one in mind, but I don't want to give it away. If you really want to know ill pm it to ya.
  18. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    just one question how would you get it to be sold or noticed or anything do you work for a company or is it just a small group project because i just dont see how you are going to do this sounds good though i would buy it
  19. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is small side project for me right now. I'm in a band, so that is where my funding and stuff is coming from. We're not a big band yet but its looking good for us right now so yeah. And a buddy of mine works at valve now too.
  20. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    whats your band called also valve is a good company they made half life and left 4 dead right

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