Still working with photoshop. Still trying to improve smudging a bit.. I am not yet going to start with text though. I want to try understand it more before I place it on my newer signatures.
Hells=beast at text If you need tips ask him. Anyway, I like this much better than your last one, none of the major stuff is displaced, and nothings to bright. Good job, see your getting the hang of ps
Ya, I have talked to him already he has helped me a lot. I just need to get the feel and just try to get the skill to be able to chose that right text. Thanks on the feedback ice.
Ice uses gimp I believe. There was no way I could pull of incredible smudging like ice on gimp, so I switched to photoshop. It is so much easier to smudge on photoshop then gimp.
mostly lots of practice....Lots of hard hours put in on smudging for me...And of course you always get different smudge effects with different brushes, and settings.