Erebus beta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CC Pybus, May 19, 2009.

  1. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    This is a beta version for my first Sandbox map.

    Infomation on version 1 (in spoiler)

    First off people were complaining about the lack of a structure in the center of the map. So I decided to make you all a nice base for the humans to spawn in, here it is.


    People were complaining about the zombies just spawning in random areas and people could easily spawn camp them. This has been fixed by adding a zombie spawn in the skybubble from here they can choose 1 of 4 teleporters which will lead to one of the 4 corners of the map.


    The obelisk mini outpost was pointless, no one would ever go there it was just 4 geo-merged blocks with a bruteshot :( So this mini base has been replaced with the destroyed highway, hope you like :)


    I will be adding more mini-bases and extend on the main 4 bases that already exist as people were complaining that they are difficult to defend considering how open they are.

    Gametype alterations

    Erebus - The greek god of darkness

    Reccommended players: Big parties 10 or more



    This map is for an infection varient which you can download at the bottom of the thread along with the map itself. It is based on the middle tier of Sandbox and uses a blocked canvas so playing in the dunes ius possible.

    This is where the idea comes from. Humans will spawn in the middle of the map armed only with a plama pistol (
    useless against the zombies), surrounded by mediocre weapons with limited ammo and one mongoose between everyone (both weapons and vehicles on the map never respawn, pick your shots). The start of each round is urgent and if there are more than 8 people there will NOT be enough weapons to go around, YOU MUST WORK AS A TEAM AND PROTECT ONE ANOTHER, also 2 lucky people will nab the only mongoose, they can either be kind and taxi the team around or leave everyone at the spawn to walk to safety.

    After trying to pick up a weapon or hitch a ride players will have to conserve and scavenge for ammo in the dunes. They will also be able to defend themselves from several bases hidden in the dark.
    Teamwork is essential in this game if you run low on ammo (which you most likely will at some point) and find you are by yourself, you will not last long.

    Your best bet is to travel to a base which is where you can find most ammo and hold out for along as you can before you have to set off to find more ammunition. Surviving the ten minutes, is
    VERY hard but can be done if you are accurate, only use ammo when you need, and work together.

    The gametype


    Survivor Traits

    Damage resistance: 100
    Normal shields
    Sheild recharge: 100

    Damage: 100
    Primary weapon: PLASMA PISTOL
    Secondry: NONE
    Grenades: NONE
    Infinate ammo: NO
    Speed: 110
    Gravity: 100
    Vehicle use: FULL
    Motion tracker: OFF
    Appearance: WHITE

    Zombie traits:

    Damage resistance: 200
    No shields
    Damage: 100
    Primary weapon: ENERGY SWORD
    Secondry: PLASMA PISTOL
    Grenades: NONE
    Infinate ammo: YES
    Speed: 200
    Gravity: 100
    Vehicle use: NONE
    Motion tracker: OFF
    Appearance: GOLD, POOR CAMO

    Each of the 3 rounds last for 8 minutes and the aim is to survive for that amount of time. Neither last man or alpha zombies changes any of the traits.


    Zombie Kill 1
    Infection 1
    Last man 1

    The Map


    This is where the humans will start. The one mongoose can bring out the worst in people which is always fun to see.

    Zombies will spawn in random areas in the dunes.

    The Bases

    There are 4 main bases that survivors can defend, this correspons to the four lights you can place. Each main base will have a light above or near it. I have geomerged wherever possible to make this map look as good as possible :)


    The bunker is the first of the 4 main bases and its best feature is a second mongoose, the only other vehicle on the map. A good tactic is for 2 people to drive the starting mongoose to the bunker and then the passenger can board the second one and both can then taxi the survivors on foot.


    Cliff is the second of the bases a good thing about this base is that it provides good height advantage and the only sniper on the map with 1 spare clip.


    The 3rd base tomb holds quite a few good weapons such as a br, shotgun and the only firebomb on the map. This base along with all other main bases also holds a flare.


    Temple is the 4th and my favourite of the bases, notice how the back half of the roof has fallen into the sand and the broken steel supports can be seen sticking out of the roof. This base is also the biggest and the roof of the temple can be one of the safeest places to be.
    Jump from the fallen roof onto the broken pillarthen onto the roof.

    There are other smaller outposts in the dunes with no light but still hold valuble ammo, here are some of them.



    Here are some overview shots so people can get a feel of where everything is




    Here are some gameplay shots (feel free to send me your own as you can see I havn't had the chance to upload many)


    I will update this thread with more action shots and tactics for both teams later.



    #1 CC Pybus, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  2. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lemme start by saying great job!
    You took all the exact placements of structures I would have chosen, and geomerged them likewise. Damn you, so much for my unfinished/unstarted map I made like this.
    Well, I will download and attempt to get tests in the moment my parents stop being asses.
    And good job with the limited ammo, I always make sure stuff is set like that.
    5/5 for looks, gameplay will be rated later.
    EDIT: Read whole post:
    Love the mongoose start lmfao
    May I suggest Gloomy & Oldtimey? It gives the lights the effect of flickering.
    Also, maybe an overview pic from the skybubble?
    #2 Arbacca, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  3. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Thank you, yeah please remeber this is a beta so I would greatly appreciate feedback after you have played so I can release an official version 1 as soon as possible. :D

    Relating to your edit:

    Yeah the mongoose works well I love seeing people getting into the game and being ruthless.
    I personally don't like filters and in the dunes they make it too dark :(
    I will try and get an overview shot.
    #3 CC Pybus, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  4. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
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    It's a nice map. Very open, kind of like a city, just more ruin like. If anyone wants to play the gametype and map, send me an invite, I want to play it with a lot of people.
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Wow dis is tight. I likehow you utized the outskirts and i like how each base has its own characteristics. Nice job
  6. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Looks great and all, but just curious, is there anything in the middle? Also if you have any more money left(which I think you do) how much do you have because you could definately add maybe a small townin the middle where SOME of the zombies spawn and has a good amount of ammo. The rest of the zombies can spawn around the outskirts of it in the darkness. Maybe at a new outpost of somesort. Even though it does not have these things in it, I still can not help to give it a 5/5. Great interlocking, great geomerging, and great post.
  7. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
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    One of the pictures shows what is in the middle. There is a mongoose and a little place for weapons there.
  8. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Haha wow I am a dumbass... Ok thanks but I still think the town thing would be better in my opinion but ya thanks for telling me that.

    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The geomerging is the best that i have seen since utah mambo! the bases are both asetheticly and functionally pleasing. How do you geomerge on sandbox. anyway fantastic job 5/5 dl
  10. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    This is epic. Not only is it aesthetically amazing, but it also makes for incredible gameplay with creative callouts: "The Temple! RUNNN" haha.

    I hope you make more of these with more structures and different ones. It's an incredible idea executed beautifully. 10/10!
  11. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem, I would enjoy seeing it turned into a town, or multiple little towns, so the zombies have to go through multiple buildings, etc.
  12. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I am flabbergasted.

    Quite an intuitive approach to infection. I will be sure to download and check this out.

    I am concerned, however, about the zombie's health situation. With such scarce ammunition and a useless staring weapon, not to mention the huge spaces needed to be covered, the humans seem to have a colossal disadvantage. This is one of the only maps I have seen that actually favors the infected.

    That said, perhaps zombies should be weaker? I love hardcore infection maps, and I would probably be able to survive (for a bit), but the average infection gamer might find themselves, well, screwed. The betrayal aspect of the game is quite cool, wherein some player may ditch the others and rush off by themselves, but there has to be a limit. We can't have everyone die right at the start and not get to see those beautiful bases, now can we?

    I suggest lowering zombie health to 100%, no shields. They already have 200% speed and poor camo, so I'm sure this won't be too much of a nerf. From the action shots you provided, it seems like not so many people were making it to the bases. making zombies easier to kill would remedy this.

    As all of this is based on speculation, I apologize if I am wrong. I'll get some friends together to play this, and get back.
  13. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    I can see your concerns, however most weapons are brs, carbines and magnums which are capable of killing zombies in 1 shot with a head shot, the 200 damage resistance only helps zombies when they are being shot in the body.

    These settings also put empahsis on teamwork which i want to keep.

    Obviously this is a beta and I will look into all problems and suggestions.
  14. cheezcakep

    cheezcakep Ancient
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    DUDE this looks absoultly amazing! vote for feature!
  15. TripleXNOXIS

    TripleXNOXIS Ancient
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    i love you. this map is something i have been waiting for on sandbox(and tried to make) for ever!!!! 5-5
  16. TheGodofgames

    TheGodofgames Ancient
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    Wow this map is amazing! But how were you able to get perfect sideways geomerges? The bunker on the cliff is easily my favorite, I would DL but I'm pretty sure my friend is downloading it now.
  17. JIF or PNUT

    JIF or PNUT Ancient
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    Interesting, very unique, you got my DL
  18. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
    Senior Member

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    CC Pybus, I congratulate you. A great map with some very gameplay functional and aesthetically pleasing outposts. I wouldn't call it feature worthy just yet - but its a great map nonetheless. I am actually currently in the process of making a revolutionary infection map just a tad similar to this, at least in the whole "no lasers" outside of sandbox aspect. This is a map staying on my hard drive. I expect to see improvements, and I will notify you of possible improvements later on.
    #18 aMoeba, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  19. xpunkshorty27x

    xpunkshorty27x Ancient
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    Yeah i was wondering that myself?

    Well anyway this map is a very well designed especialy the tempel just amazing job.
    4.5/5: There should be a few more structures though.
  20. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In my opinion, this is the definition of quality infection. It seems so simple, yet so perfect. Everything good that I've seen in infection you seemed to cram into one. I usually don't download maps, but i think i am going to try this, my hopes are high. I'll report back once i've played it. (might be up to a week) My perdiction is that people are going to get mad over the mongoose.
    #20 Seaboro Kibbles, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009

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