Download Ameliorate v1.1 Ameliorate is a large, asymmetrical map constructed on the main area of Sandbox. It is best suited for 8 to 12 players, and it remains competitive, even in large parties. Oddly enough, FFA actually plays out surprisingly well. As far as FFA is concerned, 4 to 8 people is best suited. Ameliorate supports Slayer, Team Slayer, One Flag, Two Flag, One Bomb, and King of the Hill. The aim of this map was to create a balanced and fun asymmetrical map made for larger parties. Many maps like this are full of clutter and have very short and limited lines of sight. So I decided to make a map with those problems addressed, and I think I accomplished just that. Weapon Layout: Picture Time. (Note: There have been some changes since the pictures were taken, but that shouldn't matter too much.) Red Defender's Base. Red Defender's Base. (Behind) Red Side-Base. Blue Attacker's Base. Blue Attacker's Base. (Behind) Blue Side-Base. Center Structure. One Regenerator Spawn to the other. Tunnel that goes through the Center Structure. Action time? Yes. Much thanks to all that tested. This map has gone a long way since it was first made, and it wouldn't have happened without you guys. List of Testers: (If you tested and aren't in here, please notify me and I'll add you.) Whats A Scope Kapura Playerhata27 Ender Gamma Youtuber allbroken2U Teh Map Forgotten Wing AceofSpades0707 Silent 00 Death And there goes my memory. Keep this thread alive! Version 1.1 Changes Geometry change in Red secondary base BRs in secondary bases moved to the second floor Flag Spawn Moved in Red Base Kill Ball Removed Added a few more changes in terrain around the map Changed the ceiling of the Tunnel Reinterlocked the Double in Blue Secondary Base Added a Geomerged Fin behind Hammer Spawn Pics of Some Changes Download Ameliorate v1.1
Nice map. Good Aesthetics, Interlocking and Geomerging (Still haven't figured out how to do that on Sandbox yet, can you tell me how?). Map does not seem very filled up but I haven't tried it out yet. The Red and the blue base look very nice and it seems like they are both suited well for what they are set up to do (Attack and Defend). The gameplay looks solid but some of the middle objects look randomly placed to fill up empty space (Such as the central tube in the middle of the map and the Obelisks with the fin in front of them on either sides). I'd also like to see a screenshot of the place where the Gravity hammer spawns and now that I see that Conkerkid says that, the middle area that is a tube, is actually a structure, I'd like to see a screenshot of the top of middle also. Looks good though, keep it up. (I'll end up downloading it once I get rid of all the things I have in my dl Que.) 4.5/5
I can't believe somebody who didn't even say anything about the map beat me to first post. That's lame! Now enough of that, I love this map. I'm so glad you finaly posted it Chaotic! Ameliorate is one of my favorite maps built in the middle section of Sandbox. Although some people may overlook it because they haven't played it. I love the unique middle structure that you can walk up the sides of. I love the location of each base. And I love the active camo structure and overshield structure. Edit: I don't like this new thread rating system. I rated the thread a five and it didn't do anything. What the hell guys!?
Wow, this looks amazing. All of the pieces look balanced, and it doesnt seem like your just threw it down for cover. And at the red base, nice geomerged grav lift! haven't seen that since foundry. Layout looks nice, and i love the gravity hammer spawn. But there's just one question: Why does one team have a missile pod next to their hornet and the other team doesn't? Answer that. Looks like it plays very well. nice job, chaotic. 5/5. dl'ed. -Dylan
Wow you sure got to your goal i think anyway. However some of the structures look unfinished like the one in the 5th pic. you could even put another y intersecyion on top maybe but other wise great map i live the ach hallway.
During testing this was a very interesting map. The vehicle schemes and the hornets made for some very interesting gameplay. There was nothing that was better then hoping into the passenger seat with the flag and then riding away. Normal slayer on this map was alright normally dominated by the hornets. Yet those hornets weren't even that much of a problem with all the weapons to combat them. Good map 8/10
This map has to be one of the funnest sandbox maps I have ever played on. The weapons are balanced so nicely its like you put them into an equation or something? (I bet ya did, didn't ya? lol) Im not very good at writing these things up.. but just to tell you, as you already know.. this map is a blast. The vehicles are perfectly capable of becoming power weapons, but once people figure out how to control the spartan laser, and the many anti vehicle equipment, such as the power drain and grav lift, they become less of a nuisance. The weapons, as I already said.. are perfectly, perfectly balanced. Not once when testing did I have to be like.. OMG WTF, this guy with the rockets.. or with the sniper is contionusly killing me, cause I always found a weapon that could counter his. Not only was the gameplay on this map superb, but also your aesthetics. There aren't any blow your mind aesthetics, but all the structures are very clean, and interlocked. I especially enjoy the gravity hammer outpost. Thats all thats coming from me.. cause I know you don't want anymore of my terrible writing. Overall map rating 8.5/10 Feature Possibilty
Man, I remember playing this map with AceOfSpades0707, and it was awesome. Personally, I think the overshield is in the wrong place, but I can't think of any better place to put it. Overall great map, 8.5/10.
You already know I love this map. The structures are perfectly placed, everything flows very nicely, and the forging is magnificent. Out of all the gametypes I played, One Flag is definitely the best. Each team has an equal chance of doing what they're supposed to do each round (defend/attack). The map is very nicely balanced. Having different things spawn in symmetric/asymmetric games, especially the hornets, helps keep the map balanced for both symmetrical and asymmetrical games. The only thing I can think if to improve this is to have the Spartan Laser spawn a little closer to the Defender's base during asymmetric games... to balance the hornet a little better. Overall, this is an awesome map. After a couple of minor adjustments, I think this map may be feature worthy.
This looks like a fine map here. The bases are balanced, the weapon placement seems fair to me, good aesthetics (love that one golden hallway), and forged smoothly. I'd give this a 4.5/5, it being one amazing map, but I don't think it is made PERFECTLY.
Nicely done, another great map on the ground level of Sandbox. Like I said in another map thread you don't see that many great ground maps for Sandbox I like the geomerging in your map aswell, clean and makes the map play alot smoother than if those objects weren't geomerged. 4/5
This map shall not be neglected. Have the Spartan Laser spawn a little closer to the Defender's base during asymmetric games... to balance the hornet a little better. Also, there didn't seem to be sufficient cover on the ground between the center structure and the "spider" structure. Can't think of any ways to help this off the top of my head, just a suggestion. EDIT* And Killballs + Competitive Map = Horrible annoying sound while trying to concentrate on the game. I like what you had there before. You probably did that so the Hornets can't get up there but I hate Killballs in competitive maps. Forgot about that Missle Pod.
The Missile Pod Spawns at the Defenders Base in Asymmetrical games, which balances out the Hornet. So that's already taken care of.
You know whats wierd? Somebody showed me this map like 2 weeks ago. I guess you have been done with it for a while huh? Anyways, I like this map alot. Its pretty clean. I like the merged tunnel pieces throughout the map. The bases are sweet too. One thing I would suggest though, put a weapons list with respawn rates and spare clip amounts in the post please. It gives us all a better view of what could happen here. I dont remember very well, but I think you had 2 rocket launchers and I dont think the respawn rates were bad. Did you use the original weapons of Sandbox? Anyway, its a pretty cool map, my only complaint is that the area between your structures is a little open for my taste. Its not a huge problem but IMO it should be taken care of. Even with that though, its still worth a DL. Good job. EDIT, Oh yeah, I remember now, there was a ghost, which is cool, but you had it spawn where it was facing directly toward a pillar or something. I dont know about that idea. You can do what you want but I dont think thats very good.
Yeah, I added a few things recently to the map, which addressed many of the problems that people were having. That's why it took so long for me to post, because I was fine-tuning the map and I finally got it right. And I was waiting for someone to make a video for it, but I'm not sure what happened to that. I'll be sure to post it if he sends it to me and if he finishes it in the first place.
I love how you took something as simple as Double Walls and placed them vertically to make the map very aesthetically pleasing. I really like the layout of this map.. even though it's still your basic 2 bases on either side type of deal. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but once I do, I'll try to remember to give a more detailed review of your map. For now, I give it a 4/5.
A well-balanced and fun to play map. I'm eager to try another round with larger and more balanced teams. When we played 4v4 the other day, the vehicles were very dominating. It was frustrating the crap out of me. At one point the other team had both Hornets, AND the laser. But the interesting thing about that is that when the game ended it was 50-49. Even with the overpowering nature of the vehicles, there were enough ways for us to counter their vehicle-whoring gayness and keep the score pretty much even. I really do dislike the Hornets either way, but thats an admirable quality to have in a map, that even with that many vehicles, and even with the other team whoring the **** out of all of them, the score was still even. Also, the forging is well done, although you really should get rid of that killball and find another way to block those tube pieces off, because killballs are super gay. All in all, great job. Invite me when you can get some BTB going on it.
K.....first off, I'll start by saying this map is AMAZING...its my favorite map out of all the recent competitive maps I've downloaded (and kept) The em, arcitecture?Reminds me of a construction site, well, actually just red base it looks like a project. Ironically you say this is an assymetrical map but the most fun Ive had playing on this is with Multi CTF games lol Anyway. A couple CTF games, atthe Red Base the Flag is placed right next to the Sniper, so a lot of times people will accidentally pick up the Sniper instead of Flag. I think the sniper location is cool so I suggest moving the flag a little lower down to the central area of the base, right under the light, but thats just my opinion. Second....that middle structure is too sweet, like trolli gummi worms? Its like the middle section of Utah Mambo, but I prefer yours to C. Ricks since this one gets more attention and is less complicated, the tunnel idea is cool cuz its like going through a whales mouth or something, you know with the golden Arcs being the gums? But, anyway Lastly... my biggest problem with the map....ITS SO OPEN. THIS MAP. Is extremely open. When I do BR games and I'm shooting people I feel bad for them because of how helpless they are, its like the nearest spot of cover is 20 FT away..I usually let them live so that they won't quit out of frustration. But yea, this maps main cover, in the central area of the map is the Whale Tunnel (mentioned above) and the Killball Structure, which by the way is amazing too. Other than that, there is pretty much NO COVER. As someone mentioned above, there are a couple of stray Fins that looked like they were lazily added to make it look like you cared about placing cover, but really didnt...Im not trying to be mean I love this map and I love every game on it but people always quit out and complain to me that it is too open, which I sort of agree with and I think the problem could be remedied. You were probably trying to make the map more vehicle friendly right??cuz if you were I understand but the map needs more infantry love you know what I'm saying. Thats my only gripe with the map, Flag Spawn in Red, NO COVER, and also did you Budget Glitch this? Cuz a lot of times this map is laggy for me, but if it is just my buddies from overseas, please tell me Buuut....yea if you didnt fall asleep from that huge review, I think this map is amazing, and has a few simple problems that are keeping it from perfection