Don't have one. I could have swore I saw the map posted in either Casual Maps or Mini-Game Maps. It's an infection game. You can probably find it at Bungie using the search. Only version of it I have is the one that I modded and I'm not uploading that one or sharing it.
another one i find is colorblind + juicy, it doesnt have a very strong effect, it just makes the map look slightly darker without distorting the colors the way gloomy does
haha yeah i did im not so good at descriptions but theyre there specifially at the top of two of the columns in the middle
What are artificial effects? I'm talking about the visual filters playable in forge; and i've seen many maps that incorporate them, they can be great tools when you know how to use them. Too much or the time i see people use them just because of the initial wonder of it, that is so annoying. Ya. The placeable FX things.
Mmh. Most effects on most maps degrade from the playability and fun. However a zombie map decked out with lots of filters to make it appear like night works well and plays with the ascetics to provide a better map. But when five year olds throw all the effects down on their poorly constructed map it looks even worse. Here is a helpful guide: General Tips. Infection: Good with dark/black and white (but not always). General Maps: Generally detract from the playing experience (cause you can't see where your going). Make it or Break it. Poor map with effects=Horrible.* Average map with effects=Poor.* Good map with effects=Average.* Awesome map with effects=Good.* *Based on Forgehub members general reaction to effects. So in conclusion, effects should be added in to the map when they need to be not just cause your big brother said it looked interesting .
Well I've been working on maps with some effects. There is not only when and how to use them but sometimes the construction of your whole map can be at stake based on your choice of FX. Just like in a movie, lighting is important. During your planning and guesswork of your map you should consider the lighting as an option and how it is to be implemented. You got to think about the good, the bad and the ugly. I've made a map attempting to simulate night with filters but eventually when I got to pen and ink I immediatly herd everyone complain "I can't see" "This is not night" "Whats going on". This was on avalanche, when that last filter kicked in everything became bright! You might want to spend some time playing with your colors B4 u build your map and then see what it looks like for this reason. Like in my example if you are trying to make a night scene out in the open on avalanche u can pretty much hang it up. Everyone will have snow blindness. Doing it inside may work or away from the snow. Same thing happened to me on sandbox. In the middile of the map where all the towers focus their light, you can forget about making it dark there, but just outside the light its almost dark already. With the right choices you can make it pitch black so you barely see the gaurdians shooting you! So where you set your map is important too. Some filters combined with others provide minimal difference in color so it is wastefull Here is a little help for making the right choices. Nova: It seems to me this one makes everything brighter and blurry. (Be careful in already bright zones) Pen and ink: takes out the colors and turns things into grayscale. Bright things will be brighter and dark things will be darker. Good choice with juicy for night scenes because u can have darker colors Old timey: Takes out color and gives view a scratchy flicker, kind of annoying. But can be useful for a gradual decline in darkness. U will still see the flicker no matter what u mix it with so if u don't want this dont' use it. Gloomy: Darkens Overall map (seems like the opposite of nova) makes bright things like energy barriers MUCH brighter so their may be a sharp discomforting contrast putting too many bright things next to dark areas Colorblind: Almost like black and white. Juicy: Brings out color and gives map a more cartoonish look. Can make things look darker. Combine with dark maps to make them look better. Questions?
well quite obviously you take my as a child, and I assure I am not, sir XD and yeah one question: i never get the same effects you describe. when i put in Nova, everything gets so damn blurry it's unbelievable. especially on avalanche, goddamn!
Well I kind of said that. So make sure you see what the area u are building in will look like FIRST then forge if its acceptible. I was actually trying to clear up some issues with other members who could of asked questions espicially the guy who asked if effect were placed on forge will it be in a map. If anyone has any questions about lighting ask me and I'll help u out or just go back to my last post on pg 3. I'm making a map that uses fx pretty well so you'll see it soon enough and feel free to follow my example!
Most racetracks use the Juicy FX or other FX. But just some advice on using them: - Never use Nova for a map. Everrr - Don't use more than two effects combined - The only effects you should be looking to use on your maps are Colourblind, Juicy and Gloomy. - Don't use them on competitive maps. You should only really use them on race maps and infection maps. - Don't put the FX somewhere difficult to get to. Put them where you know they are otherwise when you go to delete them it gets annoying.
You can use more then 2 if you know what you are doing. Obviously I wouldn't combine nova with pen n ink because it looks aweful. BUT you can use them for a gradual fading into darkness. But don't forget WHERE your making your map because some effects look good in some parts of maps but not in others. Even nova can look good in the right place but i rarely use it.
Me too, those 2 look great on my urban themed map. Gloomy is good if you want a creepy or spooky feeling on your map but Juicy + Colour Blind keeps some of the colour, just makes it look a but dusky. I downloaded Skulls on Atlas, it uses gloomy. I tried switching it for Juicy + Colour Blind but it just looked odd. But the map does have 2 huge. creepy skulls looking down on you, so Gloomy was the best choice anyway.