One thing I'd like to say about myself is that I like to be my self and I'm always hyperactive, however, one thing in life I hate the most is the social crowds in High School and the memes and all that, everyone that wants to be cool and tries to be cool just seem to be like everyone else. I wear all black clothing every day, but I don't consider myself to be Goth Emo or Scene. It's just my style, not anyone elses. I hate it when people think they are awesome and all they seem to be able to say is "Dude, you're stupid." The fact is I'm actually smarter than most of my teachers. But anyway, that's how I feel about social zombies. Does anyone feel my pain?
It doesn't really matter, they're mostly all idiots who go to college, have the freshman 15, fail college, get kicked out of their parent's house, and work at micky D's. Though it may have been an exaggeration, it gets my point across. I say just be who you are and if people don't like you GOOD. You should show who you truly are and not fake it because if you fake it and have friends those friends might be after something that you don't have. for example say you start dressing like a goth to fit in with the goth kids, though on the inside you know you're not goth. The goth kids won't find what they want in you anyways. Be yourself and start your own group called "me." I prefer to have a few people like me for what I am rather than a few hundred like me for what I act out to be.
"Feel my pain" that sounds emo to me. But ya do what you want and what ever be yourself but im not guarenteeing the chicks will accept your social rebelion and like you for that. Sometime being a rebel gets in your way of getting laid . Thats just my two cents about this and your welcome to dissagree which i bet you will.
That's how I feel about it, the only person I hang out with is my girlfriend and a few of my close friends. I'm not trying to get girls by "being a rebel" I don't need to because I already have a hot girlfriend.
Just be who you are. Don't change for anyone. As for peopel who conform to fit in during high school, it's normal. Get over it. I am long since done with HS and college. Now that I look back, I realize that it all didn't matter that much. You will grow as person.
Obviusly, I used to have hordes of people follow me around because they thought I was cool which I didn't like so I started acting weird so they would leave me alone, now I just act fairly normal and I like it just fine that way. I just hate how no one tries to be different, they all use the same words to insult you and it's all really sad. I got called fat by someone who was fat and my ribs show, that's just how idiotic some people can be.
I believe that you are who you say you are, and if you say your someone else then you are. Now as for social zombies you are being mistaken. You really don't have to conform to anything. As long as you don't view it as classes then you're fine. Over the past few years I've found friends from the "nerdiest" kids in school, to the "popular" and "stoners". I like people based on how they act towards and around me. Sometimes that means i don't like a kid but that's not because they're "geeky" or "emo" its because they act in a way that would make me not like them.