Debate Do you think religion will last forever?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x DREAM 76 x, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    What is your logival reason to believe the bible?
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Honest to God (c what I did there?), there is absolutely no point in me posting after you. I think religion's influence will lessen in the up and coming years, but it certainly will never disappear. I believe only 5% of citizens in the US recognize themselves as Atheists (If that). There are others that don't belong to a specific religion but still believe in God. So I agree with Pegasi that religion has been pretty much hardwired into our society, and it won't be vanishing any time soon.
  3. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Humans/humanoids have been around for 3.2 million years "Lucy" discovered in Ethiopia. And religion has been around for much less than that mabey 300,000 years and prehistoric life forms such as dinosaurs have died out and many other things have died out as well even idea have died out such as some religions in ancient times. I dont think anything will last forever unless it adapts and evolves with time but to say it will go away soon would be false, its probably going to be around for some time until something replaces it. Possibly new ideas of higher beings or science replaces religion completely, thatd be interesting to see.
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Ah, but you contradict yourself as well. Also, a definition is not a fact. I could define the flying spaghetti monster as spaghetti that flies, but that doesn't make it real.
  5. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    I don't know if you explained this well because it sounds a bit wrong. What you're saying is that since the bible can define the word "christian" (a term created by the bible or its originators I believe) it must have some true parts to it. Just because it might have some true parts to it doesn't mean it has true parts. You can't count assumptions as evidence and I guess this is where faith comes in.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    That's me
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yeah I dont believe in a God myself and what you said about the only way science would replace religion was to have a large dicovery such as where atoms come from I agree with you on that like i had to write a large report on where i thought atoms came from and i have to say its not an easy thing to write about. Trying to say and support with logical facts where atoms derrived from is very difficult if not close to impossible. lol
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    religion is faith, a belief that your life isnt in your total control
    (to put it in my terms)
    religion will always be there

    with everything we discover, we discover more that we haven't
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    That's a valid point, but remember, Faith will be removed once we find out three important events.

    The beginning of time.
    The origin of matter.
    Why the big bang happens.

    These three theories are the only three needed to disprove God.

    So as long as these remain hidden we can all have faith, and only those who are ignorant or blind will refuse to have any form of faith.
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    ... I don't feel like commenting really...

    Also, to a comment you made earlier about how you will try to raise your kids religious. Why?

    One of the main things I greatest things I love my parents for, is that, while they raised me jewish, they didn't force Judaism down my throat, making sure I had no other options. I was raised with the option to remain jewish like my family or choose my own path, which I did needless to say. I think raising your kids and opening them up to all options before presenting your own would be the best way to raise a kid. So they don't feel pressured or in the need to follow their parents, and also have the knowledge of all other religions and beliefs before choosing their own path.

    I don't see you as someone who would like, full out force your kids to follow Christianity, but trying to make sure they are like you isn't a fair thing to the kid imo...

    But lets not get into a parenting debate lol...
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    disprove the god we are imagining right now
    most of us invision the christian god
    which is a severely flawed idea
    just think of a being on a higher plane, unreachable and transcendant and omniwhatnot
    well dont even think of a being, because it's not like being as we know it

    i will always believe in a god
    but its nothing like any religion that we have
    'god' is just a label, which cannot comprehend what god truly is
    religion in this kind will survive for eons
    and as long as it pushes people to do good
    then it should survive
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Well, it doens't always push people to do good.. We all know that. I know the diference from right and wrong naturally. I guess some people don't and that's why they need religion to guide them. I am starting to believe that the word god is just a quick way of settling the age old debate of how and why. It does nothing to really explain it. It just puts a peaceful end to the argument.
  13. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Well said x DREAM 76 x, but some of us don't want to be placated by an existence that's meaning is derived from a non-existent entity, and if fear is the only motivator people will respond to for doing good, than we are a sorry lot indeed.
  14. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Well, the whole idea of being an atheist is not believing in any form of god, which would entail not believing in any religion. I get what you are saying, that you can't discredit a whole source just because some parts are questionable. But you can't provide proof of the existence of god(s) because some stories in the bible relate to historical events and are therefore true. Even if part of the bible is true, you can't justify the whole thing being true. Neither Atheists nor Christians can prove/disprove the bible based on partial logic.
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    That's quite a controversial statement. Which morality would that follow?
  16. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Nothing Is forever not even religion considering it wasnt around in early human history and after humans it will be all but forgotten. We are not forever and our beliefs are not forever.
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yeah I was like "We are not bringing ET into this ****!" lol.
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, but they will worship the same one we do, just with a different view...
  19. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Uggh we are not going to debate about aliens and their possible religious beliefs thats just stupid. It was a missunderstanding in context and who even knows if theres other inteligent life near us.
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Oh, ok... Ignore that post then...

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