Sandbox Pitfall v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Crymzen, May 18, 2009.

  1. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    Pitfall v1-100% complete
    so this is my 2nd map i have posted on forge hub..the first one being a bit successfull in the area of feedback..i got alot of great advice from people on my last map and i hope for some of the same for this one

    Map Info
    pitfall is a team based map made for team slayer and capture the flag.this folllows the standard 2 bases seperated with a middle structure..but the middle structure is where it takes its name

    this entire map has been built arround the hole in the middle that leads to the grifbox at the exit to that whole is a killball so if u fall u die.anyway on to the pictures

    Red Base:

    Blue Base:


    The Pitfall:


    here is a list of the weapons and equipment on the map some of them do not spawn as start so the weapons are not "whored" just to make it fair for people.

    2xShotgun(not spawn at start)
    1xSword(not spawn at start)

    2xpower drain
    2xregen(not spawn at start)
    2xbubble shield
    1xovershield(not spawn at start)

    all the respawn times are the same as they r in normal slayer there are also 4 mongooses on this map 2 at each base

    there are 2 versions of this map and 1 gametype..there is the normal version and then the version for RCTF wich is reversed capture the flag where u spawn with there flag and have to wrok as a team to get it to there base to


    Pitfall RCTF

    RCTF gametype
  2. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well it seems you do have some very nice architecture going on in the center of your map. However there is far too little cover. On a good note the weapons dont seam overpowering and so game play could be competitive however in order for this to get to that stage lines of sight need to be cut a bit. Sadly this is even more open than the original sandbox. The not spawning at start power weapons are a good idea but I would have something to compete for at the start of the game maybe a totally different weapon that wont spawn again. Just shooting out ideas. The bases look very clean and had some effort put into them so I would keep that effort on a roll and do a little more for the currently open areas around the center and bases. If you make a v2 please feel free to PM me a link but as of now I dont have that much free map space so I might not be able to DL. However if you dont get much other advice I'll try and make room and get to it this weekend if you need me to.

    Edit: It does look like if someone grabbed a shotgun they could camp the entrances to the bases. You may want to incorporate another way up other than just the back. Possibly a jump up on each side.
    #2 Canadians360, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  3. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    hey thanks for the comment i apreciate it..i realy wanted to put in more cover but i ran out of ideas..i had a couple friends come in and take a look mand even they couldnt think of anything..i think i have been literaly owned by my own becuase anything else i place makes the map look off center for some reason..

    one thing i was thinking of was geomerging walls to just above head level but i dont know how to geomergo on sandbox..i always used the way with teleportes and doors on foundry but it doesnt seem u can do that on sandbox

    i see what your saying about battleing out at the is actualy a good idea to have a weapon spawn at start but then never again maybe a lazer?? but that might over power the map a little
  4. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    I like the bases but i feel like there should be more Structures around your map, maybe pathways leading to a second platform and etc... Most maps do better with elevations anyways, you shouldnt focus it all on the ground. But anyways nice map i want to see what ul do with it.
  5. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    thats not a bad idea having some more up high areas apreciate the feedback

    about another way up..there is another way up..i thought about people camping so i added a jump on eahc side..i also placed a sticky nad eon eahc jump to marl where it they are at the front beside the main entrances
    #5 Crymzen, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  6. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    [media][/media]Hope this helps although I think geomerging a wall would be an advance start. I think you could just interlock a few items into your already existant structures in order to provide more cover.

    Here is a picture guide I found a while ago on how to do it if you would like to educate your self now. Click Here
    #6 Canadians360, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  7. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    thanks for the video..i cant watch videos on this pc so ill have to check it out when i get on my main pc. but thanks in advance becuase im sure it will give me an idea on how to geomerge on sandbox
  8. Nutekiller

    Nutekiller Ancient
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    wow the map has like a mirror image!! I just down loaded it a little while ago and my friend and i played 1v1, he beat me only because he had the power wepons!! Who ever gets the power wepons first controls the game, just like assembly and orbital.. sand box is al about getting the chopper though.
  9. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    thanks for giving it a try nutekiller. yeah i built the map to be symetrical since its the best way to make it fair for both teams i normaly make maps so they are completley symetrical with nothing to fight over but with this map i added OS and rokets and sword so u can get a fight going over

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