Sandbox Halo Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CheeseJam, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    Elondor is back, with new fruit-filled ideas!

    -have a sort of hub, in which the 'units' spawn, and are able to talk to the commander, and pick the type of unit that they want/the commander needs. this could be accomplished by, ie; three or four slots (marines) in which lay a power up (on min-max switch) and a movable block. power up is grabbed as unit goes into slot, block drops, preventing more than one unit per slot. commander purchases the squad when it is fully built, which drops them through the same color powerup as the original (respawning the first on and opening the slot) and they land on the battlefield. wait longer (powerups set to min-max but a respawn of 45 seconds) and the squad is able to recieve more units, like an upgrade.

    -make it so only certain squads can have certain upgrades; ie: spartan slots come with smg's, but a turret or laser can be bought that only they can grab. same for marines, but with rockets and a regen.

    - have scattered "supplies", or snipers on map, with which the units can grab, take a tele to the commander box, and swith for another weapon giving the commander "supplies"

    -MAKE THINGS COST MORE!!! (or have less money overall) also make saving your money for things worth the time.

    -instead of the commander auto recieving "supplies", have it so he can pay a certain amout to unlock a sniper spawn, sort of like a supply pad.

    -give the comander some way to have leader powers, at least a mac blast which can be upgraded.

    -use an oln canvas to be able to have more objects on map, and a budget glitch if not already used (or if its actually necessary)

    -back to the slot idea, instead of buying a vehicle, the comander buys units who picked that specific vehicle, so that they have crap weapons (normally changed when they enter a specific slot) and are therefore encouraged to stay in the vehicle.

    -no man cannons? they are not very necessary and the budget/oject could be better used

    -current spawning system is VERY flawed. a well placed vehicle gives free spawning while uneven numbers of units spawn in each box. have the units either drop from the air or spawn under base to prevent unfairness

    -make it so the slot spawn areas are the only way to pick up weapons (custom powerup) so units are stuck with the purchased weapons and can't upgrade themselves from a dead unit.

    -no turrets? they aren't too effective, and they can be pulled of and used elsewhere.

    -no goose. not used in halo wars, and a waste of budget/objects

    -make base control more important, perhaps be makeing certain bases allow certain units to be made, or the more bases you control=more upgrades (tech level) avaliable (some sort of teleporter to a switch opening up a certain view to a purchase area)

    i HOPE my suggestions are at least being noticed, or being used by others, and if not i'll have to make my own halo wars variant XP
  2. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Replies in blue.

    I appreciate all the suggestions man! Maybe you should edit the map and make your own variant? :)
  3. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    You can't buy everything right away. You start with 8 shots. If you have 7 people on your team, you can release 4 of them max, and that is only if you don't buy anything else. Plus, Wraiths and Hornets don't even spawn at the beginning! :)
  4. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    I think that u should make either a version 2 changing some things around, or even better, a new halo wars map. The new one would have different bases, maybe vehicles and guns different as well. A little bit of a different arrangment and make necessary changes. The map would be even more popular and this could make for a fun new type of territories
  5. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I think I am all Halo Warsed out.... A lot of other weapons and vehicles would not work well on such an open map either.

    Anyone can feel free to make their own version though! :)
  6. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    I'm currently xboxless, but i have already planned everything for my own version, needing only to build it now. As it is, I'll be sure to let you know when its nearing completion so you can get a sneak peak.
  7. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I hope it turns out great! Some other people have said they are going to make their own version, but I haven't seen any yet... Maybe it is not as easy to make as it looks, eh? ;)

    May I remind people about the Halo Wars group on Bungie? I get a lot of FRs from people who want to play Halo Wars. That is exactly what this group is for, so why not join?
  8. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Ya I want to work on my version of your amazingly creative map but just haven't found the time. I still love your map and it would be great if you remade/ updated/ helped someone else make a version because I just think your forging skill and style is great.
  9. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Thanks, but I have no plans of a version 2. Anyone else can feel free to make one though!
  10. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Hey dude, I was playing this last night, and I had some trouble getting ammo for the sniper rifle. I didn't get ammo everytime I picked up the custom power up and there were times that I went 5 minutes without ammo. Also, without hte time limit, and lack of ammo, the game ended up lasting 40 minutes, before I ended it. Also, apparanely someone on the other team spawned in the crypt.

    Perhaps you could make a sniper rifle spawn instead of a custom power up? don't see why it wouldn't work.
  11. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Well a sniper rifle does spawn. You can't get ammo from a Custom powerup, unless you make it unlimited ammo. There are actually two sniper rifles in each Commander area; 1 to initially pick up, and another to keep spawning giving you ammo. I don't know why you weren't getting ammo, I haven't seen that happen before. Haven't seen someone spawn in The Crypt either before. Maybe it was a laggy game and things were getting screwed up?
  12. MachM1217

    MachM1217 Ancient
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    Tried it. It didn't work out very well for me. I read the introduction and instructions and I still couldn't figure it out. I really wish I could have figured it out too. GRRRRR. I couldn't see the fusion coils to shoot. WHERE ARE THE FUSION COILS!?!?!?!
  13. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    This is easily the best strategic map Ive soon on halo 3. Its huge, but all the vehicles make it easy to transport from place to place, i would really like to play this map with 16 people. Great job keep it up!
  14. jday1235

    jday1235 Ancient
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    looks very nice and fun for just a night of friendly gaming and i would say the time probably paid off this map's gonna go far

    Iv CLOCKWORK vI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great Map! Gameplay goes very well and is very fun even with small groups of around 6. After about two ammo rations, things can get a little boring as the Commander. Still very fun though.

    4.5/5 Awesome Map, Keep Forging
  16. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    The Commander must shoot pallets to release people from their spawns. The only fusion coil is the one next to the Hornet.
  17. papa roach

    papa roach Ancient
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    Hey dude, this map needs some more improvements to make it a lot better. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much money for the player. You can get 4 people out in the first minute. I would double the price of everything. Also you need some more basic improvements. I am too tired of waiting, so I am just going to improve it myself, if that is okay with you. I am not going to commit plagiarism, I just want to improve it already.
  18. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    I'm in the process of forging my own version (15% done) using most of the ideas i have previously come up with
  19. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Keep in mind, pap roach, that the default money is for a very large party.

    I forget everyone who said they were making their own version, but did anyone finish theirs yet? I would like to see another take on the idea. :)
  20. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Sounds Amazing, Giving it a DL now.

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