i really really hate to say this, but this is is almost the worst sig i have ever seen, if u have Gimp, go look up some tutorials on deviantart.com There you can find many tutorials to help you, trust me
Well, I hate to say this, but lets see some of your work...oh wait you have none! Cause your a dirty ripper.
Ok, this sig has several of problems. 1. First off, the render in no way blends, or even fits, really, with the background. 2. Secondly, the transition from blue to red is very sudden and very weird, you should make the change gradual using a gradient map. 3. It really doesn't look good to have 4 eagles that are all exactly the same, just resized. If you want a lot of eagles, try using more than one eagle render/stock so that it doesn't look like a bunch of copy-and-pasted eagles. 4. The blurring on the eagles is really weird, and overdone on some of them. Try to work on these issues, fixing them will make this sig much better. As HLG nOob pointed out, try looking at some tutorials on choosing a background and smoothly mixing the render into the background.
UM, its a lot better then some I have seen you make.. I think the sig looks nice, I find it kind of awkward that you made it so wide. You should definitely work on blending your render with your background and getting your background to fit with your render. That should help you out with your depth skills as well.
Well, thank you for the tips, i was kinda just messing around last night, I'm still not fully aware of all the effects usable in GIMP, I'm still learning. and oh yeah HLG look who's banned now :haha: