hm...I wonder where hells was today...He missed alot, HLG NoOb thread for instance, I'm gonna have to tell him about that. Anyway, I really wish you would do a tut, cause I love this piece. The effects are all nice, the only thing I would change is the effect that is to the right of his face, just looks odd IMO.
Well, I made this for a kid who was new to the site, i thought i would do something nice for once. :happy: He requested it to be orange, and have to do with the oracle, so this is what I got out of that combination. Tell me what you think.
The border is a little thick. Also there is some blue on the left side on a C4D, you might want to get rid of that blueish part. The text could use some placement work and different font could be in use. Try to make a version with a smaller oracle thingy.
Well, thanks. I made this in a little bit of a hurry, and not too much attention to that detail, but I'll watch out for these things in the future.
This is that guys request no? Anyway, on a more on topic note, maybe try smaller canvases and stocks, definitely try some stocks.
yeah....Well, don't create two different colors on the opposite sides of the render, and his hand floating there doesn't look good either. Also why the eagles? thats not very smart, they distract from the main focal
Ohh, i thought it would look good, and idk i thought it looked bland and i was going with the whole assassin's creed thing, which if youve ever played has the eagles as his like helpers? could you say.
(Original) (Darker and with text) (Text done by LAXER) Photoshop Name as much criticism you can think of other than the bg being 'too bright'.
Nice work Laxer, I think you should just turn the contrast up a tad on the render and move the lighting more to the right of his head, great work over all though. Hmm... You might want to try working on your effects and flow, also your lighting might need some work, the eyes seem a little bright, maybe try to change its colour or make the main colour of the signature more red. The depth is pretty good though, I can tell which is in the distance and which is right in front of my eyes. Nice work Eguitar! Love the effects and colours, if that is smudging, then great work, or how ever you got that effect, the colour scheme is great too, nice quality, how bout trying to get some text in there buddy? Maybe just an extra version. Personally I don't think the BG is TOO bright at all, it has a nice colour scheme going for sure. Your effects are getting extensively better, for this signature, I would have just try a different font of text, and maybe blending the left side of the render a little more.
This is from Halo 3 :ODST, it looked great, so i decided to cahnge the colors and render it myself and this is what i got V1(the dark version) V2(The light version) Which one do you think is better? And any comments/tips?
Okay, look, never ever ever use motion blur on the focal, and for now if you start with a stock don't try rendering it. Because as you can see there are white specs and other things around him that don't look good. Also, the c4d's they should be used more for effects, or blending purposes, these are bold and distract from the focal. The text also distracts from the focal, thinner different color border next time too.
Yeah, well, what you pointed out is one of the few things thats in there. Render with some c4dy thingies behind it, however that looks ok just throwing it out there. The text however just ain't throwing its best fast ball, try simplifying it and removing the scanlines. Then the colors, they're ok, but kinda odd looking IMO.
Well, I was feeling my inner-hippy and decided to make a jimi hendrix sig :happy: I, myself, just love how everythings tye-dye, but tell me what you think!
Well, the text is defiantly not the best, and the thing on his face! OMGosh the thing on his face! Its just so, so, swirly and odd looking. The bg is over sharpened or you added a grainy layer over it, which doesn't look good. The whole thing is maybe a 1.75/5 or 3/10 because its just so, so, so, I don't know, but in my experience I've never seen a rainbow sig come out good. So don't feel bad. I'm glad your happy tho' and that your still experimenting.