Okay, I am only going to be putting one of these in my fileshare and have yet to name them...Please tell me which one you think is the best and if possible tell me why. They are all pretty sick if you ask me. Thank you so much!
1st one because the golf ball looks like a ring. and it the spartan is more defined and has a slight redish tinge
I say the last one, the purple ring and faded sniper look great with the red lighting, the Spartan looks the same in about all three of them with minor differences, and the red glowing hieroglyphics look awesome.
1st or 3rd. In the second one, you can tell that it's a golf ball too easily. Neat idea to use the golf ball.
I say the first one looks the best I love the contrast between the dark lighting on the spartan and the brighter lighting on the golf ball. Plus the position and angle are better in my opinion
Okay, so it is down to 1st or 3rd...I feel like I need more opinions before I decide lol since it is 2-2.
Um really nice shots, and all, but not exactly original... Still, the added background for the third looks really nice...
I thought it was pretty original but I have never seen anyone do it before. So, you like the third one best? that makes it 2-3 for votes.
I think the 1st one is the best. The third one is just too bright in my opinion, and for this shot, I'd like it better if it was kind of more ominous. Also in the first one, the spartan is outlined by the light, and it looks better, also, you cannot tell that it is a golf ball in the backround.
1 and 3 are cool cause it doesnt look like a golfball but it looks like he is inside a bubble, 3 is best
Ahh!! This is so hard to decide between 1 or 3. I am still debating back and forth which one to pick.
go with 3 man... It's a lot better. The cool thing about 1 is that it looks like he's in a ring, But in 3 it does the same thing with another color, making it look MUCH better... it's 3 man...
Yeah, but one you can actually see the gun and it just makes the spartan stand out a little clearer as compared to 3. But 3 has a little better background but a little worse for clarity on the spartan.
I just asked me 2 brothers and they all said 3, I asked why and they said because you can't see the snipers end, but you can see just a solid red barrel on top of the blue/purple on the ball, IDK if that helps but, yeah...
i'm probably not that well know for screen shot's but what i would suggest is taking a fourth screen shot trying to incorporate all of the positive aspects of 1 and 3