So this guy messages me claiming that I stole Moon Waffle from his friend. Normally I get this stuff all the time, but this was the second time I had heard of it being stolen from the same person, and this irritated me. The person who stole it goes by the name of silverthumbtack. I've conveniently provided you with a link to this map where you can agree with the "stolen from devinish" tag. Do your worst. Here is the link I urge you not to send hate mail or anything like that just politely agree with the tag, and maybe leave a comment. No hate speech please, just let him know that he is a fraud. Thanks guys.
Back in the day we used to spam report threads on if they stole maps, and they'd get banned. Dunno if that goes down well nowadays, but I'll certainly agree with the tag and urge everyone else to do the same. Thanks for the link and info Dev.
That's not a bad idea either. Thanks all wise monkey of the sock variety. Ahhh, there's a great quote on Google today that really sums this up
Map theft is a strange mental phenomenon, anyone remember that guy who tried to steal TDH's map by placing a single shotgun (the single worst placed shotgun I have ever seen might I add), then save it as his own? He got his clan lackeys to back him up too, much as the flawed maths of his claim must have been obvious even to them. We will never understand such minds I guess, but I'm happy to join the fight against, all tags agreed with.
Yeah, I will tag it as well. You know the quote, "No news is good news"? Same thing can be applied with publicity. He has just got a load of bad publicity.
I'd like to see him explain how the elevator works, if he is the so called "creator". Also, good to see GoO wasn't featured in the Community Spotlight for nothing.
This is a time when I'm glad to be a member of Forgehub. Some idiot attempts to steal the greatest technical map out there, and we all go after him and get him banned. Nice job Devinish, glad we could catch the map thief!
I tagged it, even though I don't know you Devinish, I know you made it. Good work on the map btw. Stupid kids can't make their own maps nowadays. (I can't either But I don't steal...)